Arms Control
Press releases
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Disarmament and Arms Control – Using the New
Momentum in the Debate for a “Global Zero”
Resolution of ELDR Congress,
Helsinki, October 13-15, 2010
submitted by FDP, Germany,
and YABLOKO, Russia
The European Liberal Democrat and
Reform Party, convening in Helsinki, Finland, on 13-15
October 2010:
ELDR welcomes the new drive in the
debate on nuclear disarmament and arms control that
has been neglected for too long. This progress is
reflected in particular in President Obama’s
speech in Prague and also in the debate on the declining
importance of nuclear weapons laid down in NATO’s
new strategic concept and in the successful conclusion
of the 2010 Review Conference on the Non-Proliferation
of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)... MORE
liberals’ congress adopts a resolution of nuclear
disarmament motioned jointly by German FDP and YABLOKO
Press Release, October 15,
Today, on October 15, the Congress
of the European Liberals and Democrats party, ELDR,
(Helsinki, October 14-15) adopted resolution Nuclear
Disarmament and Arms Control – Using the New
Momentum in the Debate for a “Global Zero”
motioned jointly by the German FDP party and YABLOKO.
“ELDR perceives nuclear
disarmament and arms control as a corner stone of
the global security architecture. ELDR explicitly
commits itself to the establishment of a world free
of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction.
However, ELDR wants the progress in the current debate
to have an impact on conventional disarmament,”
runs the resolution...
...Yesterday on October 14, YABLOKO’s
leader Sergei Mitrokhin representing the party at
the ELDR Congress met with Ambassador of Russia in
Finland Alexander Rumyantsev for discussion of some
issues of Russia-Finland relations. In addition, Mitrokhin
and Rumyantsev (who had previously headed the Russian
Ministry for Atomic Energy in 2001-2005) discussed
the problems of the nuclear energy sector. |
of Alexei Arbatov’s book “The Equation
of Security
Press Release, April 5, 2010
Presentation of a book “The
Equation of Security” by Dr.Alexei Arbatov,
member of YABLOKO’s Political Committee, head
of the International Security Centre with the Russian
Academy of Sciences, took place in YABLOKO’s
Moscow office today. YABLOKO’s leader Dr.Sergei
Mitrokhin and member of Political Committee and the
founder of the party Dr.Grigory Yavlinsky participated
in the presentation.
The book offers an assessment of the
international security system and the place of the
Russian Federation in the present changeable concept
of international relations. Some of the key postulates
of the book lie in the decision of YABLOKO’s
Political Committee “On Russia’s Foreign
Policies”... |
On Iran’s
Nuclear Problem
Resolution by the Political
Committee of the YABLOKO party. October 6, 2009
The Russian United Democratic Party
YABLOKO expresses its deep concern in view of the
new aggravation of the situation around Iran’s
nuclear problem.
A secret construction of the second Iran’s uranium
enrichment plant, which the world public has learned
about, shows that Teheran continues its course towards
challenging the UN, as well as regional and global
security. New tests of ballistic missiles, including
medium-range Shahab-3, have shifted the crisis into
a dangerous phase...
Iran’s procession of nuclear
weapons presents considerable threats for the national
interests of Russia, the USA, the EU countries and
the entire civilised world. Russia can not allow being
turned into a target of nuclear blackmail from another
neighbouring state...
The Russian United Democratic Party
YABLOKO thinks that it is high time for Russia to
take a principled position, stop lulling itself about
Iran’s intentions, as well as break Iran’s
tactics of playing on discrepancies between the great
superpowers and using Russia in its own interests
contradicting to the international security goals...
Yavlinsky: implementation of the agreements between
the US and the RF presidents will open doors to Europe
for Russia
Press Release, May 28, 2002
The leader of the Yabloko faction of
the State Duma of the RF Grigory Yavlinsky thinks
that the agreements reached during the Moscow summit
of the US and the RF presidents "will open doors
to Europe" for Russia.
Yavlinsky stresses the importance of the Russian-American
agreements signed in Moscow
Press Release, May 25, 2002
Grigory Yavlinsky, leader of the Yabloko
faction of the State Duma of the Russian Federation,
thinks that the fact that agreements signed during
the Moscow summit of presidents of the RF and the
USA Vladimir Putin and George Bush are subject to
mandatory implementation represents "a victory
of the Russian diplomacy".
YABLOKO party: the treaty on a reduction in offensive
weapons meets new security requirements and the new
spirit of cooperation between Russia and the USA
Press Release, May 15, 2002
Russian Democratic Party YABLOKO supports the treaty
on a reduction in offensive weapons that has to be
signed during the Russian-American summit in Moscow
on May 23-26, 2002.
Publications |
Objective View of the START-1 treaty
By Alexei Arbatov. March 11,
START-1 does not affect the viability
of Russia's ground-mobile missiles. Authoritative
representatives of the RVSN (the former and new commanders,
the former and new chiefs of the MoD 4th Central Research
Institute, and others), and there are no grounds for
trusting them less than to Colonel Belov, Generals
Ivashov and Chervov, or Marshal Yazov, who are not
even missilemen.
Things Up at Putin's Picnic
By Grigory Yavlinsky, The Moscow Times, June 6, 2003.
The top-level meetings held in St. Petersburg last
weekend produced positive results for Russia, Europe
and the entire world.
Leader Expresses Satisfaction With U.S.-Russia Summit
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, May 25, 2003
Yabloko faction leader Grigorii
Yavlinsky told RFE/RL's Russian Service on 25
May that he considers the declaration on Russian-American
strategic cooperation signed last week by Presidents
George W. Bush and Vladimir Putin an even bigger achievement
than the new strategic-arms reduction treaty that
they also signed.
Nuclear Bomb in Stars and Stripes. Deputies Ordered
to reduce them
Interview with Alexei Arbatov by Marina Ozerova, Moskovskiy
Komsomolets, May 15, 2003
Yesterday the State Duma ratified the Treaty on the
Reduction of Offensive Potential, which was signed
a year ago by Presidents Putin and Bush.
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, April 23, 2003
Arbatov noted that the conflict over Iraq "has
exposed differences in the two countries' approaches
to solving key problems of international security
and stability."
May Ratify Arms Reduction Treaty in May
Rosbalt, April 16, 2003
The treaty will, above all, limit US forces, which
are considerably stronger than Russia's, explained
He emphasized that Russia had insisted on a written
form of the form, whereas the US intended to "confirm
the agreement with a handshake."
Russian MPs advocate early ratification of the US
arms reduction treaty
ITAR-TASS, April 8, 2003
There is no point in delaying ratification of the
Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty [SORT], also
known as the Moscow Treaty between Russia and the
United States, irrespective of developments in Iraq,
according to prominent members of the State Duma,
or the lower house of Russian parliament.
State Duma Analyses the Strategic Reductions Treaty
Gazeta, by Ivan Yegorov, Vitaly Mikhailov and Anastasia
Matveyeva. October 2, 2002
Boris Nemtsov, leader of the Union of Right-Wing Forces
(SPS), proposes that all democratic forces agree to
back one candidate for president after the parliamentary
election in 2003. The formula is simple. Each party
nominates its own candidate. The Duma election shows
who has won. All democratic forces support the candidate
whose party gathered the most votes, Russia and the
USA have launched the ratification of the Treaty on
Strategic Arms Reductions, which was signed in an
attempt to fill in the vacuum left by the US withdrawal
from the 1972 ABM Treaty and refusal to ratify START-2.
Hearings in Russia and the USA are being held behind
closed doors, but this newspaper has learned some
details of the recent State Duma hearing.
Will Russia Spend the $20 Billion Promised at
the G8 Summit in Canada?
Nezavisimoye Voyennoye Obozreniye No. 23, July 2002
The recent G8 summit in the Canadian town of Kananaskis
decided to allocate substantial funds to the programme
for eliminating Russian stockpiles of weapons of mass
destruction. Deputy Chairman of the Defense
Committee of the State Duma Alexei Arbatov talks with
Salavat Suleimanov about eliminating weapons and appropriating
the money.
in Russia skeptical about the G8 decision to help
the Kremlin dispose of its deadly Soviet-era arsenal
By MARA D. BELLABY, Associated Press, June 28, 2002
MOSCOW - The decision by the world's wealthiest industrial
nations to help Russia dispose of its arsenal of nuclear,
biological and chemical weapons won support from some
quarters here on Friday, but angered others as a sign
of Russia capitulating to the West.
III Putin's Breakthrough, says Russian Reform Activist
RIA Novosti. May 24, 2002
MOSCOW, May 24 [from RIA Novosti's
Arina Dovgan] - Russian-US summiteers have signed
a strategic offensive armaments reduction treaty.
It came as a breakthrough for President Vladimir Putin,
considering that a mere six months ago the USA was
refusing to sign any documents at all, says Grigory
Yavlinsky, prominent Russian politician and leader
of Yabloko, a major reformist parliamentary group.
lawmaker predicts swift ratification of U.S.-Russian
arms deal in Russian parliament
Press Writer, May 21, 2002
MOSCOW - Despite nationalists' grumbling
that Russia caved in to the United States to strike
a nuclear arms deal set to be signed during this week's
presidential summit, a senior lawmaker on Tuesday
predicted its trouble-free ratification by the Russian

Door to Europe is in Washington
Yavlinsky Obschaya Gazeta, May 16, 2002
After September 11, 200,
Russia's foreign policy abruptly changed. Despite
the policy carried out in summer 2001, symbolised
by Kim Chen Ir's travel by armoured train across Russia,
despite the opinion of the so-called political elite,
Vladimir Putin unreservedly supported the USA in their
fight against Ben Laden's terrorists and the Taliban.
Ivanov Defends US Arms Deal
ANGELA CHARLTON, Associated Press Writer, May 15, 2002
MOSCOW (AP) - Russian Defense Minister
Sergei Ivanov dismissed accusations Wednesday that Russia
had compromised its national interests in agreeing to
an arms control pact with the United States that slashes
arsenals by two-thirds. |
Headache (How can Russia respond to NMD plans?)
Interview with Alexei Arbatov, Obshaya
Gazeta, June 28, 2001
Quite a few foreign mass media publications continue
to voice their bitterness and disappointment as President
Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation has allegedly
dashed the international community's hopes of a new
era in Russian-US relations after the Ljubljana summit.
In other words, Putin has made three statements over
the past seven days, referring to Russian readiness
to beef up its nuclear forces in response to America's
NMD (National Missile Defence) programme. Alexei Arbatov,
deputy chairman of the State Duma's Defence Committee,
had this to say on the issue.
military doctrine and strategic nuclear forces to
the year 2000 and beyond
Alexei Arbatov
Present Russian military doctrine is based on a document
approved at a Security Council session on 2 November,
1993. On that same day, the document, "Principle Guidance
on the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation"
( PGMD) was officially legalized by Presidential decree
No. 1833 (1). Whatever the outcome of continuing work
on its revised version, there is reason to expect
its main points will remain the same.
Moscow Center-sponsored seminar on START-ABM Treaties
By Alexei Arbatov
In the finest traditions of the young Russian parliament,
I will start by disagreeing with your basic premise.
I think that the forthcoming June summit will not
bring any breakthroughs. This, of course, does not
mean that breakthroughs will come after the U.S. presidential
election. On the other hand, one cannot exclude a
breakthrough in the next year, after the new President
moves into the White House.
next steps in arms control: a Russian perspective
By Alexei Arbatov
Putin can control the Russian domestic environment
and he can provide consistency for arms control agreements,
which Russia may engage in with other countries. Neither
of these two characteristics were true of the Yeltsin
Regime, during the 1990s. That is good news and certainly
a very important change. But there is bad news, and
let me talk about it in much greater detail.
David Johnson talks with Alexei Arbatov, member of
the Russian Parliament, for "Russia's Nuclear Crisis"
with Alexei Arbatov
statement at the Carnegie roundtable discussion
Madeleine K. Albright
I am delighted to speak with such a distinguished
group and I want to thank you each for giving me this
opportunity today. As a student of Russian history
and society, I appreciate the important role of Russian
thinkers and intellectuals. To a large degree, you
shape the way Russians view the West. I occasionally
look at the Russian press myself and have seen what
some of you have written, as well as what has been
written about me. I am glad to say that I've been
called worse things in the American press than my
Russian nickname "Gaspozha Stal."