YABLOKO against Corruption
Press releases
releases and Publications |
conducted a picket by the Russian Atomic Energy Agency
against construction of nuclear power stations abroad
on the Russian federal budget money
Press Release, April 26, 2013
Every year on April 26, the anniversary
of the Chernobyl disaster, YABLOKO has been conducting
an action by the Russian Atomic Energy Agency (Rosatom)
to commemorate those who died, express sympathy for
those who got sick in this tragedy and remind everyone
of the consequences of nuclear energy sector.
The danger of explosion has not been the only issue
for the past years, the topic of distribution of budgetary
funds by Rosatom has also been touched. This time
YABLOKO has protested against Rosatom’s plans
to spend billions of dollars of budget money on construction
of nuclear power plants’ abroad.
Rosatom plans to invest USD 20 billion in the economy
of Turkey to construct and operate the Akkuyu nuclear
power plant. Turkey’s economy will receive this
colossal amount of money from Russia’s taxpayers
without any counter profit for Russia. Rosatom also
plans to construct a nuclear power plant in Vietnam
which will cost USD 10 billion. India, China, Belarus,
Kazakhstan, Egypt and even Bangladesh with its unstable
situation and some other countries are next in turn
for Russia’s budgetary funds via Rosatom...
inspection: construction of the country cottage of
ex Defence Minsiter Serdyukov in a natural reserve
is almost finished, the second country cottage of
Governor Tkachyov will be built soon
Press Release, March 22, 2013
Today YABLOKO leader Sergei Mitrokhin
has held a public inspection of the so-called "Serdyukov
cottage" in the Big Utrish natural reserve area.
The inspection was held within the framework of Mitrokhin’s
visit to the Krasnodar region. Alexei Yegorov, leader
of the Anapa branch of YABLOKO and candidate for the
Mayor of Anapa, and Andrei Rudomakha, leader of the
regional branch of YABLOKO also participated in the
The participants of the inspection have personally
observed that construction of the cottage in a natural
reserve went on despite the resignation of Anatoly
Serdyukov fromk his ministerial post. In 2009, the
site was transferred to the Ministry of Defence for
"placement of a navigation station" there.
However, mysteriously, construction of a luxury villa
instead of a radar began at the site. The contractor
was Serdyukov’s son-in-law Valery Puzikov. Presumably
the villa is being built for him...
YABLOKO also carried out an inspection of another
plot of land: not far from "Serdyukov’
villa" there may soon emerge the second villa
of Governor Tkachyov. According to the activists of
the regional branch of YABLOKO, the site in the natural
reserve Big Utrish was transferred into property of
the Stroibeton company. Most likely the owner of the
cottage will be Governor of the Krasnodar Territory
Alexander Tkachyov. Such a scheme – transfer
of land into property of some firms controlled by
him – Tkachyov had already used in the construction
of his first summer cottage in the Blue Bay.
Sergei Mitrokhin is visiting Anapa to support Alexei
Yegorov, YABLOKO’s candidate for the post of
the city mayor. The elections will be held on March
24. Sergei Mitrokhin appealed to the Central Electoral
Commission so that the Commission ensure lawful voting.
Maxim Petlin is a political prisoner
Press Release, March 21, 2013
"Maxim Petlin can be considered
a political prisoner," YABLOKO leader Sergei
Mitrokhin commented on the sentence to Maxim Petlin,
leader of the Sverdlovsk Region branch of YABLOKO
and deputy of the Yekaterinburg City Duma.
"We believe that the sentence is based on a case
fabricated by the investigators with gross procedural
violations. Petlin’s activities targeted at
exposing corruption launched his prosecution,"
said Mitrokhin.
According to Mitrokhin, the court acts "in the
interest of the clans controlling the city and influencing
not only on the city, but also the regional Federal
Security Service departments, the prosecutor's office
and the court"...
Yavlinsky asks Governor of St. Petersburg to explain
why the city budget has not been implemented
Press Release, March 21, 2013
The St.Petersburg Legislative Assembly
rejected an inquiry from Grigory Yavlinsky, leader
of the YABLOKO faction in the Legislative Assembly,
on non-implementation of the city budget. The Legislative
Assembly referred to its new regulations. The YABLOKO
faction will seek in court to cancel the new procedure
for filing inquiries to officials. Meanwhile Yavlinsky
expressed his concern about the "very unsatisfactory
state of affairs in the budgetary process of St. Petersburg"
and wants to know what measures Governor Georgy Poltavchenko
is going to adopt so that to amend the situation.
In his deputy inquiry Grigory Yavlinsky appeals to
the Governor "in view of an extremely poor state
of affairs in the budgetary process of St. Petersburg"...
Alexei Firsov, head of Kolchuginsky District, the
Vladimir region, dismissed from his post
Press Release, February 28,
YABLOKO’s Alexei Firsov, head
of Kolchuginsky District, the Vladimir region, was
dismissed from his post because of a conflict with
the head of the district administration Andrei Mitroshkin.
The decision on dismissal was taken at today's meeting
of the Council of People's Deputies of the district
by 12 votes "for" with three "against."
Most of the deputies of the Council refused to consider
the appeal of Governor Nikolai Vinogradov in support
of Firsov. Several dozens of local residents came
to support Alexei Firsov at the Council meeting, but
only a few were allowed into the assembly hall. After
voting Firsov thanked his supporters after which the
residents together with Firsov left the hall. Now
Firsov will work in the Council as an ordinary member.
His term will expire in two years... |
Nazarov, leader of the Udmurtian branch of YABLOKO,
to Vladimir Putin: lands intended for families with
many children were given to officials and police officers
in Udmurtia
Press Release, January 25,
Mikhail Nazarov, leader of the Udmurtian
branch of YABLOKO, forwarded
a letter to President Vladimir Putin wit ha request
to investigate into the distribution of gratuitous
plots of land intended for families with many children.
"Our region demonstrates facts
of corruption in the distribution of free lands to
large families are mass-scale," runs Nazarov’s
letter to the President.
Thus, in 2011, Galina Batolova, head
of Zaviyalovsky District, was convicted for broad-scale
distribution of lands to high ranking officials. However,
the Supreme Court of the Republic of Udmurtia sentences
her such large scale corruption only to a fine amounting
to 200,000 roubles (approximately Euro 5,000). As
of to-day, the Investigative Committee of Udmurtia
has not conducted an investigation on those who due
to fraud with lands received plots of land in the
most prestigious neighborhoods. Mikhail Nazarov gave
a list of such persons in his letter...
Yavlinsky: reduction of corruption in St.Petersburg
implies transparency of financial procedures and control
of the St.Petersburg Legislative Assembly over the
city budget
Press Release, December 17,
Grigory Yavlinsky, leader of YABLOKO’s
parliamentary faction in St.Petersburg, introduced
his amendments to the Rules of the Budget and Finance
Committee of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg.
These amendments are targeted at improving the transparency
of the Committee, as well as enhancing control over
the budget planning. According to Yavlinsky, adoption
of these amendments would reduce abuse in the field
of public funds.
"We need to qualitatively change our approach
to the [city] budget. The whole process should be
modern and transparent. Only in this case it is possible
to reduce corruption," Yavlinsky said. He proposed
to the city MPs to publish the agenda of the Committee
and all the relevant documents at the web-site of
the Legislative Assembly. Also he noted that the agenda
of the Committee should be approved in advance...
"[At present] most of St.Petersburg
Legislative Assembly MPs vote for the budget without
its detailed analysis or control over expenditures,
being satisfied by redistribution of less than one
per cent of the budget for their own goals within
the frameworks of the Committee. It resembles an exchange
of services: MPs do not control the budget, and the
officials allow them to spend 0.5 per cent of the
budget at their discretion. This is a pattern of political
corruption," Yavlinsky said...
Yavlinsky: depriving of officials of their bonuses
for failing to implement the budget for St.Petersburg
for 2012 is a correct, but insufficient measure
Press Release, December 17,
Grigory Yavlinsky, leader of the YABLOKO
faction in St.Petersburg Legislative Assembly, commented
on the Governor’s decision to deprive a number
of city officials of their bonuses for poor implementation
of the budget for 2012.
"Implementation of the budget lies in the direct
responsibilities of the Government of St. Petersburg.
Year after year, we have observed non-implementation
of the law [on the budget]. The authorities regularly
proclaim that the budget is ‘socially oriented’,
however also regularly do not implement the key items
of the budget: do not build social facilities such
as schools, kindergartens and hospitals, they do not
to build roads and other infrastructure facilities.
St.Petersburg dwellers pay taxes, and the government
in exchange for this promises them mountains of gold,
however, in the last minute the government reports
that citizens will not receive even what has been
planned. The residents of the city quite correctly
perceive this as a deceit and their trust to the government
drops," Yavlinsky said... |
leader spoke at the Moscow Perspectives forum
Press Release, October 27,
On October 27, YABLOKO leader Sergei
Mitrokhin participated in the socio-political forum
Moscow Perspectives organized by the Democratic Choice
party. Other reports on the prospects of Moscow development
were made by representatives of the Moscow Mayor Office,
political parties, as well as research centres and
business associations.
Vladimir Milov, organizer of the Forum
and leader of the Democratic Choice party, told about
the need to involve Moscow residents in the solution
of the different tasks. Milov stated that municipalities
lacked real power and bureaucratisation of the city
prevented development of small and medium businesses
and, consequently, the middle class – the major
contributor to the city budget. According to Milov,
there is a need of a dialogue between the society
and experts with the city administration so that to
create a strategy of Moscow development. "Moscow
can set the right direction to the rest of Russia",
said Vladimir Milov...
"The Moscow government in Moscow should create
a platform for a dialogue with the public about the
development of the city. Public hearings are a good
method here. But the chief architect of the city and
Sergei Sobyanin [the Moscow Mayor] government apparently
believe that Muscovites are not ready for this and
do not conduct hearings on the most important issues
of Moscow development, " Mitrokhin stressed...
Yavlinsky on the 20th anniversary of privatization
in Russia
Grigory Yavlinsky's blog,
October 3, 2012.
Dear friends,
This is a part of the interview I
gave on Friday to Channel 1 on their request for Sunday
night news on the 20th anniversary of privatization
in Russia. The channel did not show it… It is
a pity, as the topic is important and the fruits of
this ill-conceived privatization have been still affecting
our living.
Here comes the answer to the journalist’s
question whether there was any alternative privatization
Yes, there was another programme which I developed.
This programme envisaged that all the money accumulated
by people in the Soviet period had to be used for
purchasing of assets. At that time money in the hands
of the population amounted to about 10 trillion roubles,
[this was money] in different forms including population’s
savings in the Savings Bank that, according to conservative
estimates, amounted to approximately 315 billion roubles.
According to the dollar/rouble rate of 2007, the savings,
and not only those kept in the Savings Bank, but all
kinds of savings, including the State Insurance Bonds
and securities, reached, according to the recent estimates,
about 350 - 380 billion roubles. This is what had
been cumulated throughout the Soviet period.
My programme implied that the money
should be spent on the purchase of, as it was called
then, the "means of production" or, as it
is today called, the assets. Then there was a very
large imbalance between the amount of money in hands
and the commodity weight. In fact, the commodity weight
reached only 14 kopeks per a rouble of savings. This
means that a person intending to spend a rouble could
find goods only for 14 kopeks. However, if our privatization
programme had been implemented, then hairdressers’,
small shops, trucks, that is, all what constituted
small and medium privatization could have added to
the traditional goods (such as suits, sausage, or
whatever was sold in the Soviet Union then)...
to publish information on purchases of luxury cars
by state institutions and calls to a discussion on
the feasibility of such purchases
Press Release, October 1,
The YABLOKO party has launched a unique
project: now all the government’s purchases
of luxury cars can be tracked in real time at the
party website.
YABLOKO leader Sergei Mitrokhin in
his blog suggested a public debate which could lead
to developing a norm who of the state servants should
have a car, what the price of such a car can be and
how often such a state servant can replace the old
car be a new car.
At present yabloko.ru/auto has published
information on 42 buyers of 145 luxury cars totaling
RUR 1.5 bln. Last Friday, the Presidential Administration
announced that it was going to purchase 60 BMW 7 Series,
RUR 5 mln each. Also Oktabrskiy Concert Hall in St.Petersburg
is going to buy a Range Rover for USD 5.5 mln. Among
the regional authorities the most blatant example
came from penal colony ? 1 in the Chelyabinsk region.
They needed a Land Cruiser for RUR 3.5 mln...
Mitrokhin on a libel case against him: Let us find
out in court who from MPs is engaged in unlawful activities
running business companies
Press Release, September 30,
Following YABLOKO’s inquiries
to the State Duma and the Investigative Committee
to conduct a fair investigation on all the MPs’
businesses (in view of the recent deprivation by the
United Russia faction of oppositional MP Gennady Gudkov
of his mandate under a pretext of his running a business),
Vladimir Zhyrinovsky LDPR party threatened to YABLOKO
leader Sergei Mitrokhin of going to court and filing
a libel case against Mitrokhin. In his letter to the
State Duma and the Investigative Committee Mitrokhin
had given facts on several United Russia and LDPR
...“I am glad that members of
the LDPR party decided to find out in court who from
their faction was engaged in businesses. We will have
more opportunities to find out the truth in court,
as the State Duma Commission has been working in camera
and it is unclear what audits they have conducted,”
Mitrokhin said... |
candidate Murad Nurmuradov severely beaten in attack
LI News Bulletin, Issue 302, September 27, 2012
Russian lawyer and liberal candidate
Murad Nurmuradov was badly
attacked in the city of Tver on 25 September.
Nurmuradov is one of the top figures on the YABLOKO
(Russian United Democratic Party, LI full member)
list of candidates for elections to the Tver City
Duma. According to reports, two unidentified men in
masks and camouflage uniforms entered Nurmuradov's
office and attacked him. This has led to Nurmuradov
being hospitalized with a broken arm and other multiple
injuries, including to his head. In a statement Sergei
Mitrokhin, YABLOKO chair and opposition member of
the Moscow City Duma, said: “Members of the
Tver branch of YABLOKO do not rule out the political
causes of the case — an attack against a principled
lawyer attorney and increasingly popular politician.
An open attack against a registered candidate is a
challenge to the city and its residents. We demand
a thoroughly investigation of this case by the law
enforcement. The goal of the crime was clearly intimidation.
But they will not scare us!”
Clegg: “We’re at our best as a nation
when we’re open”
FNF publish influential Economic Freedom of the World
Senator Eggleton speaks on sustainability and urban
Dr. Chee raises target of $30,000 in record time
"Liberal Belarus" programme draws praise
from European liberals
UN: Cambodia to become a “real liberal democracy”
Duma Commission to conduct investigation on deputies’
commercial activities on Sergei Mitrokhin’s
Press Release, September 27,
Today, the State Duma Commission on
the audit on the data submitted by MPs on their incomes
and property will consider the case of five more Duma
deputies on the inquiry of YABLOKO leader Sergei Mitrokhin.
The audit will be conducted on the cases of four United
Russia MPs: Andrei Skotch, Vasily Tolstopyatov, Grigory
Anikeyev, Airat Khairullin and LDPR’s Vladimir
It would be more difficult of the
Duma to apply double standards in dealing with these
cases. "If the Investigative Committee conducts
a careful investigation, than the circumstances of
violations demonstrated by the United Russia deputies
will not differ from the “Gudkov case”
at all,” Mitrokhin said.
The Commission will consider the cases
of nine deputies. Five cases will be considered dealing
with Mitrokhin’s inquiry and four more cases
(of "United Russia" MPs Yelena Nikolayeva,
Alexei Knyshev, Vladimir Pekhtin and Ilya Kostunov)
will be considered for on Sergei Mironov’s inquiry.
The Commission meeting is scheduled for 13:30, it
will be held in camera.
candidate to run in the elections in Tver severely
Press Release, September 26,
On September 25, 2012, Murad Nurmuradov,
a lawyer and one of the top figures in YABLOKO’s
list of candidates for elections to the Tver City
Duma was attacked in Tver.
Two unidentified men in masks and
camouflage uniforms entered Nurmuradov’s office
and severely beaten him. Nurmuradov was hospitalized
with a head injury, broken arm and other multiple
According to the results of the audits
conducted by Nurmuradov in seven municipal companies,
all seven directors of these companies were dismissed
and personnel changes in the Tver city administration
were underway... |
State Duma once again demonstrated double standards
Press Release, September 20,
...The Commission did not find “any
grounds for launching an investigation” on the
four deputies. However, YABLOKO had laid claims to
three of the MPs – Demchenko, Reznik and Lebedev
– the same as the claims laid by the Duma to
oppositional MP Gennady Gudkov.
“The Duma decided that MPs can
set up new businesses during their term, however,
they are not allowed to change directors of these
companies (Ed. Gennady Gudkov was deprived of his
mandate exactly for voting for a new director of a
company set up before his term of office). This is
a clear manifestation of double standards,”
Mitrokhin noted...
...An inquiry on Adrei Skotch was
filed in July 2012. A person from the Forbes list
did not possess any property or income as of his official
income statement. Skotch explained this discrepancy
between the declared and the real property by transferring
his business to his father. He also added that he
lived as a dependant of his father. YABLOKO insisted
that Skotch had to declare the assets allocated to
him by his father. |
questions the legal basis for depriving Gennady Gudkov
of his mandate while saying nothing about 29 MPs running
Press Release, September 5,
..."The authorities accuse Gennady
Gudkov of acquiring a business when he was an MP.
They say that an MP can not be represented on the
board of a commercial organization. However, if one
gets a share in a open liability company, he or she
can not avoid it, - Mitrokhin wrote in his blog. -
If an MP has run such a business for a long time,
and he promptly gave it in trust, than [head of Russian
Investigation Committee] Bastrykin considers that
such a person has not violated the law”.
"I think that such an interpretation of the law
seems too broad. Perhaps it would be wise to clarify
the requirements of the law first, and after punish
deputies. But one thing is clear: if Gudkov is deprived
of his mandate, than United Russia MPs must follow.
Otherwise it is a selective enforcement of the law,
" Mitrokhin concluded.
YABLOKO files an application to Public Prosecutor
General on investigation of financing of the Seliger
Youth Forum
Press Release, July 3, 2012.
On July 3, 2012, ten activists of
Youth YABLOKO led by Kirill Goncharov, Chair of the
Youth Faction, filed an application to Yuri Chaika,
Public Prosecutor General, demanding to investigate
the lawfulness of financing the Seliger Youth Forum
and find out why such huge budget funds are spent
on an obvious political order.
According to young YABLOKO activists,
a clearly politically and ideologically biased Forum
"promotes intolerance towards political opponents
of the authorities" was financed on such a grand
scale by taxpayers' money. YABLOKO will also apply
to the Audit Chamber of the Russian Federation asking
to investigate the case.
Kirill Goncharov noted that Youth
YABLOKO strongly condemned spending of budget funds
on this politically biased event promoting political
intolerance. "We would like to remind you that
odious provocations against journalists, Kremlin’s
political opponents and human rights activists were
launched exactly by the Seliger Forum. For example,
activists of some youth organisations made a "list
of Russia’s enemies" which included many
of our friends", he said.
It was disclosed that this summer
Forum will get about 280 million roubles from the
federal budget, as private sponsors refused to finance
the event. In spite of this fact, Forum budget grew
by 80 million roubles in 2012 as of 2011.
Altynbayev, senator from the Ryazan region, may be
7info.ru, May 15, 2012.
Sergei Mitrokhin, Chairman of the
YABLOKO party, sent an inquiry [to the prosecutors]
on verification of income statements of four members
of the Federation Council, including Rafgat Altynbayev,
a member of the Federation Council from the Government
of the Ryazan region.
The 7 News agency asked Oleg Kovalyov,
Governor of the Ryazan region, whether he had known
about this fact, and what he his reaction proceeding
from the results of the audit would be.
“I know about this inquiry. If the commission detects
violations, then we will consider recalling of the
Senator,” said the head of the region.
Prosecutor General's Office violated the law by refusing
to investigate the circumstances of the meeting between
Vladimir Putin and Silvio Berlusconi
Press Release, May 2, 2012.
Public Prosecutor General's Office
refused to investigate whether there was a conflict
of interests in the March meeting between President
Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin
and Italian citizen and businessman Silvio Berlusconi.
Mr.V.Volkov, Asistant to Public Prosecutor General,
informed (in the response to the inquiry by YABLOKO
leader Sergei Mitrokhin) that President and Prime
Minister can not be subject to the prosecutor's investigation.
This contradicts the Law "On Public Prosecutor's
Office", and YABLOKO is preparing a lawsuit...
Mitrokhin asks Public Prosecutor General to investigate
the aims and goals of the meeting of Vladimir Putin
and Dmitry Medvedev with Silvio Berluskoni
Press Release, March 12, 2012.
Today YABLOKO leader Sergei Mitrokhin
have sent an appeal to the Public Prosecutor Generals'
office asking to check whether there was a conflict
of interests in the recent meeting between President
Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin,
and Italian citizen and businessman Silvio Berlusconi.
Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin
had a meeting with Silvio Berlusconi on March 8-9.
It should be also noted that ex Prime Minister of
Italy is under investigation in Italy for a number
of criminal cases related to corruption. Also he does
not occupy any government post at present and is a
private person - a billionaire and owner of the FinInvest
financial holding...
persons burnt the office of "Vechrniy Krasnokamsk"
weekly published by YABLOKO
Press Release, January 28, 2012.
Fire resulting from an arson fire
has completely destroyed the office of "Vechrniy
Krasnokamsk" weekly this night. The founder and
editor-in-chief of the weekly is Olga Kolokolova,
leader of the Perm YABLOKO branch and deputy of the
City Council in Krasnokamsk. Olga believes that it
is a revenge by Yury Chechyotkin, the city Mayor,
for journalists’ investigation into his embezzlement
of budget funds allocated for housing repairs in the
In April 2011, unknown persons assailants
beat Olga Kolokolova’s father – deputy of the Krasnokamsk
City Duma Arkady Kolokolov. He helped the crew of
the "Riphey-Perm" television company, which
investigated the circumstances of the repairs in the
TSZh Parkovoi. The contractor hired by the managing
company providing services for the house received
4.5 million rubles, but the works were not completed...
In addition, in November 2011, on
the eve of the parliamentary elections of December
4, 2011 and the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Area,
Svetlana Ivanova, candidate from the YABLOKO party
was attacked by an unidentified person. She was
hit on the head, the blow broke the frontal bone.
She will remain disabled...
demands that Putin should pay compensations to the
victims of the explosions in Pugachyovo, Udmurtiya
Press Release, November 14,
YABLOKO’s leader Sergei Mitrokhin
who is now in the working visit in Udmurtia is going
to demand from Prime Minister Putin to implement his
promises on providing aid to the victims of explosions
at a military arsenal near Pugachyovo village on June
2-3, 2011. According to the local residents who came
to meet Mitrokhin, the money allotted by the government
for repairs and building of new houses did not come
to the village. Most
Over 60 residents came to meet Sergei
Mitrokhin and Sergei Pechenin, leader of the Udmurtian
branch of YABLOKO. According to the local residents,
most of them did not get the compensations and repairs
were too slow, consequently the village was not ready
for the winter.
However the local authorities loudly
announced by television that every local resident
had obtained RUR 100,000 of compensation (approximately
USD 3,330). People deny this telling that they have
to sign falsified payment receipts on implementation
of all the repair works threatening of non-paying
the compensation... |
brought against Eugeny Vitishko, YABLOKO candidate
to the State Duma
Press Release, October 31,
Eugeny Vitishko, candidate to the
State Duma from the YABLOKO party and leader of the
Tuapse branch of YABLOKO, detained in Tuapse during
environmental action on November 30 faces charges
of violation of the border regime and violation of
the navigation rules. YABLOKO considers the detention
and the charges unlawful, as the detention of candidate
MP was held without the mandatory approval by the
Prosecutor. YABLOKO leader Sergei Mitrokhin is going
to appeal against such actions in court...
Vitishko, candidate to the State Duma from the YABLOKO
party, arrested in Tuapse
Press Release, October 30,
Eugeny Vitishko, candidate to the
State Duma from the YABLOKO party and leader of the
Tuapse branch of YABLOKO, and Eugenia Chirikova, leader
of the Movement in Defence of Khimki Forest, were
detained in Tuapse during environmental action on
November 30. Chirikova has been released by now. YABLOKO
considers the detention unlawful and demands immediate
release of Eugeny Vitishko...
"Stop feeding state owned corporations!"
took place by the Federation Council
Press Release, October 26,
A series of one person pickets under
the slogan 'Stop feeding state owned corporations!"
took place by the Federation Council which had to
adopt changes into the state budget. Five YABLOKO
activists held placards "Stop stealing money
from the budget!", "Where is an account
on earlier spendings?" and "Spend money
on budget sector workers rather than on building another
Fukushima in Turkey!" ...
The activists demand that the remaining
balance of the federal budget should be allotted to
the salaries of budget workers (including teachers
and doctors) rather than state-owned corporations.
The Federation Council plans to approve redistribution
of the balance; whereas state owned corporations should
receive huge amounts of funds. Thus, Rosatom (the
nuclear ministry) will receive RUR 23.5 bln, Rosnano
(the agency on nano technologies) RUR 22.2 bln and
the Russian Railroads – RUR 44.5 bln... |
leader Sergei Mitrokhin spoke at an anti-corruption
rally in the Sverdlovsk region
Press Release, September 25,
...According to Mitrokhin, the construction
company enjoyed support not only of the city parliament
which adopted corresponding amendments to the land
laws neglecting the rulings of the statutory court,
but they were also supported by the city government,
namely, Alexander Yakob, head of city administration.
“We can also see that even the governor sided
with the corrupt officials and businessmen demanding
to cancel the decision of the statutory court,”
Mitrokhin said... |
Mitrokhin demanded from President Medvedev to stop
unlawful construction works for Olympic Games in the
Sochi national park
Press Release, September 23,
YABLOKO’s leader Sergei Mitrokhin
forwarded to President Medvedev a letter demanding
to stop unlawful excavation works in the lime-pit
the Sochi national park for construction of Olympic
facilities in Sochi. In June 2011, after his meeting
with environmentalists, Dmitry Medvedev ordered the
Russian Government and the regional government to
stop such works, however, President’s orders
have been sabotaged.
YABLOKO’s activists and activists
of the North Caucasus Environmental Watch detected
these violations. Excavation of lime in the national
park have already eliminated inhabitations of many
species of the rare plants, inflicted irreparable
damage to landscapes and fauna. However, this unlawful
pit has been guarded by the Federal Security Service.
President Medvedev learned this during
his meeting with environmentalists on June 21, 2011.
He ordered Prime Minister Putin and Alexander Tkachyov,
head of Administration of the Krasnodar Area, to stop
excavation works at the Sochi national park by August
1... |
classified documents on Transneft stealing federal
budget funds as secret
Press Release, September 6,
On September 6, 2011, Khamovniki Court
of Moscow turned down YABLOKO’s inquiry to the
Audit Chamber to disclose the report on the audit
on the Eastern Pipe Line construction carried out
by Transneft.
In 2010 Alexei Navalny published in
his blog a document demonstrating that Transneft stole
USD 4 bln of federal budget funds the Eastern Pipe
Line construction. The document represented a report
made by the new management of Transneft on the inquiry
from the Audit Chamber. However, the final reports
of the audit conducted by the Chamber were classified
as secret and were not disclosed to the public... |
company polluting the environment at the Black Sea
coast will be held answerable for libel against environmentalists
Press Release, August 11,
Environmental organisation North Caucasus
Environmental Watch with YABLOKO’s support is
going to start a law suit against PR technologists
employed by the Eurochim company (which has constructed
and launched oil shipment terminal in the resort city
of Tuapse despite loud public protests) and hold them
answerable for libel...
Mitrokhin connects resignation of Vyacheslav Dudka,
Governor of Tula Region, with corruption scandals
Press Release, July 29, 2011
"Resignation of Vyacheslav Dudka,
Governor Tula Region, is connected with corruption
scandals around him and his people," said YABLOKO’s
leader Sergei Mitrokhin.
"It was clear for me that Dudka would resign
soon after court acquitted Vladimir Timakov, MP of
the Tula City Duma [who was a defendant on a libel
case for his criticism of the Governor], on June 30,"
Mitrokhin added.
Court found that Vladimir Timakov, YABLOKO’s
MP in the Tula City Duma was guilty of libel in November
2010. The court found that Timakov’s criticism
of the Governor for corruption was “libel”... |
lives endangered by the security of the “Putin’s
Press Release, July 27, 2011
...Dressed in black uniform and with
police batons the security resembled nazies. All the
time the activists reached some road the securities
prohibited them to use it. Soon it became clear that
they received an order to “teach them a lesson”
so that to make the environmentalists keep away from
the Indokopas company and “Putin’s Palace”.
So the activists had to make a very difficult three-hours
march through the forest via a mountain pass and past
a canyon. Such a trip endangered their lives, the
activists were all bruised and bleeding when late
at night they managed to get on the road by Praskeyevka
The actions by the security of the
“Putin’s Palace” were absolutely
unlawful, moreover the security on purpose endangered
the lives of the environmentalists. The police did
not come to rescue despite of the fact that the call
made by the activists was registered by the local
police department... |
terminal in Tuapse to be launched despite the decision
of the President
Press Release, July 25, 2011
On July 26, chemical fertilizers will
be delivered to bulk terminal in the centre of Tuapse,
Black Sea coast, so that to begin their exports already
in early August. The terminal is launched despite
the order of the President to hold public hearings
and consultations with environmental organisations.
The YABLOKO party and North Caucasus Environmental
Watch are going to conduct several actions in the
city centre and by the terminal...
Actions on July 26 will be followed
by a mass-scale protest rally YABLOKO and environmentalists
are preparing now... |
Mitrokhin demands from Public Prosecutor General to
check who is funding the campaign envisaging enlisting
YABLOKO as a terrorist organisation
Press Release, July 19, 2011
YABLOKO’s leader Sergei Mitrokhin
applied to Public Prosecutor General Yury Chaika to
determine the sources of financing of a black PR campaign
launched against YABLOKO and ecologists fighting against
constructing of oil shipment terminals in Novorossiysk
and Tuapse, the Black Sea coast. After loud public
protests against construction of hazardous facilities
in the resort cities and his meeting with environmentalists
President Medvedev ordered (on June 8) the regional
authorities to conduct consultations with public organisations
and activists
Such a meeting was held in Krasnodar yesterday, on
July 18. However, not all the environmentalists and
representatives of public organisations were allowed
to be present. Thus, according to a personal order
of the anchor of the event, well-known Russian journalists
Vladimir Soloviyov, the security did not allow Suren
Gazaryan, activist of YABLOKO and North Caucasus Environmental
Watch to pass to the premises were the even was held.
However, Gazaryan got hold of a document entitled
“Action Plan for Creation of Broad Public Resonance
in Connection with the First Public Consultations."
According to the document, the goal of the PR campaign
is "to achieve generally positive reaction from
the Internet community on the decision to launch the
terminals in Tuapse and Novorossiysk." The unknown
PR technologists also set up the task to "discredit
environmentalists" fighting against this project
endangering the environment in the region...
mass protest rally held in Sterlitamak, Bashkiria
Press Release, July 12, 2011
On July 11, 2011, a mass protest rally
in protection of human rights and demanding dismissal
of the Eugeny Ulasevich, deputy head of the city administration,
was held in Sterlitamak, Bashkiria, despite the ban
of the local authorities. One of the organizers of
the rally was Damir Garifullin, leader of the Sterlitamak
branch of YABLOKO. The rally brought together about
seven hundred people.
The city authorities tried to move
the rally from the walls of the administration building,
however, the indignant citizens stayed at by the administration.
The police tried to detain Damir Garifullin, however
the participants of the rally interfered and did not
allow the police to detain him... |
crash ‘Putin’s seaside palace’.
France 24. The Observers, July 5, 2011
...Last week, a handful of environmentalists
and political opposition party members made their
way to the site of Putin’s alleged fairytale
home to check out the mysterious place and assess
its environmental impact.
In January, the FRANCE 24 Observer’s website
published an article on the controversy triggered
by photos published on the internet of Putin’s
seaside palace near the southern town Paraskoveevka,
on the Black Sea. The site also published comments
made by Sergei Kolesnikov, a Russian businessman who
had been involved in the building’s construction,
and who maintained that the prime minister was its
true owner. Although officially classified as a centre
to be used for medical care, Kolesnikov was able to
use a paper trail detailing the building’s financing
to link it to Putin...
Mitrokhin: tortures in the name of Christ.
Mitrokhin’s blog at the Echo Moskvi web-site, July 5,
2011 ...Our guys were
put into a jail cell in the police station 3 by 3
meters large, where about 20 people had already been
crammed along with them. People were standing, squatting
or lying close to each other on the dirty cement floor.
One of them - a homeless person – obviously had tuberculosis.
In this cell the guys were kept before sending them
to court: Goncharov for nine hours and Menzheritsky
for 14 hours...
...The convicts were housed in a temporary
detention facility, located in the same police building
in Gelenzhik. Menzheritsky was kept cell No 13. The
cell was about 16 square meters. m, and was designed
for seven, but the police kept 18 people there. The
cops did not try to hide the fact that the temporary
detention prison had several vacant cells. They tormented
18 people on purpose, so that, according to the police
officers, "they would try to avoid getting there
in the future”. People had to
queue so that to sleep in turn on a board couch (as
there were no separate beds and linen)... |
activists arrested by “Putin’s country
cottage” at the Black Sea Coast
LI News Bulletin, Issue 239, July 1, 2011
Kirill Gontcharov, leader of the Moscow
Youth YABLOKO (LI full member), and environmentalist
Sergei Menzhitsky were sentenced to five days of imprisonment
for alleged “physical resistance to police orders”.
They were detained in Divnomorskoye village at the
Black Sea, while protesting against unlawful and illegal
construction of cottages in national parks, which
involved turning public beaches and territories into
top officials' private property. The YABLOKO action,
titled “All-Russia Protest Against the Stolen
Black Sea Coast”, was launched on 24 June...
activists arrested by “Putin’s country
cottage” at the Black Sea Coast
Press Release,
June 25, 2011.
Kirill Gontcharov, leader
of the Moscow Youth YABLOKO, and environmentalist
Sergei Menzhitsky were sentenced to five days of imprisonment
for alleged “physical resistance to police orders”.
They were detained in Divnomorskoye village at the
Black Sea.
On June 24 Kirill Gontcharov, leader
of the Moscow Youth YABLOKO and environmentalists
Sergei Menzhitsky and Konstantin Andramonov were detained
in Divnomorskoye village at the Black Sea. YABLOKO
had launched an action “All-Russia Protest Against
the Stolen Black Sea Coast” protesting against
unlawful and illegal construction of cottages (especially
for top officials) in the national parks and turning
of public beaches and territories into their private
beaches and territories.
On June 25 the activists planned to
conduct a rally by “Putin’s dacha”
(“Putin’s country cottage”). And
on June 24 they inspected the national park of the
relict Pitsunda pine (as it has been detected previously
that part of the relict trees were cut for construction
of the Governor’s residence)... |
Citizens of the Korolyov city, Moscow region, demand
resignation of the city administration
Press Release,
May 30, 2011.
On May 30, about 30 people
- YABLOKO's activists and citizens of Korolyov, Moscow
region, - gathered by the Moscow Region parliament
so that to demand resignation of the city.
The participants of the picket said
that corrupted city administration had been allocating
even children's playing grounds such as a single children's
hockey rink under commercial construction. |
steps to fight corruption Sergei
Mitrokhin’s blog at the Echo Moskvi web-site,
June 22, 2011
The issue of today’s radio programme
“People Are Against” has been whether
it is possible to knockdown corruption in Russia?
My answer is: yes, it is, and
the key condition here is the WILL OF THE TOP OFFICIAL
OF THE STATE. After which the following steps can
be taken...
YABLOKO participated in the 1st of May demonstration
and a rally
Press Release of the Bashkirian
branch of YABLOKO, May 3, 2011.
On May 1 the Bashkirian
branch of YABLOKO together with a number of public
organisations of the Republic of Bashkortastan conducted
a demonstration and a rally in protection of civil
and social rights of the citizens. Over 1,000 people
participated in the action.
The participants of the demonstration
marched along the main street of Ufa. The slogans
of the demonstration were “High Time to Change
the Authorities”, “Head of Ufa Administration
to Dismissal”, “We Are for Self-Government”,
“United Russia [party] Means Deceit, Crime and
Corruption”, etc... |
under the slogans "Down with the party of thieves"
and "We want changes" held in Barnaul
Press Release, April 25, 2011.
On April 24 a rally against
the ruling United Russia party under the slogans "We
want changes" and "Down with the party of
thieves" was held in Barnaul, the Altai Territory.
Activists from the regional offices of the YABLOKO
party, the Communist Party, the Party of People’s
Freedom and the Russian People's Democratic Union
participated in the action... |
Prosecutor General does not want to open “Putin’s
country cottage” case
Press Release, April 21, 2011.
Public Prosecutor General’s
Office withdrew the responsibility for examination
of unlawful privatisation of land for the so-called
"Putin's dacha” (Putin’s country
cottage). That is how YABLOKO’s leader Sergei
Mitrokhin commented the response from Public Prosecutor’s
Office on his appeal to Public Prosecutor General
Yury Chaika.
V.Kroshkin, Senior Assistant of Public
Prosecutor General, informed Mitrokhin that his appeal
had been forwarded to the Public Prosecutor’s
Office of the Krasnodar Area for a “rapid response."
Kroshkin promised that an audit would be conducted
and if grounds were found, prosecutor’s measures
would be taken.
"I do not understand why the
Krasnodar Public Prosecutor’s Office should
deal with this case, as it is a federal facility,
which belonged to the Presidential Property Management
Department," Mitrokhin said... |
did the money from the sale of Bank of Moscow disappear?
Press Release, April 20, 2011.
Such a question YABLOKO’s
leader Sergei Mitrokhin put before Sergei Sobyanin,
the Mayor of Moscow, in his letter forwarded to the
Mayor’s office on April 20. A package of shares of
the Bank of Moscow and the Capital Insurance Group
(Stolichnaya Stakhovaya Gruppa) was first into the
authorized capital of OAO the Moscow Fuel Company
(MFC) and then was sold to the VTB Bank... |
Audit Chamber of the Russian Federation classified
the information on clandestine dealings by Transneft
as secret data
Press Release, January 13,
The Audit Chamber of the Russian Federation
refused to submit a report on its audit of Transneft
in connection with stealing of funds during construction
of the Eastern Oil Pipeline. In his answer to an inquiry
from YABLOKO’s leader Sergei Mitrokhin Mikhail
Bekhmelnitzin, auditor of the Audit Chamber, informed
that the audit report was classified secret on Transneft’s
request, as the documentation “represent a commercial
secret which is not subject to public discussion”.
YABLOKO’s leader continues to insist that there
are no grounds for classifying such documentation
secret... |
of $4Bln Is Classified
By Khristina Narizhnaya
The Moscow Times, January
13, 2011
The protection of "strategic
interests, defense capability and state security"
is the reason now given by the Audit Chamber for classifying
the results of its 2008 investigation into the alleged
$4 billion worth of financial violations by state-owned
Mitrokhin requested records from the
Audit Chamber after Navalny published reports accusing
Transneft of stealing $4 billion. The disclosure on
the Internet created a sensation, with scores of bloggers
filing online complaints to the chamber and the Prosecutor
General's Office, demanding an investigation into
the alleged wrongdoings...
original publication in the Moscow Times
anti-corruption audit envisaged for Russian MPs
Press Release, October 21,
“Anticorruption campaign launched
by President Medvedev turned out to be another PR
action,” that’s how YABLOKO’s leader
Sergei Mitrokhin commented on the answer he received
from the Apparat of the Russian government on his
demand to conduct anticorruption audit against Boris
Gryzlov, Speaker of the State Duma and Chair of the
Supreme Council of the ruling United Russia party,
and seven more deputies of the State Duma. Sergei
Mitrokhin forwarded a letter to Sergei Narishkin,
head of Presidential Administration and Sergei Sobyanin,
head of the Apparat of the Government, demanding to
initiate anticorruption audit against deputies of
Duma who violated the rules of publishing income statements.
These letters became the first steps
adopted by the YABLOKO party targeted at setting control
over incomes and property of public persons. Such
control was announced by President Medvedev after
applications by Transparency International –
prosecutors recommend to 18 legislative assemblies
to amend the situation with publishing draft laws
Press Release, September 30, 2010.
Audits conducted by public prosecutors
in ten Russian regions confirmed violations of the
federal law “On provision of access to information
about the performance by the state bodies” and
recommended to legislative assemblies of these regions
to amend these violations. Violations of the law have
already been amended in eight more regions after the
same recommendations by public prosecutors. It
should be noted that YABLOKO forwarded to Public Prosecutor
General a list of 29 regions violating the federal
law envisaging that state bodies should publish their
draft laws in the Internet. YABLOKO is certain that
publication of draft laws “is very important
for public control over adopted laws”...
calls television channels to tell about family business
of top officials in St.Petersburg
Zaks.ru, September
30, 2010.
St.Petersburg branch of YABLOKO decided
to address federal television channels calling them
to make a film about family business of top officials
in St.Petersburg
According to Maxim Reznik, head of
St.Petersburg branch of YABLOKO, the address will
be forwarded to three federal television channels
– NTV, RTR and ORT – that unexpectedly and simultaneously
discovered the truth and began covering failures and
drawbacks in the work of the Ex-Mayor of Moscow Yuri
Luzhkov. “We think that television channels should
be consistent and also broadcast films about St.Peterburg’s
problems and the family business here too,” Reznik
told to the Zaks.ru. “We would like to believe that
they have finally opened their eyes and will be continuously
releasing such materials, and we are ready to help
them here...”
should not be turned into international radioactive
waste dump!
Statement by the YABLOKO party,
September 29, 2010.
...In the past, during the cold war,
huge territories in the Urals and Siberia were contaminated
by waste from nuclear fuel recycling. Today it is
not war, but purely commercial and immediate financial
interests of Russian bureaucrats which lead to the
same result – radioactive contamination of the
Chelyabinsk region, dangerous transportation of radioactive
waste via St.Petersburg and many other Russian cities,
multiplication of radioactive risks in Angarsk, Seversk,
Dmitrovgrad and other centres of Russia’s “nuclear
archipelago”. Our position
is clear and unchanged: in accordance with the international
principle of equal environmental security, the country
producing nuclear waste should bear responsibility
for this waste, it is impossible to pay for ensuring
health of population in some countries with the health
and welfare of the residents of other countries.
Mitrokhin to President Medvedev: The Defence Ministry
does not implement the anticorruption laws
Press Release, September 29,
Sergei Mitrokhin forwarded an appeal
to President Dmitry Medvedev in connection with dismissal
of General Gaidukov in connection with his fraud in
the income statement. YABLOKO’s
leader asks the President to oblige the Ministry of
Defense to fully comply with the requirements of Russia’s
anti-corruption legislation. At present the Ministry's
website provides no data on the income of its civil
servants as required by law. "I'm
not surprised that the first civil servant to be sacked
was from the Defense Ministry. This Ministry has taken
steps targeted at concealing the incomes of its civil
servants from the civil control ", runs Mitrokhin’s
Yavlinsky visited Vladimir
TV-6 channel, Vladimir, September
23, 2010.
Grigory Yavlinsky, economist and politician
of 1990s with the highest reputation arrived to the
Vladimir region. Yavlinsky was Vice-Premier of the
Soviet government, deputy of the State Duma of three
convocations and former leader of the democratic YABLOKO
party. The programme of Yavlinsky’s official
visit Yavlinsky is very tense: a meeting with the
Governor of the region, negotiations with the heads
of the Electrocable plant in Kolchugino, a lecture
in the Vladimir branch of the Academy of the State
Service, press conferences and numerous interviews.
Such high interest to Yavlinsky is very easy to explain
considering Russia’s monotonous political landscape.
Any alternative professional view is in demand now
by the thinking part of the Russian society. Does
the opposition have chances to destroy the political
monopoly of the [progovernmental] United Russia party?
Why do food-stuff prices fell in the developed countries
but rise in Russia? And why does the Kremlin once
again issue licences for mobbing of governors? An
independent evaluation by an authoritative expert
on the key political and economic issues leaves no
from the Republic of Mordovia demanded resignation
of President of Mordovia at its rally in Moscow
Press Release, September 16,
Today, on September 16, an action
against corruption in the Republic of Mordovia took
place by Representation of Mordovia in Moscow. Activists
of the Mordvin and the Moscow branches of the YABLOKO
party and farmers from the Lyambirsky district of
the republic who had suffered from raider related
crimes participated in the action. The
key demand of the picketers was resignation of President
of Mordovia Nikolai Merkushkin, who had been leading
the region for 15 years already.
“No only Mordovia failed to
leave the ten of economically most backward regions
of Russia, but even increased the gap with the developed
regions for the years Merkushkin had been President
of the republic,” Vladimir Gridin, the leader
of the Mordovian YABLOKO said. However, Mordovia has
been topping the list of the most corruption affected
regions, he said... |
organisations concerned about lack of anti-corruption
measures of the Investigation Committee
Press Release, September 7,
The Council of Public Organisations
of the Klin District, Moscow region, where YABLOKO
participates conducted picketing by the Public Prosecutor’s
Office in Klin under the slogan “Three years
of work of the Investigation Committee – and
where are the results in fight against corruption?”
Members of the public organisations expressed their
disappointment with the performance of the head of
the Investigation Committee in Klin Roman Dyachkovsky...
Commission under the Moscow Mayor dissolved after
YABLOKO’s criticism
Press Release. May 19, 2010
Yesterday First Deputy Mayor of Moscow
Vladimir Resin annulled his earlier order of May 5
on creation of an anticorruption commission in the
Moscow construction sector.
A day before this on May 17, Alexander
Gnezdilov, Deputy Chair of the Moscow YABLOKO and
the Youth Chamber under the Moscow City Duma, in his
speech in the Moscow parliament sharply criticized
the composition of the commission. He stated that
it was inadmissible when Moscow officials with criminal
cases opened against them participate in the anticorruption
commission. For example, Alexander Levchenko, head
of the Moscow roads, bridges and infrasrtucture construction
department, was included into the commission despite
of the fact that a criminal persecution due to his
abuse of authority had been launched against him... |
Mitrokhin demands that Interior Minister should investigate
the corruption scandal with Daimler
Press Release, April 16, 2010
YABLOKO’s leader Sergei Mitrokhin
applied to Rashid Nurgaliyev, Russia’s Interior
Minister, demanding to file a criminal case on bribes
received by federal and regional bureaucrats by Daimler.
This loud corruption scandal around
Daimler led to publication in the Internet of some
documents from the US Ministry of Justice relating
to the case. The documents provide detailed information
what officials and of which Russian ministries received
the bribes and how much. The overall amount of bribes
received by Russian bureaucrats from Daimler is assessed
at about Euro 5 mln...
Give Police Tips on Reforming
The Moscow Times, February
26, 2010
By Alexander Bratersky
President Dmitry Medvedev's police
reforms will turn into a sham if the public is excluded
from the process and other law enforcement agencies
are left untouched, opposition politicians and human
rights activists said Thursday.
“It is impossible to reform
the Interior Ministry without reforming the prosecutor's
office and the justice system,” Yabloko party
leader Sergei Mitrokhin said at a round table organized
by the Moscow police to discuss the reforms with the
public... |
Mitrokhin: the reform of the interior should begin
from the “clean hands” operation
Press Release. February 25,
Round table “The Reform of the
Interior Must Meet the Expectations of the Civil Society”
initiated by Deputy Chair of the Moscow YABLOKO Andrei
Babushkin took place in the press centre of the Moscow
Interior department on February 25.
Representatives of human rights organisations
including such renowned figures as Ludmila Alexeyeva
and Valery Borschyov participated in the round table.
YABLOKO’s leader Sergei Mitrokhin also participated
in the discussion. “The interior needs not simply
to make staff reduction, but anti-corruption cleaning,”
Mitrokhin said.
to organise round table “The Reform of the Interior
Must Meet the Expectations of the Civil Society”
Press Release. February 24,
Round table “The Reform of the
Interior Must Meet the Expectations of the Civil Society”
will be conducted on the initiative of Andrei Babushkin,
Deputy Chair of the Moscow YABLOKO and Co-Chair of
the Human Rights faction of the party in the press
centre of the Moscow Interior Department, on Thursday,
February 25.
YABLOKO’s leader Sergei Mitrokhin
will participate in the round table. Other guest speakers
Ludmila Alexeyeva, the Moscow Helsinki Group,
Valery Gribakin, head of the Information and Public
Relations Department of the Interior Ministry of the
Alexander Zharov, Ombudsman for the Moscow Region,
Alexander Zimin, leading expert of the Moscow University
of the Interior Ministry,
Svetlana Gannushkina, Grazhdanskoye Sodeistviye (Civil
Vladimir Lukin, Russia’s ombudsman,
Alexander Muzikantsky, Moscow ombudsman,
Ella Pamfilova, Civil Society and Human Rights Council
under the President of the RF,
Lev Ponomaryov, For the Human Rights movement,
Genry Reznik, Moscow Bar Association...
Outline of Sergei Mitrokhin’s Report at the
State Council meeting
January 22, 2010
The key problem of Russia’s
political system is monopolism which manifests itself
in three major ways:
1) bodies of power and parliaments
of all levels demonstrate monopoly of one party representing
the interests of bureaucracy and large-scale business
merged with it;
2) complete dominance of the executive over the judicial
3) dictate of one social class – the bureaucracy
– over all other social groups.
Thus, the present political system generally reproduces
the Soviet system, with its key flaw – the monopoly
of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union on power.
Such monopoly led to the insensibility of the political
system of the USSR to the challenges of the time.
Attempts to reform the system were considerably belated
and that, consequently, led to a collapse of the USSR. |
of Russia’s Present Political System and the
Principles of Its Development. Brief note for
the State Council meeting (January 22, 2010) by Dr.Grigory
Yavlinsky, member of YABLOKO’s Political Committee.
January 22,
...In the absence of serious attention
to the raise of political culture and freedom of speech,
elections in our country will become a fest of demagogues
and populists killing the system.
The main problems and goals of the
society and the state in the field of creation of
modern political system and political reform do not
represent a mere correction, they mean bringing of
life and sense into Russian politics.
Only in this case it will be of interest
for the people and will be worthy of their attention.
To achieve this we should first of all raise the level
of public consciousness and open opportunities for
public participation in the power and politics.
We think that to prevent dissolution
of the Russian political system in 2010 – 2012
we need to undertake the following gradual but nonetheless
decisive steps...
residents of the city of Klin and YABLOKO picket by
the office of the Public prosecutor of the Moscow
Press Release, January 14,
“Klin Should Get an Honest Public
Prosecutor,” – such is the slogan of pickets
conducted by the residents of the Klin district, Moscow
Region, and YABLOKO by the office of the Public prosecutor
of the Moscow Region.
Oleg Stalnov, Public Prosecutor of
Klin, was dismissed from his post and downgraded to
the post of deputy Public Prosecutor of the city of
Domodedovo. It has been unclear who may take the post
in Klin.The residents of the
city and representatives of public organisations conducted
several actions and rallies demanding to dismiss Oleg
Stalnov due to the growth of corruption and general
negligence of his office. Thus in September 2009,
YABLOKO initiated a rally of about 500 people demanding
to dismiss Stalnov.
After his dismissal YABLOKO, the Society
for Preservation of Nature of the Moscow Region and
the Farmers’ Front sent a letter to the Public
Prosecutor General demanding to “control the
appointment of a new Public Prosecutor for Klin and
ensure that Klin would get an honest Public Prosecutor”. |
Political Committee determined the tasks of the responsible
opposition in modern Russia
Press-Release, September 26,
A meeting of YABLOKO’s Political
Committee took place on September 26. The Committee
developed the goals of the party in modern Russia.
YABLOKO’s leader Sergei Mitrokhin
indicated in his report to the Committee that a system
of bureaucratic cronyism developed in modern Russia.
Its goal is to maintain in power one and the same
ruling group for an unlimited period of time.
“Supporting a number of President
Medvedev’s recent statements on the need of
modernisation in Russia YABLOKO states that their
realisation is incompatible with the real goals of
this system,” Mitrokhin said.
Mitrokhin expressed his certainty
that this system “can lead Russia to stagnation
reminiscent of the stagnation of the Brezhnev period
in the USSR, when the political elite lost the chance
to conduct modernisation of the USSR, thus dooming
it to disintegration”.
According to Mitrokhin, the task of
the opposition is to offer an alternative to the political
course of the country present leaders, such as building
of a modern state based on democratic institutes and
legal consciousness
Sergei Mitrokhin’s blog
at the Echo Moskvi web-site,
September 18, 2009
Yesterday I made a speech at the State
Duma hearings devoted to the problems of city building.
The main idea of my speech was
as follows: the notorious “vertical of power”
is the main source of corruption today.
The modern state President Medvedev
is dreaming about does not imply only the vertical
of the executive power, it should also imply horizontal
of control over the executive by the legislative and
the judicial power.
When such a horizontal is lacking,
we have an archaic and weak state, or a corrupt state,
to put it shortly, instead of a modern and strong
state. I told this to Dmitry Medvedev during our meeting
on June 11.
The term “modern state”
shifted from that discussion to the topic of the conference
in Yaroslavl. The term shifted, however, the mechanisms
of democratic governing I was speaking about did not. |
head fired due to violations
Press Release August 4, 2009
“YABLOKO supports the decision [of the Moscow
Mayor] to fire the head of the North-Western administrative
district of Moscow Viktor Kozlov”, said YABLOKO’s
leader Sergei Mitrokhin. According to Mitrokhin, such
decision of the Mayor of Moscow demonstrates that
he decided to reform his team. Mitrokhin also added
that “the fact that Kozlov was sacked confirmed
that YABLOKO’s criticism of the ex-Prefect was
Presents Its Anti-Crisis Plan
Press Release June 30, 2009
Boosting of domestic demand, fight against corruption
and protection of human rights should become top priorities
for Russia’s domestic policies. Such goals are envisaged
by YABLOKO’s Anti-Crisis Plan for Russia.
opposes the transfer of exclusive rights to represent
the state in bankruptcy cases to the Federal Service
for Financial Rehabilitation and Bankruptcy (FSFRB)
Press Release, February 19, 2003
Deputies from the YABLOKO faction think that the decision
to appoint the Federal Service for Financial Rehabilitation
and Bankruptcy (FSFRB) as the only plenipotentiary
agency representing the Russian Federation in bankruptcy
cases is erroneous.
proposes liquidating the Federal Service for Financial
Rehabilitation and Bankruptcy (FSFRB)
Press Release, January 23, 2003
YABLOKO's deputies propose liquidating the Federal
Service for Financial Rehabilitation and Bankruptcy
(FSFRB). On Wednesday, January 22, 2003, deputies
from the YABLOKO faction Igor Artemyev and Sergei
Ivanenko submitted to the Duma a corresponding draft
law "On Amendments and Addenda to the Federal
Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)".
Yavlinsky: Stealing is pleasant and prestigious in Russia
Press Release, November 19, 2002
"Stealing is pleasant and prestigious in Russia at present,"
said the leader of the YABLOKO party Grigory Yavlinsky
at the round-table meeting "St. Petersburg in the 21st
Century" at the Rosbalt information agency on November
19, 2002.
Deputy of the City Duma from Yabloko
attacked in Tomsk
Press release, November 02, 2001
On November 2, 2001, about 11 p.m.
a deputy of the Tomsk City Duma from Yabloko, Chairman
of the Commission for Fight with Corruption of the
City Duma, member of the Yabloko party and ex-official
of the Tomsk Public Prosecutor Office Eugeni Krotov
was attacked.
Yabloko will aid in the search for
the perpetrators and organisers of the contract killing
of one of the leaders of opposition in Karachaevo-Cherkessiya
Keram Semyonov
Press release, September
24, 2001
The Yabloko party will closely monitor
the investigation of the murder (on September 17,
2001) of Keram Semyonov, one of the leaders of the
opposition movement Vozrozhdeniye (“Renaissance”)
in Karachaevo-Cherkessiya and candidate to the post
of Mayor of the city of Karachayevsk and provide assistance
in urgent identification of the perpetrators and organisers
of the contract killing.
Yabloko initiates the audit of the
use of multibillion state credits
On March 14, 2001, the
State Duma, on the initiative of Alexander Shishlov,
member of the Yabloko faction, instructed the Audit
Chamber of the RF to conduct an audit of the efficiency
and viability of spending in 2000 and the first quarter
of 2001 of credits (loans)obtained in accordance with
the Programme of the State Foreign Loans of the RF
for 2000-2001.
Sergei Ivanenko: we must tackle corruption
The detention of in the USA of Pavel Borodin, who
headed the Kremlin property administration under Yeltsin
and is currently the Secretary-General of the Union
of Russia and Belarus, at the request of the law-enforcement
agencies of Switzerland, should serve as a “lesson
that we should tackle corruption ourselves, at home”,
said Sergei Ivanenko, Deputy Head of the Yabloko faction
in the State Duma.
Press release, 18.01.01
Publications |
Petersburg Governor and YABLOKO Will Fight Corruption
By Yelena Rotkevich, Izvestia, November 28, 2003
Yavlinsky held several meetings in St. Petersburg
on November 26; his conversation with Matviyenko lasted
one-and-a-half hours rather than the scheduled 30
minutes, focusing primarily on cooperation between
the party and the new municipal administration, as
well as joint efforts to "overcome the bane of
corruption" which has taken shape in St. Petersburg
in recent years.
Biggest Problem is the State
By Anna Skornyakova, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, October
2, 2003
As long as law enforcement agencies are virtually
uncontrolled and can blackmail businessmen and participate
in the redistribution of property, any qualitative
improvement in the situation is out of question, something
noted by virtually all the politicians and political
scientists at the meeting of the Open Forum Club devoted
to the prospects of Russia's economy and the problems
of relations between the authorities and business.
Yavlinsky: Russian politics is deliberately being
transformed into a farce
Interview with Grigory Yavlinsky by Tatyana Chesnokova,
Rosbalt, September 25, 2003
"This situation has been deliberately created
to make less and less people engage actively in politics
and lead more and more of the population to readily
accept decision-making on their behalf by third parties".
arrange the trial of the century for RAO UES"
By Boris Sapozhnikov, gazeta.ru, September 2, 2003
"I cannot believe that Nemtsov and Khakamada
know nothing of PR-campaigns that require such huge
expenses, worthy of being included in the Guinness
Book of Records."
that corrupted Russia
By Grigory Yavlinsky, Financial Times (UK), September
3, 2003
In those years two Marxist dogmas, albeit disguised
in liberal phraseology, still shaped economic policy.
The first was...
Oil Man Arrested; Allies Blame Politics
By Sabrina Tavernise, The New York Times, July 4,
In a political wrangle of a kind not seen in Russia
since the early days of Vladimir V. Putin's presidency,
the authorities have arrested a top executive at the
financial group that owns Russia's largest oil company.
Deputies Call For Extraordinary Measures Against Corruption
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, May 27, 2003
"Because of corruption, the long bloody butchery
in Chechnya continues; the economy is stagnant; the
national wealth and resources are being mercilessly
plundered; industrial production and small businesses
are being strangled; and arbitrary bureaucratic rule
in YABLOKO’s Variant
By Oksana Karpova, Vremya MN, January 24, 2003
YABLOKO’s deputies are fighting against corruption.
Russian parliament members propose liquidating one
of the "bureaucrats’ pork barrel troughs - the
Federal Service for Financial Rehabilitation and Bankruptcy

Deputy Mitrokhin to Fight for Evacuation of Mayak
Bellona, October 25, 2002
MOSCOW - If you ask Yury Ryzhkov, press secretary
for the Mayak Chemical Combine in the Urals town of
Ozersk — birthplace of the Soviet atomic bomb
project and home to Russia's single working radioactive
waste reprocessing plant — he will tell you
there are fewer better places to live.
The Kirsan saga
Why the
Kremlin can't do anything about President Iliumzhinov
of Kalmykia
By Inessa Slavutinskaya, Profil, No. 25, July 2,
2001, pp. 12-15
The Auditing Chamber Chairman Sergei Stepashin suffered
a crushing defeat on June 22. The team of auditors
he had sent to Kalmykia (in part, with the goal of
proving misuse of state funds by President Kirsan
Iliumzhinov) did find some infractions - but these
were so small that they can be handled within standard
procedures. This means that the expected major criminal
charges in Kalmykia are unlikely to materialize.
Liberalism for Everybody
Grigory Yavlinsky, Obshaya
Gazeta, June 28, 2001, p. 7
One of the main results of the past Russian reforms
is disillusionment of the people over democratic principles
and liberal values. Russia has covered a lot of ground
over the past ten years. The totalitarian political
system and command-and-distribution economy have been
left in the past.
Who Taught Crony Capitalism to Russia?
The Wall Street Journal Europe
March 19, 2001
By Janine R. Wedel
Ms. Wedel, author of "Collision
and Collusion: The Strange Case of Western Aid to
Eastern Europe," is associate professor in the
Graduate School of Public and International Affairs
at the University of Pittsburgh.
Russia's Road to Corruption
the Clinton Administration Exported Government Instead
of Free Enterprise and Failed the Russian People.
<Fragments from the report>
Speaker's Advisory Group on Russia
Christopher Cox, Chairman United
States House of Representatives 106th Congress
Russia's new constitution, written by
Yeltsin's team, was narrowly approved in December
1993. Yet even after Russians elected the 1993 and
1995 State Dumas under the Constitution written by
Yeltsin, the Clinton administration continued to ignore
the newly elected members of the Russian legislature.
The consistent excuse they provided for this was that
the 1993 and 1995 Dumas, too, were "Communist-dominated."
In fact, the most consistent opposition to the Yeltsin
regime came not from the Communist Party of the Russian
Federation, or even from Vladimir Zhirinovsky's ultra-nationalist
Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, but from the pro-democracy,
pro-reform Yabloko party.
Full version:
Report Date: September
2000 |
Press releases