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Court rules out that a thousand of additional votes stuffed in for progovernmental United Russia is not a satisfactory motive for recount of the votes

Press Release
December 9, 2009

On December 8, 2009, the Perovo District Court of Moscow declined YABLOKO’s suit on annulment of the results of the voting at two polling stations in the Veshnyaki area where 1.002 votes had been simply added to the progovernmental United Russia party. At the previous hearings the key witness of YABLOKO – a member of the electoral commission with a casting vote – made a statement that her signature in the official protocol had been faked. Signatures of several other members of the district electoral commission had been either missing or faked.

The Judge Vera Gorbunova refused to listen to the candidate to the deputies to the Moscow Duma from the CPRF party Alexander Gorbunov who had been running in the district and as a candidate had obtained the signed copies of the protocols.

The Moscow City Electoral Commission submitted to the court documents that had to decide the outcome of the trial as demonstrated obvious violations made by the local commission. Thus, the original copy of one of the official protocols (the law requires that the protocols are made in two copies) from the polling station No 888 lacked a signature of Mr.Kolesnikov, a commission member with a casting vote. Another copy contained the signature, but it did not match Kolesnikov’s signature in the observers’ protocol.

However, Article 72 of the Election Code of Moscow requires that protocols must be signed by all the commission members with casting votes, otherwise the protocols to be considered null and void, and recounting of the votes should take place.

Also the signatures of Mr.Streltzov, a commission member, were strikingly different at the copies of the protocols from the polling station No 887; moreover the observers’ protocol demonstrated even a facsimile signature. However, the judge turned down YABLOKO’s claim to determine an authentic signature of Mr.Streltzov.

Another commission member from the polling station No 888 Raisa Samoilova stated that her signature had been faked at the protocol of the Moscow City Electoral Commission. She also recollected the number of votes cast for the United Russia and the CPRF party as she represented the latter. The evidence matched the data indicated in the observers’ protocols clashing with the official data, and YABLOKO insisted on the expertise. However, the defendants were against such expertise and the judge took their side.

Another evidence from Elena Berdzenishvili, secretary of commission No 887, said that she could not recollect any “training” or interim protocols the defendants were insisting on trying to justify the “errors” by mixing up the files. She also could not explain why she had signed two protocols with absolutely different data.

YABLOKO asked the court to satisfy its claim as the Moscow and the local commissions failed to determine the will of the electorate. However, the judge turned down YABLOKO’s claim.

YABLOKO is going to appeal this decision in a superior court.

This has become already the second decision when Moscow local courts were turning down YABLOKO’s suits. On December 3, 2009, the Golovinsky District Court refused to satisfy YABLOKO’s claims in connection with two districts in the Levoberezhny area where United Russia was simply added votes taken from other parties. The next trial will take place in the Kuntsevsky District Court.

YABLOKO has filed claims on 14 polling stations in 10 Moscow districts (see the schedule of trials).

See also:

Moscow City Duma Elections, 2009

Chairs of local electoral commissions speak in favour of cancellation of the results of the elections in the Veshnyaki area, Moscow. Press Release, December 2, 2009

A trial on the fraud at the electoral districts where over 1,000 votes were stuffed for the United Russia party began. Press Release, November 26, 2009

On non-recognition of the results of the elections of October 11, 2009, and the need to investigate cases of franchise violations. Statement of the Bureau of the Russian United Democratic Party YABLOKO.
October 19, 2009

Election fraud at the Moscow City Duma elections. From the Live Journal of Igor Yakovlev, Press Secretary of the YABLOKO party

Violations at the Moscow City Duma elections. Press Release. October 12, 2009




Press Release

December 9, 2009