An illustration of election fraud (Moscow City Duma
election, October 11, 2009)
From the Live Journal of Igor Yakovlev, Press Secretary of
the YABLOKO party
Electoral district No 1702, Danilovsky district, Moscow.
All who has seen election campaigns of the recent years mark
an unbelievable scope of fraud at yesterday’s election (Moscow
City Duma election on October 11, 2009).
Here comes only one example of election fraud:
Protocol of the local electoral commission published
at the web-site of the Moscow Electoral Commission
1 Number of voters in the list 2351
2 Number of bulletins allotted to the local electoral commission
5 Number of bulletins given to voters at the polling station
6 Number of bulletins given to voters outside the polling
station 21
7 Number of invalidated bulletins 1003
8 Number of bulletins in the mobile ballot boxes 21
9 Number of bulletins in stationary boxes 976
10 Number of invalid bulletins 21
11 Number of valid bulletins 976
11а Number of absentee voting certificates in disposal of
the local electoral commission 30
11б Number of absentee voting certificates given by the local
electoral commission 30
11в Number of voters with absentee voting certificates who
actually voted at the polling station 40
11г Number of non-used invalidated absentee voting certificates
11д Number of lost bulletins 0
11е Number of bulletins not counted at receipt 0
12 1. Moscow LDPR branch 37
13 2. Moscow regional branch of the PATRIOTS OF RUSSIA party
14 3. Moscow regional branch of the
15 4.Moscow branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation
16 5. Regional branch of the JUST RUSSIA party in Moscow
17 6. Regional branch of the YABLOKO party in Moscow 38
Protocol of the local electoral commission given
by the commission to YABLOKO’s observer
1 Number of voters in the list 2351
2 Number of bulletins allotted to the local electoral commission
5 Number of bulletins given to voters at the polling station
6 Number of bulletins given to voters outside the polling
station 21
7 Number of invalidated bulletins 1553
8 Number of bulletins in the mobile ballot boxes 21
9 Number of bulletins in stationary boxes 476
10 Number of invalid bulletins 21
11 Number of valid bulletins 476
11а Number of absentee voting certificates in disposal of
the local electoral commission 30
11б Number of absentee voting certificates given by the local
electoral commission 30
11в Number of voters with absentee voting certificates who
actually voted at the polling station 40
11г Number of non-used invalidated absentee voting certificates
11д Number of lost bulletins 0
11е Number of bulletins not counted at receipt 0
12 1. Moscow LDPR branch 37
13 2. Moscow regional branch of the PATRIOTS OF RUSSIA party
14 3. Moscow regional branch of the
15 4. Moscow branch of the Communist Party of the Russian
Federation 98
16 5. Regional branch of the JUST RUSSIA party in Moscow 50
17 6. Regional branch of the YABLOKO party in Moscow 38
United Russia simply “got” 550 additional votes from nowhere.
550 is a beautiful figure.
See the screenshots of the protocols below. The first screenshot
represents the protocol
of the Moscow Electoral Commission.

The second screen shot is the protocol obtained by the observer.

See also:
to the Moscow City Duma, 2009
at the Moscow City Duma elections. Press Release. October
12, 2009