News of the server - August 2000
August 31 |
Yavlinsky's Lecture
at the Nobel Institute
Oslo, May 30, 2000
This is a very important moment for me. I feel honoured
to make a speech about the future of my country here
in Norway at the Nobel Institute. Thank you very much
for this invitation which I value very much. Thank
you also for your interest in my country. This is
what I find most pleasant here.
of Alexei Melnikov to the declaration of the head
of the North Fleet Vice-Admiral M. Motsak and the
speech of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian
Government I. Klebanov
The deputy of the Yabloko faction in the State Duma
Alexei Melnikov made the following statement in an
interview available on the Yabloko server today:
Yabloko thinks that the officials of the Government
and the Navy should not make any assumptions that
the crew of the submarine “Kursk” is dead until all
rescue possibilities have been exhausted.
August 24 |
By Alexander Romanovsky, Komsomolskaya Pravda,
August 22, 2000, p. 5
Observers and commentators cannot complain that
nothing has happened on the eve of the forthcoming
political autumn, which promises to be hot. How
can we assess the regime's relations with the political
elite? After all, the success or failure of the
reforms depends to a large extent on their support.
Alexei Mikhailov, Mikhail ZadornovVyedomosti,
July 19, 2000
One of the principle changes in the tax system,
which will be discussed by the Duma today, concerns
the transition in VAT payments with CIS countries
to the principle "country of destination".
What does this mean for Russia?
Yabloko Association. The 8th Congress. Resolution
No 116
July 9, 2000 Moscow
On the Democratic Coalition
Economics: Out With the Old And in With… What?
The Wall Street Journa, lby Peter Gumbell
- Staff Reporter of The Wall Street Journal,
December 20, 1990
MOSCOW – Hidden behind a high concrete wall
on the southern edge of Moscow is a cluster
of dachas for the Russian government elite.
Cooks serve up meals three times a day, while
maids deliver wicker baskets of the best sausage,
cheese and vodka for snacks. Chauffeur-driven
black Volga sedans stand ready to whisk the
pampered residents to town.
Westen soll ehrlich und direkt mit Ru?land verhandeln"
Ein F.A.Z.-Gespr?ch mit dem liberalen ?konomen
und Leiter der Jabloko-Fraktion, Grigorij Jawlinskij
Seite 18 / Dienstag 26. Janliar
1999. Nr. 21
„ MOSKAU, 25, Januar. Der liberale
?konom und Leiter der Duma-Fraktion „Jabloko",
Grigorij Jawlinskij hat den Westen angesichts
der russischen Wirtschaftskrise zu ehrliehen
und direkten Verhandlungen mit Ru?land aufgefordert.
Der Westen m?sse eine andere Einstellung gegen?ber
Ru?land zeigen.
Europa mu sich gegen Raketenanschl?ge sch?tzen“
W.A. DAVOS, 31. Januar. Die Absicht
der Vereinigten Staaten, sich mit einem Raketenabwehrsystem
zum Schutz gegen terroristische Anschl?ge auszustatten,
hat auf russischer Seite ein entsprechendes
Echo gefunden: In Moskau wird dem Vernehmen
nach ernsthaft erwogen, darauf mit dem Vorschlag
an die europ?ischen Nato-Staaten zu reagieren,
gemeinsam mit Ru?land ein ?hnliches System auf
dem alten Kontinent zu installieren. Wie beim
Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos am Wochenende
zu erfahren war, wurde diese Idee der amerikanischen
Au?enministerin Albright unl?ngst bei ihrem
Besuch in Moskau vorgetragen. Sie soll die Anregung
„h?chst aufmerksam und positiv" zur Kenntnis
genommen haben, sagte der russische Oppositionspolitiker
Jawlinskij, der diesen Plan der amerikanischen
Besucherin erl?uterte und sich nach eigenem
Bekunden in dieser Hinsicht mit dem russischen
Ministerpr?sidenten Primakow einer Meinung wei?.
August 23 |
of Grigory Yavlinsky to the Headquarters of the Northern
Press Realise, August 22, 2000
It is hard to find the words to express the pain
of loss and our endless condolences to all the relatives of the selfless
and courageous defenders of our Motherland who died
so tragically.
of lies that added to tragedy
The situation around the "Kursk" submarine
Yabloko faction insists on an independent parliamentary
enquiry into the causes of the “Kursk” submarine disaster
Press Realise, August 21, 2000
The Yabloko faction considers it necessary to conduct
an independent parliamentary enquiry into the causes
of the accident, in particular the rescue operation
of the nuclear submarine “Kursk”, First Deputy Head
of the Yabloko faction in the State Duma, Sergei Ivanenko,
told journalists today.
Travkin to leave Yabloko
Press Realise, August 02, 2000
Nikolai Travkin is leaving Yabloko Association and
the Yabloko faction in the State Duma of the RF. He
duly notified the leadership of the Association and
deputies of the faction in his application forwarded
to the Deputy Head of the Faction, Sergei Ivanenko.
leader of the St. Petersburg branch of Yabloko, Alexander
Shishlov, regrets Nikolai Travkin's decision to leave
the Association
Press Realise, August 02, 2000
The Chairman of the St. Petersburg branch of the
Yabloko Association, deputy of the State Duma of the
RF Alexander Shishlov, expressed his regret over Nikolai
Travkin’s decision to leave the Association and its
parliamentary faction. He made this statement on August
2, 2000.
guarantee of Deputy Alexei Yu. Melnikov
guarantee of Deputy Sergei V. Ivanenko
of the Deputy Public Prosecutor of Krasnoyarsk Territory
to Letter No 15.129-2000 of Guarantee of Sergei Ivanenko
of 19 July 2000.
leaflet to the inquiry of the State Duma "On
the parliamentary inquiry of the State Duma..."
Makarov (Krasnoyarsk): "Viktor Khamrayev, Deputies,
Demonstrate Solidarity with Their Former Colleague"
"Vremuya Novostei", July 20, 2000,
No 85, p.3
Yesterday the Duma supported its former deputy
Viktor Gitin (Yabloko), subject to criminal proceedings
by the Public Prosecutor of Krasnoyarsk Territory
since March 2000 for "accepting a large bribe".
Chuvash regional branch of Yabloko and the Chuvash
Organisational Committee of the Union of Right-Wing
Forces (SPS) decide to create a coalition of democratic
Press Realise, July 28, 2000
On July 27, 2000, a meeting was convened, attended
by Evgeni Lin Chairman of the regional branch of Yabloko,
Deputy Chairmen Valeri Makarevsky, Moisei Polyakov
and member of the Political Council Nikolai Solovyov;
Ivanenko: meeting between Putin and oligarchs unlikely
to influence the development of relations between
business and the authorities
Press Realise, July 28, 2000
The Deputy Head of the Yabloko faction, Sergei Ivanenko,
thinks that the meeting between the President of Russia
Vladimir Putin and representatives of large-scale
business on July 28, 2000, was convened as part of
a consultative process and was virtually a working
meeting. Ivanenko said that this was a "useful
discussion" for both sides.
Ivanenko: the State Council will become one of the
consultative structures under the President
Press Realise, July 28, 2000
Deputy Chairman of the Yabloko faction, Sergei Ivanenko,
thinks that the State Council can only be a consultative
body under the President of the Russian Federation:
"In general I do not attach great importance
to this structure," said Ivanenko in an interview
with journalists on July 28, 2000. He also pointed
out to journalists that at present there are "multiple
councils, and the State Council will probably become
another one".
is a mission. Yavlinsky's party rehearses its ability
to reach agreement on the right
Interview of Sergei Ivanenko by Sergei Miulin,"Segodnya",
No 151, July 13, 2000
Deputy Head of the Yabloko faction Sergei
Ivanenko expressed Yabloko’s views on the SPS to
the correspondent of "Segodnya" Sergei
Question: Sergei Viktorovich, what was the main
conclusion that Yabloko drew at the 8th Congress
over its defeat in the parliamentary and presidential
Ivanenko: The most important result can be summed
up as follows: we have managed to keep the party
Ivanenko calls on the Russian authorities to alter
its relations with business "from a state of
war at least to a state of truce"
Press Realise, July 24, 2000
Deputy Head of the Yabloko faction, Sergei Ivanenko,
thinks that the meeting of the President of the
RF Vladimir Putin with representatives of large-scale
business should not be based on " purely protocol".
In an interview with journalists on July 24, 2000,
Ivanenko added: "The Russian authorities should
move on in their relationships with business from
a state of war at least to a state of truce."
the parliamentary inquiry on the criminal prosecution
of Viktor Gitin, deputy from the Yabloko faction
of the State Duma of the second convocation
Press Realise, July 19, 2000
On July 19, 2000 the State Duma adopted a decision
to forward a parliamentary request to Public Prosecutor
General Vladimir Ustinov on the criminal prosecution
of Viktor Gitin, deputy from the Yabloko faction
of the State Duma of the second convocation.
insists that the increase in excises on oil products
should not be as significant as planned by the government
Press Realise, July 05, 2000
The Yabloko faction plans to insist that the increase
in excises on oil products should not be as significant
as the amount planned by the government.
Such a decision was adopted at a meeting of the
faction on July 4 on the threshold of votes on another
article from Part II of the Tax Code. The government
plans to raise excise duties on oil products to
compensate for the abolition of turnover taxes.
August 22 |
proposes establishment of a State Duma commission
to investigate the situation around “Kursk”
RBC, 21.08.2000, Moscow 14:12:44
Deputy Head of the Yabloko faction in
the State Duma, Sergei Ivanenko, thinks that a special
commission should be formed up in the State Duma to
investigate the situation around the “Kursk” submarine.
According to an exclusive interview with RBC today,
Yabloko will insist on a parliamentary investigation
into this situation to obtain answers to the questions
as to what was decided, who decided and how was it
decided that people's lives should be saved.
Yabloko faction is preparing its proposals on the
budget-2001, with an increase in expenditures on anti-terrorist
measures and compensation for the families of the
Tamara Ivanova, the ITAR-TASS
agency Moscow, August 9, 2000
The Yabloko party thinks that the "leadership
of the country bears political responsibility for
the explosion at Pushkin Square".
Deputy of the State Duma from Yabloko, Alexei Melnikov,
made this statement in an interview with an ITAR-TASS
of Sergei Ivanenko to the explosion in Moscow
"Echo Moskvi", Moderator
Alexei Venediktov, August 8, 2000, [19:40-19:50]
The leadership of the country and the
law-enforcement agencies bear political responsibility
for today's explosion at Pushkin Square, noted Deputy
Head of the Yabloko faction in the State Duma of the
RF, Sergei Ivanenko, in an interview with the Echo
Moskvi radio station.
Sergei Ivanenko, Vremya Novostei,
No 99, August 9, 2000
The main thing that happened during
Putin's year is that Yeltsin's era ended first in
actual fact and then legally. A new stage of the country's
development was launched. Putin's activity is in public
view: he began an anti-terrorist operation in Dagestan
which grew into a military conflict, he is trying
to implement economic reforms and reform of the federative
August 21 |
of Grigory Yavlinsky to the Mayor of Moscow, Yuri
Luzhkov, about the explosion in Pushkin Square,Moscow
August 11
Yu.M. Luzhkov
Mayor of Moscow
I am deeply shocked by the incident and express my
sincere condolensences to all the injured and their
relatives. I hope that the investigation will discover
the actual culprits behind this tragedy.
Ivanenko: Yabloko calls for a change in the procedure
for forming the Federation Council and State Duma
Press Realise, August 04, 2000
The Yabloko Association believes that changes needs
to be made to the procedure for forming both the Federation
Council and the State Duma. On August 4, 2000, Deputy
Head of the Yabloko faction in the State Duma Sergei
Ivanenko told journalists that an inquiry to the Constitutional
Court has been drafted, which contains a request for
more precise interpretation of the articles of the
Constitution, "to be more precise, to explain
what is understood by the term "formation"
of the Federation Council and whether the direct election
of members of the upper chamber is possible within
the context of said interpretation".
Lukin does not think that the State Council should
be provided with constitutional functions
Press Realise, August 03, 2000
Deputy Speaker of the State Duma, Vladimir Lukin
(Yabloko faction), believes that it would be irrational
to vest some constitutional functions with the State
Council. "In this case we would have a tri-cameral
parliament", noted Vladimir Lukinin in an interview
on August 3, 2000, commenting on the words of President
Putin that the State Council might be accorded constitutional
branch in Maritime Territory demands the dismissal
of the governor
Press Realise, August 03, 2000
The Yabloko branch in the Maritime Territory has
called on Konstantin Pulikovsky, plenipotentiary representative
of the RF President in the Far East Federal District,
to propose that the head of state dismiss Evgeni Nazdratenko,
Governor of Maritime Territory. In its letter to Pulikovsky,
Yabloko states: "Throughout virtually all the
past eight years, the fundamental constitutional rights
of RF citizens have been breached in Maritime Territory...
Lukin thinks that only a framework agreement on an
interim stage to the resolution of the conflict can
be signed at the Palestinian - Israeli talks in the
Press Realise, August 03, 2000
Deputy Speaker of the State Duma, Vladimir Lukin
(Yabloko faction) believes that in September participants
of the Palestinian - Israeli talks may sign a framework
agreement on an interim stage to the resolution of
the conflict.