On August 25, YABLOKO leader Sergei Mitrokhin held a series
of meetings with the residents of Krymsk area which suffered
terrible flood in July.

The meetings had to identify the cases of non-fulfillment
by the authorities of their obligations to the residents who
lost their property in the flood.
People reported red tape in getting compensation for lost
property and money for repairs, continuous losing by officials
of their documents submitted in order to get a compensation
and small size of compensations insufficient for repairs.
The residents resented such bureaucratic formalism when people
were denied compensation.
Also a large number of houses in Krymsk were officially recognised
to be situated in the flooding zone, and President Putin promised
to move the residents to a safer area. Instead of implementing
this promise local authorities offered homeowners to conduct
repairs of their houses and refused to move them to other
The police tried to debar Mitrokhin from meeting the residents.
Also several cars with representatives of local administration
followed YABLOKO leader at the meetings. At the end Mitrokhin
managed to make the local officials cooperate in the solution
of the problems of the Krymsk residents.

Typical walls of the houses people have to
live in.

A handicapped man and his old age mother have
to live in a cold terrace constructed for a sumer period.

Typical basements.
See also:
activists conducted pickets resignation of Governor of the
Krasnodar Territory Alexander Tkachyov. Press
Release, August 3, 2012
Governor Tkachyov and government of the Krasnodar region should
be held liable for the tragedy in Krymsk it. Press Release,
July 31, 2012
demands from Public Prosecutor General to bring to justice
the officials responsible for flooding of three villages of
the Krymsk district. Press Relese, July 16, 2012
Vitishko: We are working 24 hours a day. We have made bunks
and sleep in turn. Yugeny
Vitishko about the Aid Centre in Krymsk. Special for the YABLOKO
web-site. July 10, 2012
Centre for the victims of the flood in the southern Russia
keeps working in Krymsk. Press Release, July 10, 2012.
Flood victims left
without help in Krymsk held a spontaneous rally. Press Relese,
July 9, 2012
YABLOKO leader arrived
in Krymsk with a truck of humanitarian aid. Press Release,
July 9, 2012.
Criminal negligence
of officials led to deaths of people in the Krimskiy district,
the Krasnodar Area. Statement by YABLOKO Chairman. July 7,