Russia-US Relations
Press releases
See also
releases |
Is Russia's Best Friend. By Grigory Yavlinsky.
The Moscow Times, February
19, 2013. Vedomosti, January 28, 2013.
U.S. President Barack Obama took his
second oath of office on Jan. 20. The following Sunday,
also in Washington, Metropolitan Tikhon was enthroned
as the primate of the Orthodox Church in America.
A second major phenomenon largely overlooked by the
media is that 1 million Orthodox Americans affirm
the importance of upholding their faith in that multicultural
"melting pot" — even though most speak
English and were not raised according to traditional
Russian customs. Although many American Orthodox believers
are not Russians or Europeans, and some are not even
direct descendents of Russian and European immigrants,
they often had an even stronger personal connection
to the Russian emigres and anti-Bolsheviks of the
18th and 19th centuries and responded more passionately
when the Russian Orthodox Church was driven partly
underground... |
Arbatov, foreign policy expert: Russia has obviously
taken a course towards alienation from the USA and
Western Europe
Radio Liberty/Radio Free Europe,
September 28, 2012.
A nervous reaction displayed by the
Russian authorities for the PACE resolution on the
implementation of Moscow’s obligations on the
democratic development [of Russia] which has not been
promulgated yet, is caused, according to experts,
by two main factors. First, the Kremlin reorients
its foreign policy and foreign economic strategy from
Europe to Eurasia. Secondly, the recent repressive
policies towards the civil society will inevitably
affect [Russia’s] behaviour on the international
arena. Alexei Arbatov, international relations expert
and Director of the Center for International Security
of the Russian Academy of Sciences, talks about this
in his interview to the Radio Liberty...
Yavlinsky discussed with US Vice President Joseph
Biden the prospects of a joint Russia-NATO ABM system
and political situation in Russia
Press Release, March 10, 2011.
Development of Russia-US strategic
relations on the basis of the mutual assured destruction
(MAD) concept had become outdated already long ago,
such a statement was made by Dr.Grigory Yavlinsky,
member of YABLOKO’s Political Committee, during
the meeting with US Vice President Joseph Biden.
According to Yavlinsky, we should
all abolish the old view on the Russia-US relations
as a zero-sum game, when a success of one of the parties
means a defeat of the other one...
Iran’s Nuclear Problem
Resolution by the Political
Committee of the YABLOKO party. October 6, 2009
The Russian United Democratic Party
YABLOKO expresses its deep concern in view of the
new aggravation of the situation around Iran’s
nuclear problem.
A secret construction of the second Iran’s uranium
enrichment plant, which the world public has learned
about, shows that Teheran continues its course towards
challenging the UN, as well as regional and global
security. New tests of ballistic missiles, including
medium-range Shahab-3, have shifted the crisis into
a dangerous phase...
Iran’s procession of nuclear
weapons presents considerable threats for the national
interests of Russia, the USA, the EU countries and
the entire civilised world. Russia can not allow being
turned into a target of nuclear blackmail from another
neighbouring state...
The Russian United Democratic Party
YABLOKO thinks that it is high time for Russia to
take a principled position, stop lulling itself about
Iran’s intentions, as well as break Iran’s
tactics of playing on discrepancies between the great
superpowers and using Russia in its own interests
contradicting to the international security goals...
Political Committee determined the tasks of the responsible
opposition in modern Russia
September 26, 2009
A meeting of YABLOKO’s
Political Committee took place on September 26. The
Committee developed the goals of the party in modern
YABLOKO’s leader
Sergei Mitrokhin indicated in his report to the Committee
that a system of bureaucratic cronyism developed in
modern Russia. Its goal is to maintain in power one
and the same ruling group for an unlimited period
of time.
“Supporting a number
of President Medvedev’s recent statements on
the need of modernisation in Russia YABLOKO states
that their realisation is incompatible with the real
goals of this system,” Mitrokhin said.
Mitrokhin expressed his
certainty that this system “can lead Russia
to stagnation reminiscent of the stagnation of the
Brezhnev period in the USSR, when the political elite
lost the chance to conduct modernisation of the USSR,
thus dooming it to disintegration”.
According to Mitrokhin,
the task of the opposition is to offer an alternative
to the political course of the country present leaders,
such as building of a modern state based on democratic
institutes and procedures.
On the
need of further steps for creation of a joint Russian-European
ABM system
Statement by
Chairman of the Russian United Democratic Party YABLOKO,
September 21, 2009
The Russian United Democratic
Party YABLOKO considers that urgent conclusion of
multi-lateral agreements on creation of an anti-ballistic
missile defence (ABM) system for Europe jointly with
the USA, NATO and the European Union is a challenging
and strategically important task for Russia.
Implementation of this
project is of global significance. At the expected
rates of nuclear missile proliferation, the number
of potential threats of missile attacks against Russia,
the US, Europe and any country of the world will only
broaden. A joint ABM system of the technologically
developed states and Russia as a country with one
of the largest nuclear missile potentials will become
the most important element for protection of the planet
from nuclear threats in the 21st century. For Europe
creation of ballistic missile defence (BMD) jointly
with Russia will represent the first large step towards
creation of such a system and will be also important
for raising the efficiency of nuclear non-proliferation
supports the decision of US President Barack Obama
not to deploy ABM system in the Czech Republic
Press Release,
September 18, 2009
The Russian United Democratic
Party YABLOKO thinks that the statement made by US
President Barack Obama on abolishing of the plans
to deploy elements of the ABM system in the Eastern
Europe opens new opportunities for the Russian-American
strategic partnership.
“This is a correct
decision made by President Obama, it wipes away the
issue which has been continuously producing unnecessary
tensions and makes space for constructive cooperation
between Russia and the USA in strengthening of the
European security,” that is how Sergei Mitrokhin,
leader of the YABLOKO party, commented on the US decision
to abolish plans on stationing US radar in the Czech
Sergei Mitrokhin also noted that “signs that
the approach of the new US administration as regards
deployment of the ABM system in the Eastern Europe
would be rational” appeared during President
Obama’s visit to Moscow in July.
Mitrokhin and Barak Obama discussed the Russian ABM
Press Release, July 7, 2009
“I am currently reconsidering the issue of ABM deployment
in Europe. I can not rule out joint actions with Russia
in this field. But that will be another security architecture,”
that’s how US President reacted on the proposal of
YABLOKO’s leader Sergei Mitrokhin to abolish plans
of unilateral deployment of ABM systems in Europe
and consider organisation of a joint Russian-American
ABM system.
leader proposes a joint Russia-US BMD project at the
meeting with Barak Obama
Press Release, July 7, 2009
Strategic partnership and a joint Russia-US BMD system
were the key points of Sergei Mitrokhin’s speech at
the meeting with US President Barak Obama which took
place in Moscow today, on July 7.
Speaking about the possibilities of implementation
of the strategic partnership idea Sergei Mitrokhin
noted that “today we have a favourable moment for
supporting the idea with real actions”.
a joint ABM system to strategic partnership
Press Release, July 7, 2009
Supporting declarations of strategic partnership by
definite actions and improvement of understanding
of each other represent the urgent tasks of Russia-US
relations from the point of view of the YABLOKO party.
Such statements are made in the document handed by
Sergei Mitrokhin, YABLOKO’s leader, to President of
the USA Barak Obama during their meeting on July 7.
on Some Important Strategic Issues of Russian-American
Moscow, July 7, 2009
Certainly, there are prerequisites for full-scale
cooperation, as both Russia and the USA largely belong
to the European culture and civilization. The tragedies
of the 20-th century have split our world, however,
the policies of the 21st century have to bring it
together again on the basis of shared values. This
requires much effort, but the result is worth it.
The good will of our society (rather than a history’s
whim or a blind chance) made possible the deconstruction
the totalitarian system. This fact demonstrates that
freedom and democracy are as important for the Russian
citizens, as for the Americans. Whatever complicated
situations we have to face in the future, it should
be borne in mind that Russians are the people capable
of understanding Americans. The main thing which the
US President can do here is to try to understand Russia
and its people.
Moscow, July 7, 2009
Discussion of strategic partnership
between our countries has been held for a long time,
however, little has been done for realization of this
goal. Today we have a favourable moment for
filling the idea with real actions. Cooperation in
solution of international and global problems in many
fields is on the agenda now. We think that such cooperation
could become a real alternative to the neoimperialist
projects and approaches that are today “en vogue”
with the Russian political and military elite.
Lukin advocates development by Russia of an Euro-Atlantic
integration policy
Press Release, May 30, 2002
Deputy Speaker of the State Duma from the Yabloko
faction Vladimir Lukin, thinks that the recent summit
meetings between Russia and the USA, NATO and the
European Union represent a "step forward rather
than a breakthrough."
Yavlinsky: implementation of the agreements between
the US and the RF presidents will open doors to Europe
for Russia
Press Release, May 28, 2002
The leader of the Yabloko faction of
the State Duma of the RF Grigory Yavlinsky thinks
that the agreements reached during the Moscow summit
of the US and the RF presidents "will open doors
to Europe" for Russia.
Yavlinsky stresses the importance of the Russian-American
agreements signed in Moscow
Press Release, May 16, 2002
Grigory Yavlinsky,
leader of the Yabloko faction of the State Duma of
the Russian Federation, thinks that the fact that
agreements signed during the Moscow summit of presidents
of the RF and the USA Vladimir Putin and George Bush
are subject to mandatory implementation represents
"a victory of the Russian diplomacy".
Yavlinsky expresses his concern with the criticism
by the Russian "military-and-political bureaucracy"
of President Putin's foreign policy
Press Release, April 24, 2002
The leader of the Russian Democratic
Party YABLOKO Grigory Yavlinsky thinks that pressures
on President Putin's foreign policy imposed by certain
political and bureaucratic forces aimed ensuring changes
to the present course have increased recently.
Publications |
Opposition Leaders Give Details Of Meeting With US
Vice President
Interfax, March 10, 2011.
...Grigoriy Yavlinskiy discussed with
Biden the prospects of setting up joint Russian-NATO
missile defence, and the internal political situation
in the Russian Federation, the Yabloko press service
has told Interfax.
"Yavlinskiy regards joint missile defence as
the most substantial and promising aspect of Russian-US
security cooperation, which is importance not only
for the two countries but for the whole world,"
Yabloko press secretary Igor Yakovlev said.
Touching upon the internal political situation in
Russia, the former party leader said that its main
difficulties, including the lack of vital democratic
procedures, had long been known. In this context,
he believes that it is important to realize that the
issue that has to be tackled is the replacement of
the system created back in the 1990s, and this is
a much more complex and in-depth process than the
change of personalities in power...
Yavlinsky: no discords in the tandem
Grigory Yavlinsky’s
interview to the Radio Liberty
September 22, 2009
Radio Liberty: Many Russian
politicians are enthusiastic about Barack Obama abolishing
the plans of deployment of the elements of the American
ABM system in Central Europe. Do you share such feelings?
Grigory Yavlinsky: No,
I don’t, as these missiles and the decision
of deployment of the ABM system adopted by President
Bush did not threaten Russia in any way. It had a
symbolic meaning. What Barack Obama did, was done
because he was amending an error made by george Bush,
rather than yielding to Russia, as President Bush’
decision was absolutely inefficient - technically,
economically and strategically. He had enough courage
to shelve the erroneous plan created by George Bush.
R.L: How do you assess
the reaction of the Russian politicians who are speaking
about this as of a large diplomatic victory of Moscow
G.Y.: As immature, it
stirs pity. Such a reaction can not serve as a basis
for further development of reasonable, earnest, and,
if we further elaborate on this thought, grownup relationships
with the developed countries. In general this is a
trade-in approach – if you give something to
me, then I give something to you, if you take away
your missiles, we shall help you or will not help
you somewhere in Iran – such an approach to
the world politics is extremely primitive. Such approaches
proved leading to deadlocks and inefficient, but,
unfortunately they have been widely spread not only
in Russia, but in the West too...
leader meets with president Obama
Liberal International, Newsletter No 143, July 13,
During the visit of US president Barack Obama to Russia
this week, Sergei Mitorkhin, the leader of Russian
LI Full Member party Yabloko had an opportunity to
meet with the American president to speak about a
variety of issues, primarily discussing cooperation
in constructing a joint Russian-American anti-ballistic
missile system (ABM).
Around - A view on the present conspiracy theory by
Boris Vishnevsky
Fontanka.ru, June 30, 2009
The Soviet Union collapsed due to “ecological horror
stories” of 1980s that provoked “artificial schizophrenic
attitudes”: thus, a fear of salmonellosis led to a
situation when Soviet citizens stopped eating chicken
and the corresponding ministry responsible for provision
of poultry collapsed, and a “horror story” on nitrates
filling vegetables grown in the USSR killed our agriculture.
After this the country was crammed with US poultry
and imported fruit and vegetables.
Obama admits conflict-prone nature of the American
ITAR TASS, July 8, 2009 00:09
US President Barack Obama admits that deployment of
the US ABM system in Europe is prone of conflicts,
said Sergei Mitrokhin, leader of the YABLOKO party,
after today’s meeting of Barack Obama with the Russian
Yavlinsky, "It’s good that Barak Obama and Dmitry
Medvedev have begun talking, however, I don’t think
that they can reach any special agreements here”
Inopressa.ru after ABC.es, July 6, 2009
ABC.es, Spain, published an interview with economist
and member of the liberal Yabloko party Grigory Yavlinsky.
With U.S. Called Key to Fighting Terror
By Simon Saradzhyan, The Moscow Times, April 23, 2004
Russia and the United States need to institutionalize
their efforts to disrupt agents of international terrorism
and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction before
they link up to carry out attacks of catastrophic
proportions, top security analysts from both countries
said Thursday.
Lukin: A merger between Russian and foreign companies
during Russia's integration into the world economy
is inevitable
FMBusiness, October 20, 2003
"When a new partner appears the world arena,
problems always occur: there is always some inferiority
complex, there are always problems with existing market
proportions, money flows and the system of current
personal relations - this problem should somehow be
transformed and changed. I think this is just a matter
of time," said Lukin.
Defeat of the USA is Our Defeat."
By Kseniya Veretennikova, Vremya Novostei, September
25, 2003
According to Yavlinsky, the defeat of the coalition
troops in Iraq would mean Russia's defeat, as it would
incite terrorism and extremism on a global level.
Things Up at Putin's Picnic
By Grigory Yavlinsky, The Moscow Times, June 6, 2003.
The top-level meetings held in St. Petersburg last
weekend produced positive results for Russia, Europe
and the entire world.
Editorial, Washington Post, May 30, 2003
But while Russia is a far more open society than it
used to be, many of the media are still controlled,
the judicial system is still corrupt and opponents
of the president find it ever harder to maneuver.
If the administration believes this is full democracy,
then it has been fooled by a barely plausible facade.
U.S. Remain Divided, Despite Healing of War Rifts
By Gregory L. White, Wall Street Journal, May 28,
But as the two presidents meet in St. Petersburg this
weekend for the first time since the war, there's
still little sign they will be able to get the strategic
partnership, stalled by the war, back into high gear
Leader Expresses Satisfaction With U.S.-Russia Summit
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, May 25, 2003
Yabloko faction leader Grigorii
Yavlinsky told RFE/RL's Russian Service on 25
May that he considers the declaration on Russian-American
strategic cooperation signed last week by Presidents
George W. Bush and Vladimir Putin an even bigger achievement
than the new strategic-arms reduction treaty that
they also signed.
Russia, Cold War Relic Becomes a Game of Chicken
By Jeanne Cummings, Wall Street Journal, May 27, 2003
When President Bush heads to Russia for a fence-mending
trip this week, he won't be carrying with him one
thing President Vladimir Putin badly wants: freedom
from the so-called Jackson-Vanik rule, a Cold War
relic that ties U.S. trade relations to the former
Soviet state's treatment of Jews.
Nuclear Bomb in Stars and Stripes. Deputies Ordered
to reduce them
Interview with Alexei Arbatov by Marina Ozerova, Moskovskiy
Komsomolets, May 15, 2003
Yesterday the State Duma ratified the Treaty on the
Reduction of Offensive Potential, which was signed
a year ago by Presidents Putin and Bush.
Warn Against Knee-Jerk Anti-Americanism
By Sarah Karush, The Associated Press, April 17, 2003
Moscow was right to oppose Washington over Iraq, but
Russian leaders must be cautious not to fall into
Soviet-style, knee-jerk anti-Americanism that might
not always serve the country's interests, leading
politicians and experts said Wednesday.
Lukin: "Don Rumata is Doomed…" Literary
and psychological analysis of the Iraqi crisis
Interview with Vladimir
Lukin by Alexander Nikonov, Ogonyok, No 13, April
...The regime is bad and no one will argue with that
statement: however, from the viewpoint of international
law, this does not give anybody the right to bring
troops there...
War against Terrorism and the Transformation of the
World Order, three perpesctives
By Alexei G. Arbatov, CEPS Commentary, November 2001
...two months later after the "Black September",
the weaknesses of the coalition and deficiencies of
the operation are becoming more and more evident,
as well as the confusion and inconsistency of the
United States and other major players in adopting
a new security strategy and still less in implementing
it... (Archive)
Russian MPs advocate early ratification of the US
arms reduction treaty
ITAR-TASS, April 8, 2003
There is no point in delaying ratification of the
Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty [SORT], also
known as the Moscow Treaty between Russia and the
United States, irrespective of developments in Iraq,
according to prominent members of the State Duma,
or the lower house of Russian parliament.
ties strained by war
By Anthony Louis, UPI, April 2, 2003
MOSCOW, April 2 (UPI) -- Russia-U.S. ties were further
strained by the war in Iraq Wednesday when the Russian
Foreign Ministry summoned U.S. Ambassador Alexander
Vershbow to protest the continued bombing of an area
of Baghdad, this time near the Russian Embassy.
Shows Fragility Of U.S.-Russia Links
April 1, 2003
"Even during the Cold War, when Moscow and Washington
hated each other, "ordinary people" really
liked Americans. Now, the sincere feeling on the street
... is taking on a bright anti-American character."
says Alexei
Bush ties expected to survive
By Alice Lagnado, THE WASHINGTON TIMES, April 1, 2003
"The war in Iraq will not be the transition to
a cold war between Russia and the USA, nor will it
ruin the Russian-American strategic relations. This
is not in our interests..."
liberal politician concerned by attacks on Putin's
foreign policy views
Interfax, April 24, 2002
Moscow, 24 April: The leader of the Russian liberal
party Yabloko, Grigoriy Yavlinsky, expressed his convern
that the foreign policy pursued by President Vladimir
Putin has been under pressure from certain circles
in the political and bureaucratic establishment aimed
at revising this policy.
pbs.org, May 22, 2002
"SIMON MARKS: In Moscow this week,
the hottest ticket in town is not for Friday's state
dinner at the Kremlin with President Bush, it's for
"Star Wars. " The new American blockbuster opened
here this past weekend, and is playing on every big
screen in the city. 11 years after the fall of the
Soviet Union, Russian moviegoers are much like moviegoers
everywhere else, captivated by Hollywood and the U.S.
entertainment industry. But stop some of them after
the show, and you'll find that many distinguish between
U.S. fiction and their perceptions of fact."
Forum Argues Over Russia's Place
By Gregory Feifer, The Moscow
Times, May. 31, 2002
Experts gathering Thursday on the heels
of three major international summits said the West's
leading policymaking institutions must include Russia
in a broad strategic framework if they want to successfully
tackle the top global priority: terrorism. Despite
that general consensus, there was stark disagreement
on specifics at the two-day conference on Euro-Atlantic
integration, organized by the Washington-based Euro-Atlantic
Institute of International Integration Studies.
and Lugar Look To Safeguard Weapons
By Vladimir Isachenkov, The
Associated Press, May 28, 2002.
Worried about the apocalyptic prospect
of international terrorists obtaining nuclear, chemical
and biological weapons, U.S. and Russian officials
and analysts met Monday to help draft possible new
safeguards. Former U.S. Senator Sam Nunn and Richard
Lugar, a U.S. senator from Indiana -- who together
launched the decade-old U.S. effort to help contain
the threat of weapons of mass destruction in the former
Soviet Union -- described the threat of "catastrophic
terrorism" as possibly the gravest challenge
to global security.
By Robert Cottrell, The Financial
Times, May 21 2002
Russia and the US will be doing everything
possible to ensure that the May 23-26 summit between
George W. Bush and Vladimir Putin looks good and sounds
good. On the Russian side this will be a relatively
easy task, since the government controls the national
television channels from which the great majority
of Russians will get their information about the meetings
in Moscow and St Petersburg.

Door to Europe is in Washington
Grigory Yavlinsky Obschaya
Gazeta, May 16, 2002
After September 11, 200, Russia's foreign
policy abruptly changed. Despite the policy carried
out in summer 2001, symbolised by Kim Chen Ir's travel
by armoured train across Russia, despite the opinion
of the so-called political elite, Vladimir Putin unreservedly
supported the USA in their fight against Ben Laden's
terrorists and the Taliban.
Putin on Iran By
WILLIAM SAFIRE, The New York Times, May 23, 2002
WASHINGTON - Thirteen days after Sept.
11 Russia's president, Vladimir Putin, met with 21 leaders
from the Duma and the Presidium of the State Council
to determine Russia's response to America's war on terror. |
Foreign Policy a Private Affair
By Gregory Feifer Staff Writer,
The Moscow Times, April 2, 2002
Unlike with President Vladimir Putin's
domestic policies, which are usually ascribed to one
or another group of advisers within the corridors of
power, the genesis of foreign policy is a murky affair.
See also: |
Coalition |