April 30, 2004 |
the memory of Alexander Bovin
Grigory Yavlinsky, www.yavlinsky.ru,
April 30, 2004
The life and fate of Alexander Bovin demonstrate that it is impossible
to teach man to be free - you can only be born free. He lived the life
of a free man and no public or professional conventions could impede him.
HR Ombudsman Voices Concern Over Protests in Prisons
MosNews.com, April 28, 2004
Russian Human Rights Commissioner, Vladimir Lukin, sent telegrams
to the Prosecutor General, Minister of Justice and Prosecutor of
Chelyabinsk region in Urals, calling on them to investigate the
situation in local prisons.
Journalists: "Inner Slave" Restricting Press Freedom
MosNews.com, April 29, 2004
The U.S.-based human rights organization Freedom Watch
released a study document on the decline in press freedom in many countries
including Russia in 2003. According to the study, after being downgraded from Partly Free to Not
be Free in 2002, Russia continued on its course of restricting press freedoms.
Chance, The Federal Anti-Monopoly Service is "monopolized" by the
Vedomosti, April 29, 2004
According to Artemyev, the newly-formed team will implementYABLOKO's ideas
about the anti-monopoly policy of the state. He claims that he had informed
the President of his intentions at a personal meeting, and that the President
did not object.
Human Rights - new
human rights group wins U.N. refugee award
Reuters, April 30, 2004
"It has carried out its work in often very difficult situations
-- including in the North Caucasus -- and has earned the respect of all of
us in the international humanitarian community."
but No Hemp Lovers on May 1
By Oksana Yablokova, The Moscow Times, April 30, 2004
Yabloko will be joined by members and supporters of the Union of
Right Forces party, the Committee 2008: Free Choice movement, Greenpeace,
and the human rights organizations Moscow Helsinki Group, Soldiers'
Mothers and others, Yabloko spokeswoman Yevgenia Dillendorf said.
Say EU Deal Is Victory for Russia
By Alex Fak and Simon Saradzhyan, The Moscow Times, April 29, 2004
Arbatov said that while sharing positions on the seriousness of
threats such as terrorism and proliferation, the two sides have not advanced
far in practical cooperation. In part, the lack of cooperation is rooted
in Europe's failure to develop its own military and security capacity in
the form of a rapid deployment corps independent of NATO, he said.
Democratic Party YABLOKO and a number of public organisations
will hold the action "The Civil Society - against a Police
State" on May 1, 2004 in Moscow and in other cities.
The Russian Democratic Party YABLOKO, Bureau
of the Federal Council, April 29, 2004
Protesters will meet at 11:30 a.m. near the Chistiye
Prudy metro. The beginning of procession - at 12.00.
The column will march from the Chistiye Prudy metro along
Myasnitskaya street to Lubyanka square and conduct a meeting there
by the Solovetsky Stone at 12.30.
Moscow Mayor's Office gives the go-ahead to democratic march and
meeting on May 1
Press release, April 27, 2004
On Tuesday, April 27, 2004,
the Moscow Mayor's Office authorised the holding in Moscow of a democratic
march and a meeting under the slogan "Civil Society Against a Police
State" on May 1, 2004.
New Ombudsman Reports More Abuses in Chechnya
MosNews.com, April 26, 2004
"But there is a worry that there are new types of rights abuses
on both sides, and on a third side, by which I mean units under Chechen
President (Akhmad) Kadyrov," Lukin said. "These abuses are more
specific in nature and difficult to verify from Moscow."
call on Minister Khristenko to abolish imports of nuclear waste
into Russia
IA MiK, April 23, 2004
On April 22, 2004, the "Ecozaschita" (Ecoprotection)
group conducted an anti-nuclear action timed to coincide with the 18th
anniversary of the largest technogenic disaster in the history of mankind
- the disaster at Chernobyl nuclear power station. One person was detained.
Victim Is Right Now
By Vladimir Lukin, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, April 13, 2004
The rights of the victims, including the right to obtain legal aid,
are guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and are recognised
under universal principles and norms of the international law.
Does Not Want to Begin with "Horrors"
By Kira Latukhina, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, April 9, 2004
I agree that workers of the interior should
be paid a dignified wage. But this is only one of many factors. They should
also have self-respect and a legal culture. Then the citizens would
look at them differently and follow their example.
Will Help the Novoye Vremya Magazine
Korpunkt.ru, March 25, 2004
"I aim to do all I can to ensure that this magazine which is
the face of Moscow is published again."
April 29, 2004 |
Vishnevsky - updated
April 27, 2004 |
thinks that liberal reforms have not been conducted in Russia yet
special for www.yalvinsky.ru, April 22, 2004
There has been no modern, serious, systematic
liberal approach to the Russian reforms for the past ten years, stated
represents Russia in international conferences
special for www.yalvinsky.ru, April 23, 2004
On April 23-25, 2004, Griogry Yavlinsky will participate in the
conference conducted by the Ditchley Foundation, and international
non-profit organisation, and devoted to Russia Russia as a Stable
and Flourishing Partner.
On April 27-30, 2004, Yavlinsky is invited to make a speech at the European
annual meeting of the World Economic Forum.
Civil Union of Vladimir began its work in Vladimir
Press release, April 24, 2004
A new public organisation -
the Civil Union of Vladimir was established in Vladimir. The founders of
the union are regional branches of two parties – the Russian Democratic
Party YABLOKO and the Union of Right-Wing Forces (SPS).
the President Is Going To Say in His State of the Nation Address
The Moscow News, No 15, 2004
Mikhail Zadornov, deputy
of the State Duma: I am looking forward to promulgation not only of plans
for the next year but also of a four-year program. I believe that the
main highlights of this state-of-the-nation address will be tax reform,
social policy innovations, and mortgage programs.
Prepared to Sign Interim Agreement with Russia on Visa-Free Regime
Rosbalt, April 23, 2004
The European Commission
president emphasized that the transition to a visa-free regime in the
long term would give 'practical confirmation of the devotion of both sides
to the creation of a Europe without borders.'
April 26, 2004 |
With U.S. Called Key to Fighting Terror
By Simon Saradzhyan, The Moscow Times, April 23, 2004
Russia and the United States need to institutionalize
their efforts to
disrupt agents of international terrorism and proliferation of weapons
mass destruction before they link up to carry out attacks of catastrophic
proportions, top security analysts from both countries said Thursday.
Thinkers Ponder Russia's Path
By Caroline McGregor, The Moscow Times, April 23, 2004
Some 200 thinkers from both sides of the Atlantic gathered in Moscow on
Thursday to discuss the last 10 years of Russia's relationship with democracy,
asking how far Russia has come and how far it has yet to go.
April 22, 2004 |
Can Be No Good and Bad Guys Among Terrorists
Interview with Alexei Arbatov by Tamara Zamyatina, Echo Planeti,
No 14, 2004
In general, and I am stressing it once again, Israel was right to
liquidate Ahmed Yasin. My only criticism is that they should have
done this much earlier.
New website Civil Society
Against a Police State opened in the Russian segment of the Internet
April 19, 2004
The website contains information on the democratic
march to take place on May 1, the addresses of the participants
of the march and the meeting to the public, all other documents
and links for feedback with the coordinator of the project, as well
as the guest book. There is also a website search option www.soprotivlenie.info
a Worn-Out Nag
By Andrei Piontkovsky, The Moscow Times, April 19, 2004
The myth of a struggle between so-called liberals and
siloviki within the presidential administration has proven surprisingly
durable. In fact, moral and political unity reigns among the political
April 21, 2004 |
Yavlinsky: The ban of the First of May march is symptomatic
Interview with Grigory Yavlinsky by Marina Gvozdevskaya, BBC, April 9, 2004
"...And this is connected with the fact that the action was
announced as "Civil Society Against a Police State," and
it was banned because it was stated in such an open and clear way."
is time to protect the Constitution
The Russian Democratic Party YABLOKO, Appeal to Russia's independent public organisations, April 2, 2004
Freedom of assembly is one of the first victories of the Russian democracy.
At present we can be deprived of this our conquest. The authorities have
already done away with the independence of the large mass media and discredited
the institution of free elections.
the democratic march of May 1, 2004
Press-Service of the Moscow branch of YABLOKO, April 12, 2004
On April 9, 2004, the Moscow Mayor's Office refused an appeal from the
Democratic Party YABLOKO and a number of public organisations to hold
a march on May 1, 2004, under the slogan "Civil Society Against a
Police State." The formal grounds for the refusal stated that the
documents had been incorrectly drafted.
the attempt of derangement of the elections in the Shatura District,
Moscow region
The Russian Democratic Party YABLOKO, Bureau of the Federal Council, Statement, April 16, 2004
The Russian Democratic Party YABLOKO expresses its categorical
protest against canceling the elections of the head of the administration
of Shatura District, Moscow region.
April 17, 2004 |
State and Television
By Yevgeni Kiselyov, Editor-in-Chief of Moskovskiye Novosti (Moscow
News) weekly, MosNews.com, April 16, 2004
Three years ago, when many of my friends and I said that developments
at NTV represented the start of an attack on democratic rights and freedoms,
including freedom of the press, nobody believed us. We were mocked, sometimes
very crudely and cynically.
April 15, 2004 |
and Barricades: History Repeats Itself
IA MiK, April 14, 2004
...Meanwhile, another application on conducting a democratic march
and signed by the leader of the Russian Democratic Party YABLOKO
Grigory Yavlinsky, Chairperson of the Moscow Helsinki Group Ludmila
Alexeeva and Chairperson of the Committee of Soldiers' Mothers of
Russia Valentina Melnikova was submitted to the Moscow Mayor's Office
on April 12, 2004.
Moscow Mayor's Office refused the application from Russian Democratic
Party YABLOKO and a number of public organisations to hold a meeting
on May 1, 2004
Press release, April 9, 2004
In addition to YABLOKO, the following organisations planned to participate
in the action: the Committee-2008, the Union of Right-Wing Forces (SPS),
the Moscow Helsinki Group, the movements "For Human Rights," "Common
Action", the Committee of Soldiers' Mothers, as well as a number of
environmental organisations and independent trade unions.
Forbidden from Holding Meetings in Moscow
RIA "OREANDA", April 9, 2004
On 1 May participants in the action planned to march along Myasnitskaya
Street up to Lubyanka Square and hold a meeting on the square near the
Solovetsky Stone. About 6,000 people planned to take part.
Mayor's Office turns down YABLOKO's application to organize a demonstration
By Konstantin Demchenko, Russkiy Kurier, No 75, p.1, April 10, 2004
Yesterday the Moscow Mayor's Office refused the request
of leaders of the YABLOKO party to allow them to organize a demonstration
and a rally on May 1. The demonstration was to take place under the slogan:
"Civil society against a police state".
Criticizes Draft Law Limiting Freedom of Assembly
MosNews, April 12, 2004
Putin called the restrictions on the freedom of assembly "unwholesome".
He said that "in terms of our reality", the right to hold demonstrations
and processions should not be limited, the agency reported.
Condemns Protest Bill
Combined Reports, The Moscow Times, April 13, 2004
Putin is sensitive about his democratic image after being criticized
by the opposition and some Western governments for dominating the state-run
airwaves in the run-up to his landslide re-election March 14.
as a member of Liberal International - updated
Yavlinsky wins Prize for Freedom 2004
Liberal International, Awarded Freedom Prizes, 2004
This years Liberal International Prize for Freedom has been awarded
to Grigory Yavlinsky, head of the Russian Democratic Party Yabloko,
for his defence of liberal democracy and market economics in both
the USSR and the Russian Federation.
of Assembly - new
Court Rejects Vote Complaint
The Moscow Times, April 15, 2004
A Krasnoyarsk court Tuesday rejected a complaint from
the liberal Yabloko party to invalidate the result of the Duma vote in
three Krasnoyarsk single-mandate districts.
April 14, 2004 |
Deputies' Perks Under Attack
By Francesca Mereu, The Moscow Times, April 13, 2004
State Duma deputies take home a paycheck of $600 a month,
but with perks like free housing, unlimited domestic air travel and long-distance
calls their salary packages are worth closer to $50,000 a year.
April 12, 2004 |
Russian HR Activist Dies
MosNews, April 9, 2004
Famous Russian human rights activist Larissa Bogoraz died
in Moscow on
Tuesday. She was 74.
Am Back Where I Belong
By Yevgenia Albats, The Moscow Times, April 12, 2004
The State Duma has
given initial approval to a bill that would severely restrict the right
of assembly. Shortly after the Duma vote, the Moscow city government denied
the Yabloko party a permit for a May Day demonstration in downtown Moscow.
And finally, the Moscow City Court convicted arms control researcher Igor
Sutyagin of treason and sentenced him to 15 years in prison.
April 9, 2004 |
Yavlinsky: Growth without Development
Interview with Grigory Yavlinsky conducted by Nadezhda Petrova, Russkiy Fokus, April 5-11, 2004
When the national leader says that Russia is a democracy
working to create a competitive society, that is precisely what journalists
will report in all the newspapers. Everyone will find it to their liking
- Western leaders and Russia's liberal intelligentsia. Particularly the
latter, since the intelligentsia is almost weeping in gratitude that the
president is saying what they want to hear from him.
to Stage Protest in Russia
RIA "OREANDA", April 5, 2004
At a meeting ended on Saturday night, 3 April, 2004, the Committee
2008: Free Choice decided to join the protest action "Civil
Society -Against Police State", initiated by the YABLOKO party,
a number of remedial and ecological organizations of Russia, - journalists
were told by YABLOKO Deputy Chairman Sergei Mitrokhin.
to Propose Amendments to the Forestry Code
RIA "OREANDA", April 5, 2004
By and large, the RF Ministry of Natural Resources
and the Russian Democratic Party "Yabloko" will cooperate on
environment protection and efficient nature management.
Supporters Stage a Picket by the Duma
RIA "Novosti", March 31, 2004
Picketers were protesting against the draft law on rallies, meetings,
demonstrations, processions and pickets, which the Duma will discuss in
the first reading.
Yavlinsky: the goal of boosting votes for United Russia to 40% and
probably of raising turnout, affected the results of the parliamentary
Interview with Grigory Yavlinsky conducted by Denis Babichenko, Itogi, March 30, 2004
In my opinion, despite all our documented arguments,
the courts will reject everything and the people will only start to believe
that it was pointless seeking honesty at the elections.
Conference with Russian Ombudsman Vladimir Lukin
RIA Novosti, March 25, 2004
My chief impression from one month of work is that in the country a serious
and logical system should be established for out- of-court legal defense.
April 6, 2004 |
Rethinks Ban on Protests
By Caroline McGregor, The Moscow Times, April 5, 2004
In the wake of "serious social resonance," the
State Duma's United Russia majority backpedaled from outright support of
a bill banning rallies in many public places Friday, just two days after
voting in favor of it.
April 3, 2004 |
Demonstrates Against Restrictions to Freedom of Assembly
MosNews, March 31, 2004
Activists of the Russian liberal party Yabloko held a
protest rally near the building of the State Duma on Wednesday morning.
agrees with Khodorkovsky's view about the crisis in Russian liberalism
Ekho Moskvi, March 29, 2004
"Speaking in general, we have managed to open the door of the cage
the Soviet people were kept in for so many years,"
near Embassies to be prohibited in Russia
pravda.ru, March 31, 2004
Demonstrations are addressed to the authorities.
How will the authorities know about popular protests, if the demonstrations
are held in residential areas?
Accuses Government of Violating Constitution
Rosbalt, March 31, 2004
Yabloko says the government's new legislation
on limiting public demonstrations violates the foundation of Russia's constitution
and is aimed at eliminating civil rights which are guaranteed by Article
31 of the constitution.
Yavlinsky comments on the declaration by President Putin to fight
against corruption
Anchor: Vladimir Baburin, Radio Liberty, March 25, 2004
If there is no public control, if there are
no public organisations such as trade unions, political parties, different
citizens' associations, if we have a one-party parliament which also belongs
to the same party of power, in these conditions we can do nothing to fight
the Situation in Kosovo
Declaration of the Ombudsman of the Russian Federation Vladimir Lukin, IA Regnum, March 23, 2004
Every time the lofty idea
of protecting the rights of one people becomes the source of the violation
of the rights of another people.
April 2, 2004 |
Bill Curbing Mass Rallies Gains
By David Holley, Los Angeles Times, April 1, 2004
In a move that could push protests largely out
of the public eye,
Russia's lower house of parliament gave preliminary approval Wednesday
to a
law that would ban demonstrations from a wide range of places, including
areas close to highways, government buildings and diplomatic missions.
Indisputable Crisis of Russian Liberalism
By Mikhail Khodorkovsky, The Moscow Times, March 31, 2004
If someone had told me a year ago that the Union of Right Forces and
Yabloko would fail to clear the five percent barrier in the State Duma
elections, I would have had serious doubts about his competence as a political
analyst and forecaster. Today the collapse of both parties is a reality.
Meetings a Thing of the Past?
Aleksei Levchenko, Rosbalt. Translated by Alex Anderson, Rosbalt, April 1, 2004
The Duma has adopted a very interesting new law. Deputies
have decided to
severely regulate public meetings, marches and pickets. After carefully
reading it, critics of the new legislation have concluded that the right
hold any mass meeting will now be in question.
Bill Sharply Restricts Rallies
By Caroline McGregor, The Moscow Times, April 1, 2004
As the United Russia majority in the State Duma gave preliminary approval
to a bill outlawing protests near government buildings Wednesday, pro-democracy
activists staged a rally outside the Duma's main entrance to insist on
their right to do just that.