Anchor: Today we shall speak in a live broadcast with Grigory
Yavlinsky, the leader of the YABLOKO party, on the reforms in
the security agencies and staff reshuffles conducted by the President.
Good evening, Grigory Alexeevich. First of all, how do you access
the strengthening of the FSB, as well as partially of the interior
ministry, at the expense of three liquidated ministries? What does
this mean? Does this represent a return to the former KGB standards,
to the structure of the Soviet state security committee?
Yavlinsky: First of all it would de desirable if we could
clearly understand with these new appointments how, for example,
the President assesses the performance of FAPSI (Ed. the Federal
Agency for Government Communications and Information), the work
of the Border Guard Service,
The work of other departments that will be abolished. However,
it looks like a reshuffle of places, or a reshuffle of posts,
a reshuffle of people and change of names. It would be important
to understand the problems of these ministries, what was unsatisfactory
in their work, what the difficulties were and where they did not
perform properly. We don't know anything about this issue. Formerly,
the return to the previous would probably be more convenient.
You would see less duplication of functions. The decisions by
the Duma regarding the functions of these new ministries will
determine whether the changes will lead to the changes that you
would expect in totalitarian structures, such as the KGB structure.
Corresponding documents have been submitted to the Duma. However,
the Duma has still not determined them. It is likely that the
decision will be taken there.
Anchor: It is clear now, Grigory Alexeevich. Now let us
speak about the new appointment of Valentina Matviyenko. Do you
share the statement of some political scientists that we have
heard here today: her first step in a future political career
in St. Petersburg and that her candidacy will be proposed at the
forthcoming gubernatorial elections of the northern capital?
Yavlinsky: I think that this is most likely. From this
viewpoint such an appointment is logical. If the President is
going to support Valentina Matviyenko at the elections to governor
of St. Petersburg, which he already tried to do in 2000, such
an appointment is quite rational and clear. In general, it stands
to reason that she could learn the situation and become closer
to St. Petersburg and its problems.
Anchor: Thank you for finding the time to come to see us.
Grigory Yavlinsky, the leader of the YABLOKO faction of the State
Duma, commented on today's staff reshuffles and new appointments
in the security agencies.
See also:
March 11, 2003. Grigory
Yavlinsky on the president's reshuffles in the security agencies
and the appointment of Deputy Prime Minister Valentina Matviyenko
as Presidential Plenipotentiary in the North-Western Federal district.