A rally organised by the YABLOKO party in Klin, Moscow
region, took place on September 13. About 500 people came
to the rally demanding Alexander Postrigan, head of the Klin
district to resign.
Speaking at the rally Yuri Samsonov, leader of the YABLOKO
list of candidates in Klin, noted that Alexander Postrigan
“experimented” with introduction of an “absolutely proportional”
system at the election and putting under control of the local
authorities virtually all the local branches of political
parties, but for YABLOKO and Patriots of Russia. The former
two parties were not allowed to participate in the election
by the local Electoral Commission.

Yuri Samsonov
Ex-leader of the local LDPR branch Pavel Krasotin told how
Postrigan “bought the local branch of this party from Vladimir
Zhirinovsky for USD 20,000”. Krasotin, who refused to support
Postrigan was replaced in this post by a resident of another
Russia’s region earlier convicted for abbrochment. Krasotin
called the citizens of Klin to support YABLOKO - the only
party which had not been bought – if the Electoral Commission
revokes its unfavourable decision on YABLOKO. He also called
Postrigan to leave the region.

Pavel krasotin and Anatoli Sutyagin
Deputy head of the Moscow Region branch of YABLOKO Dmitri
Ilyushin told how under a phony pretext the local YABLOKO
branch was not allowed to run in the election. He also said
The Central Electoral Commission was examining the decisions
of local Electoral Commissions.
Representaitve from the Russian Communist Labour Party Anatoli
Sutyagin spoke about problems of the rural areas. According
to him, the local administration sold farming lands ar no
price and the number cattle dropped from 25,000 to 5,000.

YABLOKO’s leader Sergei Mitrokhin said that situation in
the Klin district is even worse than in the Moscow Region
in general. Farming lands are given under construction of
cottages. The area turned into a fiefdom of transnational
corporations developing hazardous chemical productions even
in the specially protected natural zones of the region. The
district also can “boast” of the highest housing and communal
services tariffs, as all the local leaders of the sector face
corruption charges.
Mitrokhin also said that YABLOKO learned about close relations
between Postrigan and the ex-minister of the Moscow Region
Government Kuznetsov who had left Russia for the US with stolen
millions. “We know why Postrigan is so afraid of us. He knows,
if YABLOKO gets into regional councils he will have to leave,”
Mitrokhin said.

Sergei Mitrokhin
Ecologist Boris Gurov said that hazardous productions in
Klin affect two regions at once: Tver and Moscow.
The participants of the rally adopted a resolution addressing
leaders of federal political parties calling them to start
investigation against their local branches in the Klin district,
open and publish information on the ecological situation in
the area, return property and lands stolen by Postrigan and
his family and initiate criminal prosecution of Postrigan.
(A criminal case against Postrian in view of his fraud with
real estate had already been raised on the threashold of the
The participants of the rally decided to hold a broader meeting
on October 11, the election day, so that to once again voice
their claims.
See also:
Regional and
municipal elections, 2009