The interregional public organisation The Elder Generation
(the former Pensioners’ party) joined the YABLOKO party. Such
a decision was adopted by at a joint meeting of the YABLOKO’s
Bureau and Presidium of the Central Council of the Elder Generation
organisation on October 3. YABLOKO’s leader Sergei Mitrokhin
and deputy head of the Elder Generation Alexei Borschenko
signed an agreement in the presence of the media.
“It is a great honour for us, as well as recognition of our
performance in protection of social rights, and in particular
pensioners’ rights,” Sergei Mitrokhin told the journalists.

Alexei Borschenko said that YABLOKO is the only party on the
country firmly and consistently solving social problems both
in Moscow and in the regions.” Borschenko noted that the Elder
Generation movement is the successor of the Pensioners’ Party,
as only a few primary organisations of the latter joined the
Fair Russia party.
According to Borschenko, 27 regional branches of the organisations
will join YABLOKO. The organisation also called all its branches
to follow their example. The leader of the Elder Generation
is certain that in about 45 days the number of regional branches
joining YABLOKO should reach 50. Sergei Mitrokhin also noted
that a special faction inside YABLOKO should be created out
of 27 regional branches of the organisation that had already
joined YABLOKO.
Today YABLOKO has seven factions, including the Green Russia
(created on the basis of the same party which joined YABLOKO
in 2006) and the Soldiers’ Mothers faction.
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See also:
Moscow City
Duma Elections, 2009