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NTV television channel, "Mir" programme, October 21, 2003

The Russian Democratic Party YABLOKO celebrates its 10th anniversary

Anchor: The YABLOKO party is celebrating today: exactly ten years ago the Yavlinsky-Boldyrev-Lukin election bloc was registered. Today the party's anniversary celebrations began in the Museum of Contemporary History of Russia. There are apples (Ed. Yabloko means apple in Russian) everywhere at the "YABLOKO Is Ten" exhibition, and different party symbols made from cane and plastic.

The YABLOKO leader Grigory Yavlinsky: Our first ten years have not been easy. However, walking through the halls of the museum, we can see that life in our country has always been very complex. The problems that we face have a long history. The problems that our political activity attempts to resolve are at least twice as old as we are. We are dealing with problems that have existed in Russia for ages.


NTV television channel, "Mir" programme, October 21, 2003

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