In December 2009 activists of St.Petersburg youth YABLOKO
organisation summed up the results of the Year of the Youth.
The authorities reported on “great achievements” in the field
of youth policy in 2009 and young YABLOKO activists decided
to demonstrate these “achievements”, such as extremely low
stipends (that were not raised in 2009), high unemployment
among young people (young people under 25 constitute 30% of
all the unemployed in the country), considerable reduction
of municipal budget expenditures on the youth policy, long
queues for enrollment of children to kindergartens, scandalous
appointments of universities rectors, etc.
Young YABLOKO activists also made a picturesque calendar
docs.google.com/leaf with detailed information on 12 failures
of the youth policy in the Year of the Youth. The activists
also forwarded an address to the President of Russia enumerating
the key problems of the young people and also demanded that
head of the State Committee for Youth Policies Vassily Yakimenko
should be dismissed from his post.