Moscow, June 9, 2004. The Antimonopoly Service developed
a concept of a draft law "On Protection of Competition in the RF".
According to Rosbalt correspondent, such a statement was made on Wednesday
by the head of the Antimonopoly Service Igor
Artemyev said that the concept of the new document had been already
forwarded to the Prime Minister. "The news= law will change in principle
the system of legal relations in the protection of free competition,"
noted Artemyev. Thus, for example, not only the antimonopoly service but
also any company or individual will be able to defend in court their rights
against unfair competition. Artemyev also specified that the new draft
law provided more accurate definition of "coordinated actions (collusion)
of monopoly companies." "[The plaintiffs] will not need to provide
us with agreements and documents specifying collusion, explained Artemyev.
- It will be necessary simply to determine the ties in the coordinated
behaviour of the "alleged" competitors."
Speaking about the new draft law, Artemyev also said that it planned
to abolish the system of penalties for unfair competition: the penalties
will be defined by the decision of a court of arbitration rather than
by law.
The head of the Antimonopoly Service also informed the press that his
Service planned to raise the minimum amount of deals subject to mandatory
control on behalf of the Antimonopoly Service by 100 times. He also said
that at present the Antimonopoly Service controlled all deals with assets
amounting to more than 200,000 minimum wages. According to Artemyev, the
draft law will be submitted to the Government in November 2004.
See also: