Budgets 2012, 2013-2014
Press releases and publications
releases and publications |
of budget funding for treatment of cancer patients
means genocide!
Statement by the Social Democratic
Faction of the Russian United Democratic Party YABLOKO,
December 12, 2012.
We are outraged by the statement made
by Maxim Mishchenko, leader of the [pro-Kremlin] Young
Russia movement, on the need to reduce budget expenditure
on treatment of cancer patients. The former MP from
the United Russia faction intends to introduce his
criminal initiative at the hearings of the Public
Chamber devoted to paid medical services, after which
he intends to send the draft to the Ministry of Healthcare.
We regard the initiative proposed
by the leader of United Russia's youth organisation
as an open manifestation of fascism and violation
of the Constitution of the Russian Federation guaranteeing
all citizens the right to life and free health care.
We demand that the ruling party stop
its mockery of Russia’s people and the attack
on the right of citizens to high-quality free education
and free health care, as well as curbing of the social
responsibilities of the state taking place against
the background of an unprecedented in Russia's history
growth of oil and gas revenues... |
Yavlinsky: federal budget priorities should be changed
Press Release, September 21,
According to YABLOKO, draft federal
budgets for 2012 and 2013-2014 published by the Russian
Finance Ministry require principled changes. The draft
budgets will be submitted to the parliament after
they are examined by the Russian Government.
“It is obvious that it is an
electoral budget aiming at maintaining high level
of expenditures on the items most significant for
2012 so that to ensure a certain electoral result,”
said Grigory Yavlinsky, member of YABLOKO’s
Political Committee. After 2012 it is planned to abruptly
and absolutely unreasonably change the federal budget
Thus, expenditure on education will
be maintained at 4.6 per cent for 2012, but it will
be reduced to 3.9 per cent in 2013 and 3.3 per cent
in 2014. The same dynamics of federal budget expenditure
is envisaged for healthcare: 4.2 per cent for 2012,
3.5 per cent for 2013 and 3.0 per cent for 2014.
The YABLOKO party considers such abrupt
cuts on education and healthcare inadmissible...