[Venediktov] Grigoriy Alekseyevich, the
country is virtually paralysed and popular
include whether we should first be tackling political
tasks or governmental tasks, whether we should be establishing
an effective government, and whether the officials who
are now acting should start managing the situation.
What is your view?
[Yavlinskiy] First of all, I want to say that
we should not be making any large pronouncements about
a paralysis, and so on. [passage omitted: coments on wage
As for action, I have believed, as I believe now, that
the Acting Prime Minister should be sitting in the Kremlin
now and taking decisions every minute. He does not
need anything else, no additional or special powers.
All these issues could be tackled in the future.
What is needed today is simply to take steps: Step
number one, two, and three. Steps should have been
taken. This should have been done over the past
three weeks. For example, the decision on the investors
-- when we refused to pay them off -- should have been
re-examined. The most important thing is that they
needed to tackle the issue of people's savings, but not
in the manner they have done -- by saying that the savings
would stay -- but the next day when the savings were transferred
to the savings bank and half of them were gone.
They should have tackled the question of compensation
and introduced an emergency budget. They should
have shown the will to do something instead of lurching
from one faction leader to another and holding absolutely
crazy and pointless meetings and voting in an attempt
to persuade them to do something.
Indeed, the country needs a government and a prime minister.
A scheme for resolving this issue has been suggested.
It could be resolved literally at one go and in one day,
as soon as the President submits such a decision.
Today's problem is that the President is not tackling
this issue.
[Venediktov] Let us talk about the President then.
So you think he is the main obstacle to settling the government
[Yavlinskiy] We have a totally authoritarian constitution
at the moment -- in other words, a constitution under
which all rights and all powers are concentrated in the
President. If he does not focus on certain issues,
they remain completely unaddressed. This decision
to put Chernomyrdin forward, it was obvious that this
was incorrect because he would not be approved.
Without getting into what this was all thought up for,
once it became clear that it would not work, he needed
quickly to take other decisions that would not stop him
being President, but in the current situation he has simply
paralysed the entire political and economic process.
That is a real problem.
[Venediktov] [passage omitted: preamble to next
question] What is your attitude to the impeachment procedure
and to the accusations that your faction are putting forward?
Do you not you feel that, right now, the State Duma will
just use the impeachment not as an impeachment but to
block the dissolution of the Duma?
[Yavlinskiy] I can only talk about our position
on part of the impeachment. We think that of all
the issues under discussion as part of the impeachment,
only one is really serious, and that is the one connected
with the war in Chechnya. [passage omitted: Chechnya
cost thousands of lives, and must not be repeated]
If this whole issue will be examined and put forward
in a juridically correct manner, this will be a very good
reason for us to support an impeachment if the question
arises. We will not agree to any illegitimate uses
for the impeachment -- as self-defense or out of spite
-- because, despite the crisis and the difficult situation,
specific juridical procedures cannot be used as combat
weapons. [passage omitted: reiterates point]
[Venediktov] So if it comes up, Yabloko will vote
for charges being pressed over Chechnya?
[Yavlinskiy] I think so. [passage omitted:
a power vacuum is no worse than the counterproductive
government decisions that were being made earlier, and
it is vital to observe the constitution]
[Venediktov] Grigoriy Alekseyevich, under the
constitution, the President has the right to dissolve
the Duma if the prime minister - designate is rejected
for a third time. Is your faction, your movement,
ready for elections under these crisis conditions?
Does it think it will be possible to hold parliamentary
elections? It is possible under the constitution.
[Yavlinskiy] We cannot see any good coming from
the dissolution of the Duma, but if elections are called
we will definitely take part in them. We are ready
for elections, because we assumed a long time ago that
events could lead to this. But I have to call on those
who today are acting as the government -- and by the way
it is acting in its full complement -- because today we
need to think about how to defend the majority of the
population from uncontrollable price rises. We need
immediately to lower excise duty rates on essentials,
immediately to lower tax rates for enterprises trading
in domestic goods. We need to collect a critical
amount in foreign currency in order to buy up and import
medical and essential goods, because the lives of very
many people are simply depending on this. Over the
past six years the proportion of imports has become very
important. You need to remember that shipments that
might seem small in size, if they are halted, can bring
production at huge enterprises to a standstill, and massive
unemployment will follow. Somebody needs to deal
with these problems.
[Venediktov] But the elections...
[Yavlinskiy, interrupting] If Chernomyrdin went
on television every evening and simply said what he had
done during the day, what decisions he had made, I think
that would be a lot more useful than going back and forth
among politicians trying to persuade them of something.
[passage omitted: Yavlinskiy reiterates point; calls for
emergency budget to include these points and address the
human aspect of reforms; break for news]
[Venediktov] Grigoriy Alekseyevich, we just heard
on the news that both speakers of the Federal Assembly
-- Seleznev, of the Communists, and Stroyev, who once
belonged to Russia is Our Home, have supported the candidate
you proposed: Foreign Minister Yevgeniy Primakov.
[passage omitted: there are many potential candidates]
Why did you propose Primakov for prime minister?
[Yavlinskiy] [words indistinct] Yevgeniy
Maksimovich Primakov has a few advantages at the moment.
His political authority is sufficiently high to influence
the power-wielding structures, to be able to pass through
the State Duma on the first attempt. On the other
hand, he is not a member of any party, not tied to any
political forces. He is well-known and has authority
overseas, and one very important factor at the moment
is that he does not wish to take part in presidential
elections, meaning he will be open and relaxed about political
events, and will not be thinking about the egotistical
interests of a president but about how to sort things
out and realistically to stabilize the economy and the
country. [passage omitted: Primakov is also preferable
because he is not a businessman and will not therefore
be unpopular with the public]
Primakov will be a political prime minister and, of course,
he will have a first deputy to be responsible for the
economy, who will deal with parliament on this issue.
[Venediktov] Do you mean yourself?
[Yavlinskiy] No, I do not mean myself, I can tell
you that for certain. We have not had any talks
with Primakov and we have not even discussed any decisions
on filling this position with him. It is just that
if we are to have any prospects today, to have even the
slightest political stability, we need to take this opportunity,
however slight -- meaning we do not have many people of
the requisite calibre, with unaligned political authority
and, at the same time, acceptable as a presidential nominee.
He can be supported and not removed every two months,
and allowed to talk both with the whole world and with
the whole country. This is a rare event: we have
this person, and we need to take the opportunity. [passage
omitted: neutral figure as prime minister is in the interests
of all parties; Primakov is unlikely to confirm or deny
anything about his candidacy until it has been declared
by Yeltsin; people need to be reassured that the government
will now act responsibly; Yeltsin's time has passed but
nobody can force him to go]
It is difficult to work as prime minister, or as anybody,
when you can be fired and you will find out about it first
from Ekho Moskvy. Why do you think all politicians
like to listen to Ekho Moskvy? Because all politicians
know that that is where they will first find out that
they have been sacked.
[Venediktov] [passage omitted: preamble
to next question] What do you think are the chances
of mass disorder that will turn the political situation
into reminiscent of 1993?
[Yavlinskiy] I would not recommend anyone to make
that sort of prediction in Russia. And predictions
of that kind can only be made by people a long way away,
who have never seen anything of the sort themselves, and
do not really understand how these things can end up.
I hope people will understand that actions of this kind
will not solve a single problem. They will make
everything worse, they can take it further, to the very
brink, but after any demonstrations there will inevitably
be talks, decisions, agreement of positions -- in other
words, any war ends in negotiations, and people in Russia
have enough experience to know that it is better to clear
this abyss in a single step, or to begin negotiations
to settle the issue right away. These settlements
are under way, and people can see how various political
forces are attempting to defend their positions. Today
the President is thinking about what other candidates
for prime minister to put forward. That shows that
it is working. But simple provocative actions of
this kind will lead to very serious and perhaps even irreversible
consequences for a lot of people. I really do not
recommend going down that road.