Aiming to facilitate the legal provisions for the mechanisms that
ensure implementation and development of the
legal regulations economics of education in the spheres of
extra-budgetary relations, normative financing, wages
and the organisational and legal status of the institutions of
education, the Yabloko faction and the Trade Union
of Education and Scientific Employees of the RF have concluded the
present agreement on joint legislative
activity in this field:

The deputies of the Yabloko faction and experts of its commission for
education shall:
- organise the activity of the working group for the development of
legal initiatives and proposals on changes to
current legislation in education;
- participate as authors in the development of normative legal acts
worked out on the basis of ideas proposed by
- participate in the submission of corresponding legal initiatives to
the State Duma and assist with their
examination and adoption;
- render political support to the position and legislative initiatives
worked out jointly with the Trade Union of
Education and Scientific Employees of the RF;
- assist with the implementation of measures to bring the status of an
educational institution into line with the RF
- publicise measures targeted at promoting jointly developed draft
legislative acts.
The joint work of the Trade Union of Education and Scientific Employees
of the RF and the Yabloko faction should
be made known to the general public, including the provision of
information on the participation of experts and
specialists of the Trade Union of Education and Scientific Employees of
the RF in legislative and other initiatives.
The Trade Union of Education and Scientific Employees of the RF shall:
- involve the deputies of the Yabloko faction and experts of the
commission for education of the Yabloko faction
in work on draft legislative initiatives referring to the aforementioned
- delegate its experts and consultants for participation in joint
working groups to develop corresponding draft laws
and other legislative initiatives;
- render public support to the position and legislative initiatives
developed jointly with the Yabloko faction;
- publicise measures targeted at promoting jointly developed draft
legislative acts.
The joint work between the Trade Union of Education and Scientific
Employees of the RF and the Yabloko faction
should be made known to the public, including the provision of
information on the participation of the deputies and
experts of the Yabloko faction in legislative and other initiatives.
Responsibility for the coordination of the joint activity carried out
in accordance with the present agreement shall
be vested with: on behalf of the Yabloko faction – Deputy Chairman of
the State Duma Committee for Education
and Science A. V. Shishlov, and on behalf of the Trade Union of
Education and Scientific Employees of the RF –
Chairman of the Trade Union V. M. Yakovlev.
For and on behalf of the Yabloko faction
G.A. Yavlinsky
For and on behalf of the Trade Union of the Workers of Education and
Science of the RF
V. M. Yakovlev.