On August 24 activists from the Omsk Youth YABLOKO organisation
conducted two pickets at the centre of the city. The activists
held placards “A human rights activist today and a corpse
tomorrow?” and “’No’ to “unacceptable” versions and ‘yes’
to proper investigation!”
The action was targeted at drawing public attention to
the frequent murders of human rights activists in Russia.
Young activists decided to “visualize” such a situation
for the city residents: people covered with white sheets
were lying by their feet symbolising murdered human rights
The local police observed the action and tried to stop
it stating that such an action may shock the city-dwellers.
However, they were satisfied with the explanation that the
“corpses” were not real and that the action had been registered
with the local authorities.
However, the city dwellers demonstrated great interest
in the action conducted in such an unusual form. People
not only took all the leaflets from the activists, but showed
real interest to the problem.
Photographs from the action

See also:
Russian authorities are fully responsible for another political
murder. Statement by the Party Chairman, July 15, 2009.