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Gazeta.ru, December 2, 2002

"Deputies do not have to be lawyers, but they should work as politicians, rather than businessmen."

By Sergei Mitrokhin, Deputy Head of the Duma Committee for Self-Government (YABLOKO)

The erratic actions of deputy Semyonov (Ed. on allowing parliament members to engage in business at the same time) represents a strange and irresponsible PR action. He proposes a barbarian variant [of the draft law] that will lead to a complete merger of the authorities and the oligarchs. The present prohibition on entrepreneurial activity [for deputies of the State Duma] is feeble, but it is still a prohibition that blocks oligarchisation of the legislative authority.

I submitted contrary amendments to the law "On the General Principles of Organisation of the State Executive Authorities". I propose that the law should stipulate that all the candidates to the deputies of regional parliaments must work on a professional basis. They do not have to be lawyers, but they should work as politicians, rather than businessmen. Such a provision is at present envisaged in the laws of only seven Russian regions.

In other regions it is up to the local authorities to decide whether
business should go into power or not. This is not right. In civilised countries any lobbyist function is separated from that of the deputy.

See also:

"A Separate Body for Lobbyists Should Be Created." By Alexei Melnikov.
Gazeta.ru, December 2, 2002

Gazeta.ru, December 2, 2002

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