Ivanenko: three reasons are currently hampering the formation of
fully-fledged independent parties
Radio Mayak, September 15, 2004
Nobody is asking the Kremlin for any support, just to create normal
conditions and then parties will develop and will win in a competition.
Duma election results to be questioned at Supreme Court
Interfax, September 13, 2004
"Lawyers of the Independent Election Institute, the Communist
Party and Yabloko drafted a lawsuit to be filed at the Russian Supreme
Court, and Committee 2008 sponsored the drafting. I think we will
file the lawsuit at the end of this week," Yabloko Deputy Chairman
Sergei Mitrokhin told Interfax on Monday.
Fades into a Legend Losing Its Link to Reality
By Irina Romancheva, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, August 11, 2004
...However, the question remains: is the absence of the Svoboda Slova (Freedom
of Speech) programme on TV sufficient reason for some prominent Russian
politicians to retreat into some sort of underground? Prominent Yabloko
members debate this topic.
Ivanenko, deputy chairman of Yabloko: This is not Caesar’s regime:
this is an aristocratic regime
Novaya Gazeta, July 1, 2004
"The more you press down on a spring, the stronger it rebounds.
People are already sick and tired of watching the Vremya programme
of 1982 [Ed. Soviet title of the news that tended not to report
about real developments in the Soviet Union]. Gradually they will
become more interested in independent views. Our task is to make
these words serious and interesting for people..."
Conference with Serge Ivanenko, Garry Kasparov, Boris Nemtsov and
other Committee-2008 officials
Interfax, May 18, 2004
Today we welcome members of Committee-2008 -- Freedom of Choice.
The topic of the press conference is "Ways to Unite Democratic
Liberal Political Forces." Taking part in the press conference
are Sergei Ivanenko, Garry Kasparov, Boris Nemtsov and Irina Khakamada.
Friends through Parties
By Sergei Ivanenko, Yezhenedelny Zhurnal, May 25, 2004
Consolidation of the democratic movement is the priority now. We
have to collect everybody who shares and defends democratic principles
without bartering them for any material gains.
Ivanenko: Proposing a non-political figure for the post of Prime
Minister demonstrates that the course of the country has not changed
Press release, March 01, 2004
The President has made it clear that he will directly guide the government
even more than in the past, and will himself determine the country’s
may be called a boycott"
By Anastasiya Matveyeva, Gazeta, February 25, 2004
...We proceed from the premise that people see the growing lack
of freedom in the country, lack of equality of participants in pseudo-democratic
elections, the bankruptcy and even comic nature of the candidacies.
Mayak broadcast of a live election debate between Yabloko and the
Constitutional Democrats
Anchor: Yuli Semyonov, BBC Monitoring, November 11, 2003
Ivanenko said
that people should be more alert to what the parties actually do rather
than listen to their promises.
State Duma will consider the address to the heads of the First [Television]
Channel and VGTRK [television company] on broadcasting live forthcoming
parliamentary election debates.
Press release, October 16, 2003
On Thursday the State Duma Council passed a decision to include
this item on the Duma agenda. The address was initiated by Sergei
Ivanenko and Sergei Mitrokhin.
expect any radical changes
Interview with Sergei Ivanenko by Viktor Khamrayev.
Vremya Novostei, June 6, 2002
proposes establishment of a State Duma commission
to investigate the situation around “Kursk”
of Sergei Ivanenko to the explosion in Moscow
"Echo Moskvi",
Moderator Alexei Venediktov, August 8, 2000, [19:40-19:50]
Sergei Ivanenko, Vremya
Novostei, No 99, August 9, 2000
is a mission. Yavlinsky's party rehearses its ability
to reach agreement on the right
Interview of Sergei
Ivanenko by Sergei Miulin,"Segodnya",
No 151, July 13, 2000
to Happiness. Yabloko proposes the election of Federation
Council members
July 12, 2000
Ivanenko: ordinary citizens may follow Vladimir Gusinsky-s
from the
website "Vladimir Gusinsky's case"
Ivanenko: meeting between Putin and oligarchs unlikely
to influence the development of relations between
business and the authorities
Ivanenko: the State Council will become one of the
consultative structures under the President
Sergei Ivanenko
calls on the Russian authorities to alter its relations
with business "from a state of war at least to
a state of truce"