Regional and Municipal Elections
Press releases
except proper elections took place on a single election
day October 11, 2009
Press release, November 24,
On November 18, 2009, the interior
of the Moscow Region initiated a round table talk
“The results of elections to local self-government
and municipal entities of the Moscow Region and the
role of political parties and public organisations
in the formation of civil society and counteraction
to political extremism”.
Representatives of all political parties
and a number of public organisations participated
in the round table. The YABLOKO party was represented
by Deputy Chair of the Moscow Region branch of the
party Alexander Gunko.
Almost all the participants of the
round table marked a high level of security provision
at the past elections in the Moscow Region.
“All was organised well on October
11. The police ensured order. The only thing which
was lacking was the elections,” Gunko said. |
Liberals' congress adopts urgent resolutions on Russia’s
elections on October 11
Press release, November 20,
Today the congress of the European
Liberal Democrat and Reformers Party (ELDR) joining
together European liberal parties has unanimously
and without objections adopted an urgent resolution
on Russia’s elections submitted by YABLOKO’s
leader Sergei Mitrokhin.
The ELDR congress is taking place
in Barcelona, Catalonia, on November 19-20. Over 600
delegates from all the European countries participate
in the Congress. The YABLOKO party which has been
ELDR member since 2006 is represented by Sergei Mitrokhin.
The resolution states that the elections
that took place in Russia on October 11, 2009, “demonstrated
an unprecedented scope of falsification of results
of the voting and violations of the law confirmed
by observers from all the political parties, except
the ruling party, and mass media”. |
Congress 2009
19th-20th November, Barcelona, Catalonia
The ELDR congress convening in Barcelona
on November 19-20, 2009,
Observes that:
- The elections that took place in Russia on October
11, 2009, demonstrated an unprecedented scope of falsification
of results of the voting and violations of the law
confirmed by observers from all the political parties,
except the ruling party, and mass media.
States that:
- ELDR will closely observe the development of the
situation with lawsuits and complaints on election
Calls on:
The Russian authorities to:
- conduct a full inspection of candidates and parties’
complaints, and the evidence of election fraud published
by the media, and take urgent remedy measures up to
declaring the elections void;
- observe democratic standards and Russia’s obligations
under its membership in the OSCE and in the Council
of Europe on ensuring free and fair elections;
- ensure free and equal conditions for all political
parties and candidates and maximum public control
over elections and voting.
Federation of Liberal Youth condemned elections fraud
in Russia
Special for YABLOKO’s web-site
by Ksenia Vakhrusheva, November 17, 2009
Alexander Gudimov, President of the
St.Petersburg branch of the Youth YABLOKO and Ksenia
Vakhrusheva, International Officer of the St.Petersburg
branch of the Youth YABLOKO, took part in the annual
General Assembly of the International Federation of
Liberal Youth, held on 12-15 November in the Hague,
the Netherlands. The GA joined together over130 young
liberals from 35 countries, who are ready to stand
for liberal values in there home countries and in
the world, who shared their experience
The key points of the agenda were elections of the
new executive board, voting for amendments to the
Manifesto and resolutions... On the initiative of
Youth Yabloko the General Assembly developed and adopted
a resolution on condemning elections fraud in Russia.
The resolution was approved by a majority. |
assesses President’s Address to the Federal
Assembly as controversial
Press release, November 12,
The YABLOKO party shares President’s
call to modernization on the basis of democratic values,
however, YABLOKO does not see any signs of the real
change of the political course towards the indicated
goals. Such a statement was made by YABLOKO’s
leader Sergei Mitrokhin.
“We welcome the President’s statement
that Russia’s modernization should be carried
out on the basis of democratic values and free development
of individuals. At the same time, the Address does
not show a link between modernization and democracy,”
Mitrokhin said.
Mitrokhin also added that absence of a tough assessment
of falsifications at the regional elections on October
11 demonstrated this too well.
According to YABLOKO’s leader Sergei Mitrokhin, “voting
and fraud of elections of October 11 should become
one of the key topics of Presidential Address to the
Federal Assembly.” |
The key topic of Presidential Address to the Federal
Assembly should be election fraud
Press release, November 12,
According to YABLOKO’s leader Sergei
Mitrokhin, “voting and fraud of elections of October
11 should become one of the key topics of Presidential
Address to the Federal Assembly.”
“Obvious falsification of the results
of the voting on October 11 showed to the Russian
society and the entire world that the institute of
democratic elections has been virtually demolished
in the country,” Mitrokhin added.
Mitrokhin thinks that “in such a situation
the President should propose the measures targeted
at ensuring of honest elections.”
YABLOKO’s leader also thinks that
the President should immediately introduce into the
State Duma amendments containing the following provisions... |
International accused the Russian authorities in election
fraud on October 11, 2009
Press release, November 1,
The 56th congress of the Liberal International,
international organisation of liberals and liberal
parties, finished its work yesterday night.
The congress adopted basic resolution
World Today reflecting liberal assessment of situation
in different countries and regions of the world.
Assessing the situation in Russia the congress noted
that “the legislation which has extended the
term of the Russian Presidency from four to six years,
going against the basic democratic rule of governmental
change and leading to the growth of bureaucratic supremacy
and corruption in Russia”.
On the initiative of Sergei Mitrokhin,
YABLOKO’s delegate at the congress, the resolution
also expressed concern about the ongoing trend towards
abolishing of honest and fair elections, as well as
curbing of human rights in Russia”. |
parliament heard report on St.Petersburg elections
to local self-government bodies
Press release, October 30,
On October 27, 2009, Galina Mikhalyova,
Executive Secretary of the Political Committee of
the YABLOKO party made a report on the St.Petersburg
elections to local self-government bodies that took
place on March 1, 2009, in the regional parliament
of Hamburg. The hearings were initiated by the “Alternative
List – the Green” faction. The faction
together with Christian Democrats forms the ruling
coalition in Hamburg’s parliament.
St.Petersburg is a sister-city for
St.Petersburg. Both the cities are closely tied via
different economic, social and cultural projects.
That is why Hamburg’s parliament expressed its
concern over the political situation in St.Petersburg. |
participated in the municipal elections in ten Russia’s
Press Release, October 13,
October 11 was a single voting day
in many Russian Federation subjects where regional
and municipal elections took place. The YABLOKO party
participated in the municipal elections in ten Russia’s
regions showing very good results in some of the regions.
YABLOKO’s candidate V.Pshenichnikov
won (30.37%) at the election of the Polevsky District
Duma, Sverdlovsk region. Another party candidate A.Dulenkov
came second in the election race to the Council of
Deputies in Golitsino, the Moscow region, obtaining
YABLOKO also demonstrated good results
at the elections in Ingushetia. About 30% (preliminary
results) of the residents in the Bert-Yurt settlement
and about 20% in the Ekazhevo settlement voted for
the YABLOKO party list. The party was also a success
at the municipal election in the Malgobek city.
Member of YABLOKO A.Ledebev came third
with 25.78% of the votes at the election to the Council
of Deputes of Vlasovskoye, the Leningrad region.
YABLOKO’s candidates came second
after United Russia candidates at the elections of
heads of rural settlements in Krivandinskoye and Misheronsky
rural settlements, Shatura district, the Moscow region. |
off from Olga Kolokolova!
Statement of the Russian United
Democratic Party YABLOKO September 29, 2009
The YABLOKO party expresses its resolute
protest against pressure on behalf of the Public Prosecutor
Office on the Territorial Electoral Commission of
Krasnokamensk municipal district of the Perm Area
so that to prevent Olga Kolokolova, candidate from
the YABLOKO party and the leader of the Perm branch
of YABLOKO to participate in the election of the head
of the region
The YABLOKO party considers the increased
attention from the Public Prosecutor's Office to the
opposition candidate as a political order of the governmental
party trying to prevent one of the key candidates
to be elected the district head.
United Russia asks the Central Electoral Commission
to defend it from YABLOKO
Press-Release, September 29,
The web-site of the Central Electoral
Commission published on September 24 an appeal signed
by the leaders of the United Russia, the Fair Russia,
CPRF, LDPR and the Right Course parties. The indicated
parties complained of “discrediting of their
registered candidates” by the YABLOKO and the
Patriots of Russia parties in the Klin district, Moscow
Deputy head of the Moscow Region branch
of YABLOKO and member of the Federal Council of the
party Dmitry Ilyushin commented such a complaint as
follows, “Frankly speaking I was surprise to
learn that we had managed to scare the judicial and
law-enforcement bodies in such a way that now the
governmental party decided to protect them from us.”
residents demand resignation of head of the district
Press Release, September 13,
A rally organised by the YABLOKO party
in Klin, Moscow region, took place on September 13.
About 500 people came to the rally demanding Alexander
Postrigan, head of the Klin district to resign.
Speaking at the rally Yuri Samsonov,
leader of the YABLOKO list of candidates in Klin,
noted that Alexander Postrigan “experimented”
with introduction of an “absolutely proportional”
system at the election and putting under control of
the local authorities virtually all the local branches
of political parties, but for YABLOKO and Patriots
of Russia. The former two parties were not allowed
to participate in the election by the local Electoral
Commission. |
demands that deception of the electorate should be
Release, September 10, 2009
Today speaking at the round table
devoted to registration of candidates for elections
to local self-government bodies that will take place
on October 11, 2009, Sergei Mitrokhin, leader of the
YABLOKO party, has said that procedure of collection
of signatures turned into a nightmare for the candidates.
“It is more or less bearable
for the parties, as they have administrative staff
[who can help in the organisation of collection of
signatures], however, the task becomes simply back-breaking
for single-mandate candidates,” Sergei Mitrokhin
noted in his speech.
of the Klin district Alexander Postrigan to face criminal
Press Release, September 9,
On September 8 Public Prosecutor of
the Moscow Region opened a criminal case against head
of the Klin district Alexander Postrigan. However,
representatives of the Public Prosecutor’s Office
refused to give any details referring to the confidentiality
of the investigation.
However, a source told YABLOKO that
Postrigan is accused of fraud with real estate. The
source also mentioned that as head of the district
Postrigan first turned into municipal property and
then privatized several objects of the city connected
with the military complex. That is why the case is
stamped as confidential. It also turned out that Postrigan’s
wife heading the local Registration Chamber helped
him to privities these entities.
candidates registered for the election in the Leningrad
Press Release, September 8,
On September 8 the District Electoral
Commission of Vsevolzhsk city (Leningrad region) registered
member of the YABLOKO party Olga Nikitina for the
municipal election that will take place on October
Earlier the Electoral Commission had
expressed its doubts in the authenticity of seven
signatures out of the total submitted by Nikitina.
The commission had stated that “people different
from those who signed in the lists” lived at
the indicated addresses. The doubts of the commission
were assuaged only after Nikitina submitted to the
commission copies of the passports (containing their
residence addresses) of those persons whose signatures
were questioned.
organisation in Klin refutes the allegations of the
criminal past of its candidates
Press Release, September 7,
On September 3, the official web-site
of the Klin District Administration (Moscow region)
published an article entitled Klin YABLOKO Conceals
Criminal Past of Its Candidates.
YABLOKO assesses such a publication
as a campaign targeted at the discrediting of the
party, whose activists have been criticising Alexander
Postrigan, head of the Klin district, and prepared
a meeting (scheduled on September 13) where they are
going to demand his resignation.
branch in Tula registered in the elections
Press Release, September 7,
The Electoral Commission of the Tula
region has registered YABLOKO’s list of candidates
in the elections of the regional parliament (the Tula
Region Duma) which will take place on October 11.
The Electoral Commission was dissatisfied
with only 2% of the total number of the signatures
submitted by the regional YABLOKO branch for registration
in the election campaign. In 12 days the regional
branch of the party managed to collect 17,640 signatures
at required 14,180. |
Samsonov about criminal actions of the head of the
Klin district (Moscow Region) and non-registration
of YABLOKO at the municipal election
Press Release, September 3,
Press-conference “On the criminal
and political situation in the Moscow Region” took
place in the Independent Press Centre on September
3. Yuri Samsonov, leader of the YABLOKO election list
in Klin told the journalists about unlawful actions
of local administration headed by Alexander Postrigan
who has been heading the district for 17 years already.
According to Samsonov, Postrigan has managed to try
all the top posts (sometimes he even held several
posts at once) for these years. Samsonov also quoted
the head of the Klin district saying that “no one
will dare to do anything in the district without his
personal permission”.
“On the criminal and political situation in
the Moscow Region”
Press Release, September 2,
Press-conference “On the criminal
and political situation in the Moscow Region”
will take place on September 3, at 3.15 p.m. Sergei
Mitrokhin, leader of the YABLOKO party, Seregi Kryzhov,
member of the Bureau of the Moscow Region branch of
YABLOKO and deputy of Sergiyev Posad municipal council,
Dmitry Ilyushin, deputy head of the Moscow Regional
branch of YABLOKO and Yuri Samsonov topping YABLOKO’s
list at the election in Klin will participate in the
Ingush YABLOKO submitted signatures for registration
at the municipal elections
Press Release, August 28,
On August 26 the Ingush regional branch
of the YABLOKO party submitted signatures required
for registration of election lists at the campaign.
Now the republican electoral commissions have to decide
whether to let YABLOKO to participate in the elections
that will be held on October 11. It is the first time
in the history of Ingushetia that elections of legislative
bodies on the municipal level are taking place. Regional
branches of political parties have begun actively
campaigning in the republic. Daud Garakoyev, leader
of the Ingush YABLOKO, told about the specifics of
the election campaign in the region
Territorial Electoral Commission refuses to register
YABLOKO at the election in Klin, Moscow Region
Press Release, August 28,
The Territorial Electoral Commission
refused to register YABLOKO at the election in the
Klin district, Moscow Region. The election will take
place on October 11. The decision on non-registration
of YABLOKO’s list was adopted on the night August
26. It should be noted that the decision refers to
all YABLOKO lists for all the cities and settlements
of the Klin district...
On the night when the Territorial
Electoral Commission refused to register YABLOKO in
the race someone broke windows in the office of the
Klin YABLOKO situated in the centre of the city. YABLOKO’s
staff are certain that this case of vandalism is politically
Moscow Region branch of YABLOKO nominated its candidates
to run at municipal elections
Press Release, August 10,
21st conference of the Moscow Region
branch of YABLOKO took place on August 8. The Conference
nominated candidates to run at the municipal elections
in the Moscow Region.
Thus, Misheronsky city in the Shatura
Area will have four candidates. The Klin branch of
YABLOKO headed by attorney Elena Samsonova had the
proxies for nominating candidates in the Klin area.
Kryzhov elected deputy of the Municipal Council of
Sergiyev Posad Area
Press Release, July 14, 2009
Member of the Bureau of the Moscow Region branch of
YABLOKO Sergei Kryzhov was elected deputy of the Municipal
Council of Sergiyev Posad Area, Moscow Region.
Publications |
Constitutional Court makes removal of candidates from
electoral lists more difficult for the parties
By Galina Mikhalyova, Executive
Secretary of YABLOKO’s Political Committee
kommentarii.ru, November 14, 2009
The [Constitutional Court’s]
decision will broaden the rights of members of our
mostly authoritatively constructed parties only to
a small extent… However, while it is allowed
to have “locomotives” (Ed. well-known
persons topping party election lists and bringing
a large number of votes for the party and resigning
right after the election), this decision will not
be able to cardinally change the situation. The key
problem lies not only in our legislation but also
in the law enforcement practices. The laws on parties
and on elections are abundant with excess regulations
complicating performance for the parties, especially
for the opposition parties, however, the laws lack
a clear framework that would make the parties to abide
by democratic procedures (e.g., a ban on dismissal
and appointing of the governing bodies).
56th Congress of the Liberal International. Urgency
resolution submitted by YABLOKO
The 56th Congress of the LIberal Internatioanl
convening in Cairo...
Calls on:
The Russian authorities to:
- conduct a full inspection of the complaints of the
actions (or negligence) of election commissions in
all the Russian Federation subjects, all the evidence
of fraud published by the mass media and punish all
those guilty of election fraud, as well as take urgent
remedy measures, if needed, declaring the elections
- observe Russia’s obligations under its membership
in the OSCE and in the Council of
Europe on ensuring free and fair elections in the
- form new electoral commissions ensuring that representatives
from all of Russia's political parties should have
equal participation to cast a vote;
- ensure free and equal conditions for all the political
parties and candidates, as well as maximum public
control over elections and voting.
Filatov: I shall return democracy in electing head
of the Tula administration
www.tsn-news.ru, September
30, 2009
September 29 was the expiration date
for submitting documents to the post of the head of
the Tula administration. Sergei Filatov, coordinator
of the Tula regional branch of YABLOKO and deputy
of the Tula City Duma, is one of the candidates for
the post.
In his interview to the Tula Information
Service agency Filatov told why he had adopted such
a decision to run for the head of the city administration.
Newsletter, September 2009
runs in the next Russian elections
Regional and municipal
elections will take place in Russia on 11th October.
YABLOKO, ELDR member party, will present a list for
the Moscow City Duma headed by Sergei Mitrokhin (in
the picture), leader of the party and including Eugeni
Bunimovich. "Now we are steadily progressing
in the election campaign," commented Mitrokhin
who also deplored the fact that opposition parties
continue to be unfairly treated in terms of a lack
of access to the mass media in Russia. Elections to
the regional legislative bodies will be held in Moscow,
Tula region and Mari El Republic where citizens will
elect municipal heads and deputies of local self-governing
bodies. Municipal elections will be held in Ingushetia,
where voters will for first time vote in such elections
ever in this region.
For more information please see http://www.eng.yabloko.ru/Press/2009/0828ingush.html
and http://www.eng.yabloko.ru/Elections/regions/moscow-2009.html
Read more: www.eldr.eu
to concentrate on local elections for next four years
By Natalya Panshina, ITAR-TASS, December 21, 2003
The Yabloko Party will concentrate on regional and
municipal elections for the next four years in order
to lay the a foundations for "a big democratic
party," Yabloko leader Grigory Yavlinsky told
the press during a break of the party congress.
deputies from YABLOKO re-elected to the Legislative
Assembly of Rostov region
Press release, April 1, 2003
Two candidates from the YABLOKO party won convincing
election victories to the Legislative Assembly of
Rostov region on March 30, 2003.
Puts Kalmykia on Kremlin's Map
The Moscow Times, by Natalia Yefimova, October 18,
But this week, a handful of windows have been shining
brightly throughout the night. Inside the lit rooms,
bleary-eyed press secretaries, campaign staffers in
rumpled suits and PR gurus imported from Moscow are
helping candidates in this sleepy Buddhist republic
fight a battle for the presidency.
Press releases