On December 9, 2009, the Evening University of the YABLOKO
party organised a meeting for its students with Dr. Grigory
Yavlinsky, the founder of the party and member of the Political

Answering the questions of YABLOKO’s members and advocates
on the present economic, political and social situation in
Russia, elections, Russia’s relations with other countries,
etc. Grigory Yavlinsky noted that a qualitatively new situation
developed in Russia after the elections of October 11. “No
one believes words about democracy in the country any more
after such elections.” Yavlinsky also noted that the policies
of the Russian authorities were unsuccessful. “The authorities
should realise that they do not have the strength to modernise
Russia, this means that the opposition and other citizens
get a chance,” Yavlinsky said.
According to Yavlinsky, the modern Russian bureaucracy created
a “new system of production”, when “the power is concentrated
in one party and the economy is maintained in the interests
of some individuals”. Such a system can exist for a long time,
as it enjoys its group of support and a possibility to ensure
the living standards close to the European standards for 25
per cent of Russia’s population. He also noted that these
25 per cent “include not only oligarchs, but also bureaucrats
and a corrupted services sphere”. However, such lack of responsibility
of the present authorities lead to their inability to ensure
deserving living standards for 75 per cent of the Russian
citizens. The way out of such a situation requires amending
of the system. “The change of the system implies much stamina,
however, we must find the decisions that will be in demand,”
Yavlinsky said.
The next lecture of the Evening Party University will take
place on December 23 at 7 p.m. Alexander Gnezdilov, film director
and member of the Moscow YABLOKO Regional Council will speak
about “The Links Between Politics and Cultural Issues in Modern