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Novaya Gazeta, April 7, 2003

People's Deputies: in the Hall and at Home

By Irina Gordiyenko

Deputies who speak in public against "anti-people reforms" abruptly change their convictions on the day of a vote.

Recently the State Duma rejected the draft address to the President of Russia to repeal certain provisions of the housing and communal service sector reform and finalise the draft for wage system reform. Strangely enough, many factions that had protested against the "criminal policies of the regime", simply sabotaged this important vote. The attempt to postpone the entry into force of "underdeveloped reforms" failed...

In other words now we face an "accelerated transfer to 100% payment of housing and communal services." From now on we will simply have to cover the total cost of electricity, gas and heat. And nobody will consider the size of your wage, the number of children and sick relatives or regulate your subsistence minimum, at least in the near future. We decided to provide you with information on who voted on this issue and how they voted in several tables to avoid a situation, where responsibility for adopted decisions becomes a topic for election campaigns.

For the Address to the President on introduction of necessary changes into the governmental concept of the reform of the housing and communal services sector (on abolishing a 100% payment of housing and communal services)
Factions Votes,%
Communist Party 97.56%
"Unity" 0%
"People's deputy" 7.55%
"Fatherland - All Russia" 0%
Union of the Right-Wing Forces 0%
"Yabloko" 100%
"Russia's Regions" 23.4%
Agro-Industrial group 97.67%
Independent deputies 47.62%


For the adoption of the Address to the Prime Minister of the RF on creation of a trilateral commission for final development of wages reform for budget sphere workers
Factions Votes,%
Communist Party 100%
"Unity" 0%
"People's deputy" 9.43%
"Fatherland - All Russia" 0%
Union of the Right-Wing Forces 96.88%
"Yabloko" 100%
"Russia's Regions" 19.15%
Agro-Industrial group 100%
Independent deputies 38.1%

It should also be noted here that instead of clearly stating their position, saying a firm "no" or abstaining, deputies preferred not to vote at all.

On the housing and communal services reform:

Unity: 82 deputies out of 82 did not vote. People's Deputy" 48 deputies out of 53 did not vote. Fatherland-All Russia: 52 deputies out of 52 did not vote.

On the wages of budget sector workers:

Unity: 82 deputies out of 82 did not vote. Fatherland-All Russia: 52 deputies out of 52 did not vote. LDPR: 13 deputies out of 13 did not vote.

It isn't clear why people's deputies don't vote. Maybe the wording "did not vote" should be taken as a kind of deputy's alibi? Did not vote means here absent, which means that the deputies were in another place, as they had more important problems to resolve for the people. Therefore such a people's deputy is not responsible for the increase in housing rent:

See also:

Housing and Communal Services

Reform in Education

YABLOKO and the parties of power

Novaya Gazeta, April 7, 2003

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