The State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
believes that the following provision of the
Constitution of the Russian Federation, that human rights and freedoms
determine the essence, content and
application of the laws and activity of the legislative and the
executive authorities and local government to be
immovable and ensured by justice.
The situation connected to the abortive attempts of the shareholders of
OAO “Telekompaniya NTV” not only to
protect, but even to achieve examination [by court] of the cases on
protection of their rights, raise concerns
over the ability of the Russia’s judiciary system to perform its task –
administer justice.
The State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation hereby
requests that the Supreme Court of
the Russian Federation as the supreme judiciary body, which controls the
functioning of law courts, ensure the
rights of the team of journalists of NTV and the shareholders of OAO
“Telekompaniya NTV” to a legal defence in
See also:
NTV Case
Grigory Yavlinsky believes that the Duma has refused the chance to freely speak to its electorate
Press release, April 4, 2001
Grigory Yavlinsky proposes that the State Duma consider a draft resolution of the chamber on the
situation surrounding NTV
Press release, April 4, 2001
Yabloko prepares draft appeal to the Supreme Court in connection with the situation surrounding NTV
Press release, April 4, 2001