On the last day of allowed campaigning before the voting
date, October 11, the YABLOKO party offered to the Muscovites
its photo report on the work done by the faction in the Moscow
City Duma. Double stands with photographs were put at Chistoprudniy
boulevard in the centre of Moscow.

Leaders of YABLOKO’s election list Sergei Mitrokhin, Eugeni
Bunimovich, Zoya Shargatova, Alexander Gnezdilov, Valery Borschyov,
Andrei Babushkin, Shamil Amirov, Yulia Timakova, Roman Zhigulsky,
Sergei Markov and Pavel Gerasimov came to this exhibition
so that to answer questions of the electorate. In spite of
a heavy rain Muscovites showed interest to the photo stands,
talked to YABLOKO’s candidates and took YABLOKO’s leaflets
so that to show them to their relatives, neighbours and friends.
”YABLOKO does not talk about what can be done, YABLOKO shows
what has been done,” that’s how Eugeni Bunimovich, number
two in YABLOKO’s list, commented on the exhibition. “This
is everyday simple and for someone even boring work,” however,
according to Bunimovich, this work brings the results – such
as provided by YABLOKO to its electorate today.

See also:
to the Moscow City Duma, 2009
More photographs
at the Moscow YABLOKO web-site