YABLOKO party complied with the state registration
requirements stipulated by the law “On Political
Press Release, September 11, 2002
The Russian Democratic Party YABLOKO met all state
registration requirements in compliance with the law
“On Political Parties”. Registration certificates
for the party in 54 federation subjects (in 46 federation
subjects the party members have over one hundred members)
were forwarded to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian
Federation on September 11, 2002.

of handing the state registration certificate of the
Russian Democratic Party YABLOKO to Grigory Yavlinsky
Moscow, Ministry of Justice,
May 22, 2002.
Photos by Sergei Loktionov and Olga Shweitzer
registration of the Russian Democratic Party YABLOKO
handed to its Chairman Grigory Yavlinsky
Press Release, May 22, 2002
The Ministry of Justice of the Russian
Federation has registered the Russian Democratic Party
YABLOKO as an all-Russia political party.
December 22, 2001
We, the citizens of Russia, have joined the Russian
Democratic Party Yabloko (RDP Yabloko) to work by
legal means to establish in Russia a contemporary
law-based social state, form an effective market economy
and emerge a civil society.
Welcoming address of President of the
Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to the delegates of
the 10th Congress of the Yabloko Association
22, 2001
I welcome congress delegates.
Photo Gallery. The 10th congress of
Moscow, December 22-23,
2001 photos by Olga Scweitzer and Sergei Loktionov
Grigory Yavlinsky elected Chairman
of the Russian Democratic Party Yabloko for a three-year
Press release, December
23, 2001
Grigory Yavlinsky elected Chairman
of the Russian Democratic Party Yabloko for a three-year
term until December 31, 2004.
Heads of the Council of Europe, the
Liberal International and political parties send welcoming
addresses to Yabloko's congress
Press release, December
22, 2001
Welcoming addresses from renown European
politicians and a range of foreign political parties
were received by the 10th congress of Yabloko.