Regional and Municipal Elections
Press releases and
releases and Publicaitons |
leader proposed a strategy for the opposition at the
rally in Bolotnaya Square, Moscow
Press Release, May 6, 2013
Speaking at a mass rally in Bolotnaya
Square, Moscow, YABLOKO leader Sergei Mitrokhin urged
democratically minded people to go to polling stations
and make the elections honest, rather than ask the
authorities for fair and honest elections.
"There is nothing to discuss
with these authorities, they resist a dialogue, it
is absolutely hopeless to ask something from the authorities,
to demand something from them, it is even pointless
to scold or criticize them. The only thing that makes
sense is to change the government. It's time to change
the power and take it into our hands," said Sergei
...According to Mitrokhin, a single
from the opposition in the gubernatorial elections
in the Moscow Region should be Gennady Gudkov [ousted
from the Duma and the Just Russia party for his oppositional
Mitrokhin also said that a single
list of candidates from the opposition should be nominated
for the Moscow City Duma elections as well...
nominated 1550 candidates to Saint Petersburg electoral
Press Release, April 11, 2013
The St.Petersburg branch of YABLOKO
nominated 1550 candidates to the electoral commissions
in all the districts of the city. The registration
of documents in the electoral commissions is ending
“All of our candidates are well educated and
active citizens and their main goal is to ensure compliance
with the law at their electoral districts. Unfortunately
YABLOKO’s representatives were not welcome at
all the territorial electoral commissions” said
Olga Pokrovskaya, member of the city electoral commission.
In particular, one of the territorial
electoral commissions demanded statements of income
from YABLOKO’s candidates (which is not envisaged
by the law), another commission demanded that the
copies of the work record books should be changed
as allegedly they had not been properly notorised...
files a lawsuit against the electoral commission members
and the policeman who beat woman observer
Press Release, March 26, 2013
The YABLOKO party is filing a lawsuit
against the electoral commission members and the policeman
who beat
woman observer in an attempt to snatch a falsified
final protocol of the voting given to her. The incident
occurred late last night at polling station No 02-13
after the counting of votes in the mayoral election
of Anapa. Alexandra Garkusha, aged 23, an observer
from the YABLOKO party, together with representatives
from other parties and candidates was given a falsified
final protocol of the voting by the commission members.
The document had no legal force and could not form
a basis for filing a case in court.
Alexandra Garkusha drew the attention
of the Commission to this fact and refused to sign
for the receipt of such a protocol. After that, the
commission members expressed their dissatisfaction
in extremely disproportionate aggression and attacked
Alexandra trying to snatch the protocol from her hands.
According to the witnesses, Irina Tropina, Chair of
the Electoral Commission, was the most aggressive
attacker encouraging her subordinates to more violence...
elections in Anapa: YABLOKO leader demands from head
of the Central Electoral Commission to cancel the
results of the elections
Press Release, March 26, 2013
YABLOKO leader Sergei Mitrokhin demanded
from Vladimir Churov, head of the Central Election
Commission, to cancel the results of the mayoral elections
in Anapa, the Krasnodar Territory, held on Sunday.
The number of cases of stuffing of fraudulent ballots
does not allow a genuine expression of voters’
will to be determined. Information about all the facts
of fraud was also sent to the Central Electoral Commission...
Gross violations began already on
Friday, when road police detained a coach that had
to transport YABLOKO and independent observers from
Taganrog to Anapa...
However, on the voting day about 20
cars with about a hundred of YABLOKO’s observers
could not get to the polling stations by their opening
time 8 a.m., due to blocking of the road by the police
and a staged “car accident” on the road
“All this was done so that our
observers could not get to the polling station to
their opening and so that to do unhampered stuffing
of ballots in favour of Sergei Sergeyev, United Russia
candidate and ex police head whom Governor Tkachyov
wanted to see as Anapa Mayor,” said Sergei Mitrokhin
who also visited the “accident site”.
Voting demonstrated different violations
– from stuffing of ballots to ousting of observers
from polling stations, ban on filming, as well as
threats and physical violence against observers.
the video of violence against a woman observer Alexandra
An attack was undertaken against Sergei
Mitrokhin. An unidentified person sprayed some green
liquid in the face of YABLOKO’s leader at one
of the polling stations. The liquid got onto his neck
and arms. An emergency doctor wiped the paint from
the skin, but advised Sergei Mitrokhin to go to hospital
for further observation, since "anything could
have been mixed into the liquid"...
candidate to run for the post of the head of Chudovo,
the Novgorod Region
Press Release, January 22,
A conference of the Novgorod regional
branch of the YABLOKO party took place on January
21. Members of the party discussed nomination of a
candidate from YABLOKO for the post of the head of
the city of Chudovo, Novgorod region. According to
the results of the secret ballot, the conference unanimously
supported the nomination of Yelena Skorodumova.
To date, YABLOKO’s candidate has been registered
in the Territorial Electoral Commission of Chudovo
and has begun preparations for the election campaign.
Skorodumova’s competitors in the elections will
be United Russia’s Andrei Alexandrov, Communist
Igor Kovalyov and LDPR member Alexei Maximov...
candidate for the post of the head of the Krymsk District
in the South Russia is removed from elections due
to a provocation from the authorities
Press Release, December 4,
YABLOKO’s candidate for the
post of the head of the Krymsk District in the South
Russia, removed from elections due to a sly provocation
from the authorities
A few days ago the Krymsk District Court imposed a
fine amounting to RUR 2,000 on a Mr.Petrenko, who
pretended to campaign for Yugeny Vitishko distributing
food-stuff allegedly on behalf of Vitishko. Vitishko
did not know the campaigner and therefore did not
interfere into the trial or challenge the court’s
However, due to this decision, the Court was able
to remove Vitishko from the elections because bribing
of voters was allegedly conducted on behalf of Vitishko.
This decision was made by Judge Galina Yurchevskaya
on December 4...
faction formed in the Municipal Council of the Presnensky
district, Moscow
Press Release, November 27,
The YABLOKO faction has been formed
in the Municipal Council of the Presnensky district,
Moscow. It consists of three municipal deputies: Ekaterina
Kalatskaya, Sergei Bocharov and Yuri Novikov.
Despite the fact that municipal deputies decided to
create a faction immediately after the elections in
March 2012, they have managed to implement this only
now. Normally formation of a faction does not require
a decision from a municipal council, however, YABLOKO’s
deputies had to face resistance from the chairman
and some deputies of the Council...
authorities want to put YABLOKO’s candidate
to the Mayor of Krymsk into prison
Press Release, November 23,
Yugeny Vitishko, a renowned environmentalist
and civil rights activist, member of the Regional
Council of the Krasnodar branch of YABLOKO and member
of the North Caucasus Environmental Watch, is running
for the post of head of the Krymsk District in South
Russia (the district which suffered from a large flood
this summer) from the YABLOKO party. The elections
will be held on December 9.
This summer, Vitishko was sentenced due to fraudulent
evidence to three years probation for the "damage
to the fence" around the Governor Tkachyov’s
cottage. The lands under the cottage and the fensed
beach nearby still registered as public are virtually
in the Governor’s property. Now new charges
are invented so that to withdraw a strong candidate
from the election campaign. The authorities threaten
to replace a suspended sentence by a real imprisonment...
Bureau expels Chair of the Bryansk branch of YABLOKO
who supported Governor Denin during elections
Press Release, October 28,
The Federal Bureau of the YABLOKO
party expelled from the party Andrei Ponomaryov, Chair
of the Bryansk branch of YABLOKO, and three members
of the Regional Council of the Bryansk branch of YABLOKO.
The Ponomaryov’s decision to withdraw his candidacy
from the gubernatorial elections and support the incumbent
Governor Nikolai Denin was recognized as inflicting
political damage to the party.
Despite of the decision of the governing
bodies of the arty, Andrei Ponomaryov withdrew from
the election race for the post of Governor of the
Bryansk Region and supported acting Governor Nikolai
Denin, candidate from the ruling "United Russia"
leader visited Krasnoyarsk
Press Release, October 19,
Oksana Demchenko, ex-deputy of the
Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Region, was
elected new chair of the Krasnoyarsk branch of YABLOKO.
The conference of the regional branch of the party
took place on October 21. The conference also elected
members of the Regional Council and a representatives
of the regional organization in YABLOKO’s Federal
YABLOKO leader Sergei Mitrokhin participated
in the conference. He set the following for the delegates:
to participate and win in the elections. The next
election – to the Krasnoyarsk City Council -
will be held in September 2013.
After the conference, Mitrokhin held
a roundtable with Krasnoyarsk entrepreneurs and discussed
the prospects of development of small businesses in
the Krasnoyarsk region and in Russia in general.
This morning Mitrokhin met with Sergei
Ponomarenko, First Vice-Governor of the Krasnoyarsk
Territory. They specifically discussed the upcoming
elections. Deputy Governor expressed his hope that
the YABLOKO party will be able to create a faction
in the City Council of Krasnoyarsk then... |
Olga Vlasova made a report in the Federation Council
on violations in the recent regional elections
Press Release, October 22,
Olga Vlasova, member of YABLOKO Bureau,
made report in the Federation Council on mass-scale
violations in the recent regional and municipal election
The report was made within the framework of a round
table discussion on "The Results of the Elections
in the Russian Federation as the Prospect for Improving
the Electoral Law" which took place on October
18. The meeting was attended by members of the State
Duma, the Federation Council, representatives of the
Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court, the Public
Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, representatives
of the Russian Central Electoral Commission and electoral
commissions of the regions.
In her speech Olga Vlasova focused on the following
three main points:
1. Mass-scale violations in all the Russian regions
where elections were held. YABLOKO observers documented
widespread ballot stuffing, "carousel" votings,
illegal refusals to allow observers to the polling
stations and use of administrative resources. On voting
day, regional electoral commissions turned into battle
fields for upholding the rights of observers to be
at the polling stations. In one of the polling stations
in Tula YABLOKO observer was broken a finger...
demonstrates success in small cities: YABLOKO factions
will appear in Yaroslavl, Pervouralsk, Berezovsky
and Elektrogorsk
Press Release, October 15,
According to the results of voting
on October 14, YABLOKO factions will appear in four
Russian cities: Yaroslavl, Pervouralsk, Berezovsky
in the Sverdlovsk region and Elektrogorsk in the Moscow
The best result YABLOKO obtained in Pervouralsk -
20.4 per cent. YABLOKO came second here after the
ruling United Russia with 37 per cent. Konstantin
Drigin topping YABLOKO’s will also get a mandate.
Drigin with 35 per cent of the vote won over Valery
Treskin, the ruling party’s candidate, who got
25 per cent of the vote.
In Yaroslavl, the party has overcome
the 5 per cent threashold. The candidates running
in single mandate electoral districts failed to deputies
of the Yaroslavl City Council, however Galina Sokolova
came second in her district with almost 26 per cent
of the vote, and another eight candidates came third
in their districts getting from 7 to 19 per cent of
the vote.
In the Berezovsky city, the Sverdlovsk
region, 6.6 per cent of the electorate voted for YABLOKO,
and now the party will have the right to form a faction
in the Council of Deputies.
In Elektrogorsk, the Moscow region, YABLOKO’s
candidates got 9.2 per cent which also means that
YABLOKO can form a faction in the municipal assembly
in the city... |
came second with 21 per cent of the votes in Pervouralsk
Press Release, October 15,
According to the preliminary data,
YABLOKO’s list candidates in the elections to
the City Duma of Pervouralsk, the Sverdlovsk Region,
received 21 per cent of the vote and thus came second
after the ruling United Russia party (37 per cent).
YABLOKO’s observers reported to YABLOKO’s
call centre the results from 58 of the 79 district
electoral commissions of Pervouralsk. Just Russia
came third with 14.6 per cent of the vote, and the
Communist Party came fourth with 11.7 per cent. Also
the Patriots of Russia (9 per cent) and the LDPR (5.7
per cent) overcome the 5 percent threashold. The list
of RPR-PARNAS was supported by 0.8 per cent of the
voters. It should be noted that the local branch of
RPR-PARNAS had applied to court so that to withdraw
YABLOKO from the election.
Thus, the YABLOKO party is to get three of the fourteen
mandates distributed among the party lists.
In addition, two YABLOKO’s candidates in the
binominal precincts – Konstantin Drygin and
Vitaly Listratkin - have very good chances to get
their mandates. Drygin confidently wins in his precinct... |
leader sends a complaint on violations in regional
and municipal elections to the Central Electoral Commission
and Public Prosecutor General
Press Release, October 14,
YABLOKO leader Sergei Mitrokhin has
sent the first complaint on violations in regional
and municipal elections to Vladimir Churov, Chair
of the Central Electoral Commission, and Yury Chaika,
Public Prosecutor General, demanding to examine the
violations identified by observers and candidates
of the YABLOKO during elections in 11 subjects of
the Russian Federation and punish the vote riggers.
The complaint contains information
about the most serious violations in 28 polling stations,
such as ballot stuffing, "carousel" voting,
withdrawing of observers from the polling stations,
buying of votes, etc.
The complaint refers to violations in regional elections
in the Krasnodar Territory and municipal elections
in the Maritime Altai territories, Bryansk, Ryazan,
Irkutsk, Saratov, Tula, Moscow and Yaroslavl regions.
In addition, the document runs that observers from
“non-administrative” candidates and parties were not
let to over half of the polling stations in Tatarstan
under a pretext that their papers lacked some stamps... |
of ballots in favour of the ruling party in the Krasnodar
Press Release and a Video,
October 14, 2012.
YABLOKO’s candidates and observes
report multiple violations at the elections to the
Krasnodar Territory Legislative Assembly.
YABLOKO observer filmed Yelena Sluchevskaya,
Chair of Electoral Commission No 4822 (Novopekhovskoye
village), stuffing of packages of ballots. The 18
minute video demonstrates several episodes of ballot
Also stuffing of ballots was recorded
at polling stations No 2230, 2231, and 2228 in Krasnodar.
In Ust-Labinsk Chair of the Electoral Commission stuffed
the rigged ballots at polling station No 5603. YABLOKO’s
commission member was ousted from the room under some
Dmitry Gutov, YABLOKO’s observer
at polling station No 2054, was beaten when he attempted
to photograph the participants of a “carousel”
who arrived to the polling station by car (No AOBO62,
23). Dmitry was threatened with murder and the attackers
snatched his press card.
Also “carousel voting”
was reported at polling stations No 2047, 2055,2056,
2215, 2216 and 2213...
broke a finger to the electoral commission member
who tried to prevented stuffing of fraudulent ballots
Press Release, October 14,
Ballot-riggers broke a finger to Ludmila
Yegorova, electoral commission member with an advisory
vote from the YABLOKO party, who prevented ballot
stuffing in the election to the City Duma of Bogoroditsk,
the Tula region.
About an hour ago, two young men tried
to stuff a package of ballots to the polling box.
Ludmila Yegorova, YABLOKO’s representative in the
electoral commission, managed to prevent it. There
turned out to be 80 fraudulent ballots in the package:
40 marked for the ruling United Russia and 40 for
candidate Fyodorov... |
in the regional and municipal elections on October
14, 2012
Press Release, October 12,
Regional and municipal elections will
take place in Russia on October 14, 2012. The YABLOKO
party nominated its candidates for the elections in
22 Russian regions.
In the Krasnodar Territory, the list
of candidates to run at elections to the Legislative
Assembly represents a coalition of opposition forces
in the region. Well-known representatives from different
democratic parties and movements, environmentalists,
human rights activists, independent journalists and
public figures join together under the banner "Yabloko
- United Democrats of the Krasnodar Territory".
The joint list of candidates includes: Andrei Rudomakha,
Chairman of the Krasnodar branch of YABLOKO and coordinator
of the North Caucasus Environmental Watch, Yegeny
Vitishko, Chair of the Tuapse branch of YABLOKO, Suren
Ghazaryan, member of the North Caucasus Environmental
Watch, Lenid Malyavin, ex Chair of the Krasnodar branch
of the party RPR-PARNAS party, and Dmitry Pupynin,
Chairman of the Krasnodar branch of the Democratic
Choice of Russia movement. The party list totals to
36 candidates...
...According to the Central Electoral
Commission, YABLOKO has registered 600 candidates
for elections on October 14, 2012.
Yavlinsky visits Kaliningrad to support YABLOKO’s
candidates in the mayoral elections
Press Release, October 11,
On October 11, Grigory Yavlinsky visited
Kaliningrad so that to support Alexandra Yakovleva,
YABLOKO’s candidate in the mayoral elections
and head of the party branch in Kaliningrad.
Answering the journalist’s question
how Grigory Yavlinsky accesses the chances of a woman
going into Russian politics, he answered that he came
to support a talented professional rather than a women
running against men in the elections. He also added
that speaking about professional qualities people
should be divided into “talented people and
all the other”, rather than men and women. “Alexandra
Yakovleva is a talented person, she has talents in
many fields”, she was even a Soviet film star
but decided to change her brilliant film carrier and
went to a university once again for studying state
and municipal governing. Yavlinsky noted her experience
in management of complex systems (such as large modern
airports) and expressed his certainty that this experience
would help Yakovleva to manage Kaliningrad and to
make it a convenient and modern city, a centre of
tourism and investment...
removes YABLOKO from the election race
Press Release, October 10,
RPR-PARNAS applied to the Supreme
Court of Russia asking to cancel the registration
of YABLOKO’s list of candidates in the election
to the Pervouralsk City Duma.
YABLOKO leader Sergei Mitrokhin said that in this
way the Sverdlovsk branch of PARNAS defends the interests
of the ruling United Russia party.
"I have no complaints about PARNAS leaders. We
realise that they are not in control of their regional
branches. But the actions of the Sverdlovsk branch
of PARNAS are connected with their strong dependence
on the ruling United Russia, which uses them in its
fight with a very dangerous rival in the Pervouralsk
elections- the YABLOKO party," that is how Sergei
Mitrokhin commented on the situation...
motor rally with participation of Sergei Mitrokhin
detained by traffic police
Press Release, October 7,
A motor rally from Izhevsk in Votkinsk,
Udmurtia, organized by the Udmurtian branch of YABLOKO
within the framework of the regional election campaign,
has been detained by traffic police. YABLOKO leader
Sergei Mitrokhin also participates in the rally. According
to the police, the reason for the detention is that
the action has not had a permit from the local authorities.
At present Sergei Mitrokhin is trying to convince
the police that the rally is lawful... |
are trying to disrupt the meeting of Sergei Mitrokhin
and YABLOKO’s candidates for the forthcoming
elections with the residents of Ilsky village
Press Release, September 28,
A meeting of YABLOKO’s candidates
to run in the regional and local elections (the voting
day on October 14) with the residents of the Ilsky
village, the Krasnodar Territory, is taking place
now. According to YABLOKO leader Sergei Mitrokhin,
provocateurs from the local administration and the
police are trying to disrupt the meeting.
The main issue of the meeting is the
discussion of the situation around environmentally
unfriendly Ilsky refinery, which is a factor of serious
pollution in the area. Expansion of the plant and
violation of environmental standards have led to a
sharp increase of morbidity in the area and growth
of the death rate. All this provokes fair indignation
of the local population. The residents of the area
demand that unlawful expansion of refinery should
be stopped. |
candidate Murad Nurmuradov severely beaten in attack
LI News Bulletin, Issue 302, September 27, 2012
Russian lawyer and liberal candidate
Murad Nurmuradov was badly
attacked in the city of Tver on 25 September.
Nurmuradov is one of the top figures on the YABLOKO
(Russian United Democratic Party, LI full member)
list of candidates for elections to the Tver City
Duma. According to reports, two unidentified men in
masks and camouflage uniforms entered Nurmuradov's
office and attacked him. This has led to Nurmuradov
being hospitalized with a broken arm and other multiple
injuries, including to his head. In a statement Sergei
Mitrokhin, YABLOKO chair and opposition member of
the Moscow City Duma, said: “Members of the
Tver branch of YABLOKO do not rule out the political
causes of the case — an attack against a principled
lawyer attorney and increasingly popular politician.
An open attack against a registered candidate is a
challenge to the city and its residents. We demand
a thoroughly investigation of this case by the law
enforcement. The goal of the crime was clearly intimidation.
But they will not scare us!”
Clegg: “We’re at our best as a nation
when we’re open”
FNF publish influential Economic Freedom of the World
Senator Eggleton speaks on sustainability and urban
Dr. Chee raises target of $30,000 in record time
"Liberal Belarus" programme draws praise
from European liberals
UN: Cambodia to become a “real liberal democracy”
candidate to run in the elections in Tver severely
Press Release, September 26,
On September 25, 2012, Murad Nurmuradov,
a lawyer and one of the top figures in YABLOKO’s
list of candidates for elections to the Tver City
Duma was attacked in Tver.
Two unidentified men in masks and
camouflage uniforms entered Nurmuradov’s office
and severely beaten him. Nurmuradov was hospitalized
with a head injury, broken arm and other multiple
According to the results of the audits
conducted by Nurmuradov in seven municipal companies,
all seven directors of these companies were dismissed
and personnel changes in the Tver city administration
were underway... |
forces united so that to fight election fraud in the
Yeisk district, Krasnodar Territory
Press service of the Krasnodar
YABLOKO, September
25, 2012.
Candidates from the opposition parties
who will run in the elections to the Legislative Assembly
of the Krasnodar Territory and Municipal Council of
the Yeisk District created a joint Coordinating Council
for counteraction to violations in elections.
Total defiance of the law and constitutional
rights and liberties of the citizens has turned into
everyday practices in Russia. The authorities in Yeisk
have already tried to prevent the candidates from
the opposition from campaigning. The opposition parties
decided to join their efforts in the fight against
election fraud and created a Single Centre for Response
to Violations at elections.
On September 23, YABLOKO initiated
a meeting of the opposition. The meeting was attended
by the candidates from the YABLOKO party, the Communist
Party, the Just Russia party, and independent candidates.
The meeting established a Coordinating
Council which should get all information on violations
in campaigning and voting and make decisions on counteracting
these violations. Also it was decided that a joint
training of election observers should be held, and
feed-back with members of electoral commissions should
be established... |
to control and monitor elections to the Penza Legislative
Assembly together with the Civil Control movement
Press Release, September 10,
The Penza regional branch of YABLOKO
and the Civil Control movement signed an agreement
on the joint organization of civil control over voting
and counting of votes in the elections to the Legislative
Assembly of the Penza region.
According to Olga Sorokina, Deputy Chair of the Penza
branch of YABLOKO, "The tasks of the party during
the pre-election period and the elections coincide
with the aims of the Civil Control movement, and we
will definitely involve members and supporters of
the party, especially its young members and public
activists to the civil control over elections and
counting of votes"... |
of municipal candidates from “YABLOKO –
United Democrats” submitted to electoral commissions
of the Tver region
Press Release, September 3,
Local electoral commissions of the
Tver region confirmed the receipt of lists of municipal
candidates from “YABLOKO – United Democrats”.
The candidates from the bloc will run in the elections
to the City Duma of Vishny Volochok city and the Legislative
Assembly of Udomelsky District.
In Vishny Volochok the party lost
is topped by Vladimir Tarasov, ex head of a poultry
farm. Tarasov is well-know in the city as a professional
in farming and also in the utilities sector.
Other candidates also represent small
businesses. Young people under 35 constitute 75 per
cent of the list which is regarded as a competitive
advantage by the “YABLOKO – United Democrats”
candidates have to compete against their namesakes
at Yeisk elections
Press Release, September 1,
YABLOKO’s candidates Alexander and
Ekaterina Baturinets have to face an new obstacle
in running in the elections in Yeisk, the Krasnodar
region. They have to compete against their namesakes
(a guard and a shop assistant residing in a different
district) at the Yeisk elections.
The election campaign to the Legislative
Assembly of the Krasnodar region is in full swing
- the elections will take place on October 14. The
regional authorities have been closely observing campaigning
by the candidates from the opposition - the electoral
bloc "YABLOKO - United Democrats". Representatives
of YABLOKO, the Republican Party of Russia (PARNAS),
the Democratic Choice, Solidarnost, and a large number
of non-partisan civil society activists and oppositional
public figures are on the list of candidates from
the bloc. The authorities have begun employing a variety
of political strategies to prevent the oppositional
candidates from running in the elections.
Alexander Baturinets from Yeisk is one of the strongest
candidates from the "YABLOKO - United Democrats"
bloc. He is known for the public campaign "Public
Protest: for Yeisk without Oil Terminals". He
is also a deputy in the Yeisk District Council. Baturinets
has been named a leader of the race by public opinion
polls being ahead of a candidate from the ruling United
Russia by several per cent... |
Commission of the Penza region registered YABLOKO’s
list of candidates to run in the elections to the
regional Legislative Assembly
Press Release, August 31,
On August 28 the Electoral Commission
of the Penza region registered YABLOKO’s list of candidates
to run in the elections to the regional Legislative
YABLOKO’s list contains 22 candidates.
It is topped by Sergei Oleinik, President of the non-profit
foundation AntiSPID (AntiAIDS). Other top candidates
are Sergei Illiyev, deputy of local self-government,
and Yuri Voblikov, human rights activists.
The elections to the Legislative Assembly
of the Penza region will take place on October 14,
18 regional deputies will be elected according to
the parties lists. |
Electoral Commission has "lost" documents
of the top candidate of "YABLOKO - United Democrats"
Press Release, August 31,
United Democrats” list submitted
all the required documents for registration in the
elections to the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar
Region. The receipt of the documents was confirmed
by the Commission. However, yesterday the web-site
of the Electoral Commission published a list of candidates
who had submitted their documents to the commission
and Andrei Rudomakha was not in that list. Yet YABLOKO
has got no answer from the Commission explaining this.
The Krasnodar branch of YABLOKO will be investigating
this sudden "loss" of documents.
Andrei Rudomakha, leader of the Krasnodar
branch of YABLOKO and top candidate in the list of
“YABLOKO - United Democrats” has been
also nominated to run for the Sochi single-mandate
electoral district No 48, where he should compete
with Viktor Teplyakov, Sochi Deputy Secretary of the
Political Council of the ruling United Russia party... |
office opens in Novouralsk, Sverdlovsk Region
Press Release, August 1, 2012.
YABLOKO office opened in Novouralsk,
Sverdlovsk Region. Maxim Petlin, head of the Sverdlovsk
Region branch of YABLOKO, Galina Mikhlyova, YABLOKO
Bureau member, and Kirill Gontcharov, leader of the
Youth YABLOKO in Moscow, visited the office.
Vladimir Plyusnin, well-known environmentalist
and chair of the YABLOKO branch in Pervouralsk, greeted
the guests in the new office. Plyusnin told the guests
about the economic and political situation in the
city on the threashold of elections to the local Council
on October 14.
YABLOKO’s Regional Conference
which will take place on August 5 has to nominate
party candidates to run in the elections. It is expected
that well-known public figures in the city, businessmen
and local party activists will be included into YABLOKO’s
list. |
of the Bryansk branch of YABLOKO nominated to run
in the gubernatorial elections
Press Release, July 26, 2012.
Andrei Ponomaryov, leader of the Bryansk
branch of YABLOKO was nominated by the conference
of the regional party branch to run in the gubernatorial
elections due on October 14, 2012.
The next step for registration in
the election campaign should be overcoming of a "municipal
filter": the nominees have to get support from
municipal deputies and heads of municipal districts.
According to the law adopted by the regional legislative
assembly (Duma), the "municipal filter"
amounts to a 7 per cent threshold in the Bryansk Region... |
made it into the legislative assembly of Kasimov despite
Statement by YABLOKO Chairman,
July 23, 2012.
The YABLOKO party made it into the
Duma (legislative assembly) of Kasimov. According
to official data, the party overcame the threashold
into the Duma. However, our real vote, despite of
the stuffing of ballots in favour of the ruling party,
is much more.
These elections were a failure for
Russian falsificators. And this is largely due to
the work of independent volunteers – the observers
who worked in Kasimov. YABLOKO expresses its gratitude
to all of them and admiration of their life stance...
Never before had the evidence of crime
been so conclusive. YABLOKO will seek to get all those
engaged in rigging the elections to justice. |
received a complaint of "pornographic" YABLOKO
Press Release, July 18, 2012.
Vladimir Grachyov, Deputy Chairman
of the Electoral Commission of the Ryazan region,
applied to the police of the Kasimov city demanding
to stop the distribution of YABLOKO leaflets. The
leaflets criticised United Russia for the July raise
of housing and utilities tariffs.
Earlier Grachyov had already expressed
his concern about the leaflets to YABLOKO activists
participating in the elections to the Kasimov City
Council. The leaflet contained a caricature picturing
a girl washing in the shower. A man bursting into
the bathroom says to the scared girl, "I am not
looking at you, I am looking at the water counter"...
leader Sergei Mitrokhin to visit Omsk
Press Release, June 9, 2012.
...On June 11, Mitrokhin will participate in the conference
of the regional branch of YABLOKO.
On June 12, he will meet students,
political scientists and other citizens in the conference
hall of hotel Tourist at 11:30. The topic of the meeting
is "Omsk on the threashold of mayoral elections".
Address: Str. Broz Tito, 2.
Then YABLOKO leader will join the
rally in support of Moscow's March of the Millions.
A public inspection on problematic
sites of the city will take place at 15:13: Ptichya
Gavan (Birds’ Harbour) – Zyelyoniy Ostrov (Green Island)
- Metro – Silicon plant.
On June 13 (at 15:00) Sergei Mitrokhin,
Alexander Korotkov, YABLOKO's candidate for mayor
of Omsk, and Tatiana Ovcharenko, renowned expert in
the field of protection of citiznes' rights in the
housing and utilities sector, will participate in
the press conference "Challenges before Omsk
on the Threashold of the Mayoral Elections".
The press conference will take place in the press
center of the Komsomolskaya Pravda paper. |
leader participated in the inauguration of Yugeny
Urlashyov, the Mayor of Yaroslavl
Press Release, May 26, 2012.
YABLOKO leader participated in the
inauguration of Yugeny Urlashyov, the Mayor of Yaroslavl,
and congratulated him on taking the office.
Sergei Mitrokhin discussed with the
Mayor the issues of urban economy and the city budget.
"We will try to restore the law on financial
foundations of local self-government developed by
YABLOKO and revoked later by United Russia. If it
had worked, then today the Yaroslavl tax base would
have been several times larger,” he said...
signatures in ten days collected for YABLOKO's candidate
in the mayoral elections in Omsk
Press Release, May 5, 2012.
Collection of signatures for registration
of Alexander Korotkov, YABLOKO member and ex Vice-Governor,
as a candidate in the mayoral elections in Omsk has
Within ten days only (from April 25
to May 4) YABLOKO collected 14,000 signatures in favour
of his nomination. Now the election headquarters of
the candidate have to select 9,916 signatures required
for Korotkov’s registration and wil forward them to
the Electoral Commission until May 7.
Alexander Korotkov, ex Vice-Governor
of the Omsk region, was nominated to run for the mayor
of Omsk at YABLOKO’s Federal Bureau meeting on April
congratulated Eugeny Urlashov on winning the post
of Mayor at elections in Yaroslavl
Press Release, April 2, 2012.
YABLOKO leader Sergei Mitrokhin congratulated
Eugeny Urlashov on winning the post of Mayor at elections
in Yaroslavl. "This is an important event for
the whole of the opposition,” Mitrokhin said.
YABLOKO supported the candidacy of
Eugeny Urlashov in the elections. About 100 YABLOKO’s
observers from Moscow, Tver and Tula participated
in the monitoring of the voting in the second round...
Despite of all the attempts to rig
the elections, Eugeny Urlashov was supported by 69.65
per cent of the voters. His opponent Yakov Yakushev
obtained 27.78 per cent of the votes. |
half candidates nominated and supported by YABLOKO
won municipal elections on March 4
Press Release, March 6, 2012.
Over half (44 out of total 86) candidates
nominated and supported by YABLOKO and the Democratic
Choice won municipal elections in Moscow on March
4; whereas 36 of these 44 newly elected deputies of
municipal councils come from YABLOKO and eight people
represent the Democratic Choice.
Andrei Babushkin, Vice-Chairman of
the Moscow branch of YABLOKO won the race in Otradnoe,
Moscow, with 43 per cent of vote and YABLOKO's Zoya
Shargatova running in Dorogomilovo, Moscow, won with
46 per cent of the vote... |
leader Sergei Mitrokhin: "In a country with such
elections participation in elections is a must"
Vedomosti, November 14, 2011
Interview with YABLOKO leader Sergei
Mitrokhin by Maxim Glikin, Irina Novikova
Question: The so called tandem of
Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin lasted three years.
Do you think this model was
Sergei Mitrokhin: It was effective for the participants
in the tandem themselves. As a PR stunt, it was superb.
For Russia, however, it turned out to be a waste because
it availed Russia nothing at all. This show was a
success only for the showmen themselves. It accomplished
its purpose. Part of society was deceived and pinned
its hopes on Medvedev. Time was wasted, time that
could have been spent more productively, in search
for a genuine alternative to Putin that would have
consolidated society.
Question: And did Yabloko have faith in Medvedev as
an alternative to Putin?
Sergei Mitrokhin: Never. We were constantly asked
who we liked more, Medvedev or Putin. We always replied
that we liked
neither because there was no difference between them...
Opposition Parties' Election Registration Difficulties
Kommersant, October 31, 2011
The official registration period is
over in 19 of the 27 regions where elections to the
parliaments of components of the Russian Federation
will be held at the same time as the State Duma election
on 4 December. Yabloko has had more difficulty collecting
signatures than the other non-parliamentary parties,
and it was not allowed to run in the elections in
six of the federation components where its ticket
was certified. The campaign in Mordvinia, where only
three parties are registered, is the most controversial
one. Parties are filing suit and complaining to the
Central Electoral Commission in Chuvashia and Novgorod
In most of the regions where local
parliamentary elections will be held at the same time
as the Duma election, the registration of candidates
has been completed (in 14 regions last Friday). At
this stage of the campaign, the locations where non-parliamentary
parties will be able to run in the elections are already
Yabloko was denied registration in
six regions -- Ingushetia, Maritime Territory, Stavropol
Territory, Amur Oblast, Moscow Oblast, and Altay Territory.
Its lists of candidates were registered in four regions
-- Perm Territory, Samara and Astrakhan oblasts, and
St. Petersburg. The registration deadline has not
arrived yet in five of the regions where the Yabloko
ticket was certified -- Karelia and Leningrad, Pskov,
and Omsk oblasts... |
clamps down on opposition before elections. By Kathy
The Washington Post, October
30, 2011
...Petlin, now 38 and the only Yabloko
member in the 28-seat city Duma, kept battling the
shopping center. On Aug, 26, his freedom was revoked
and he was taken to pretrial Detention Center No.
1, which is so overcrowded, Bashkov said, that each
cell holds twice its capacity. People sleep on the
floor, or take turns on the beds. Tuberculosis and
hepatitis are rampant. "We are talking about
innocent people who haven't been tried," he said.
A few days ago, with prosecutors still
unprepared to try him, Petlin's detention was extended
until Dec. 22.
"I think he had an idea about
the scale of the corruption," said Petlin's wife,
Tatyana, "but none of us could even imagine this"...
original publication by the Washington Post
Ally Takes Over as Governor as Matviyenko Quits
The Moscow Times, August 23,
...Expectations about Poltavchenko,
whose involvement in public politics remains limited,
were still unclear Monday, but the leader of the city
branch of the liberal Yabloko party, Maxim Reznik,
welcomed him simply for not being a member of Matviyenko's
"It's a positive move,"
Reznik said, Interfax reported. But he criticized
the fact that residents of St. Petersburg, the country's
second-biggest city with a population of 4.8 million,
will be given no say in who will govern them.
Slams Governor for ‘Secret’ Vote
The St.Petersburg Times, August
3, 2011
...Yabloko Democratic Party said it
does not recognize the elections, which were not properly
announced and thus illegal in a statement on Monday,
which described them as a “shameful and undignified
It said that Matviyenko has a “panicked
fear” of any democratic procedures and the scheme’s
goal was to save her from any political competition
at the election...
party is democratic and anti-oligarchic
Sergei Mitrokhin’s intrerview
to Moskovsky Komsomolets
May 3, 2011
Question: What is happening with YABLOKO,
why has it not had any success either in the regional
or the federal elections?
Sergei Mitrokhin: Do we have elections
in our country? You remember October 2009 in Moscow.
At the polling stations where Putin, Medvedev, and
Luzhkov voted, YABLOKO got 15-17%. While in places
where I voted with my family we got zero. Why? In
the places where the bosses voted, no-one dared to
falsify anything. Only islands for free elections
remain today - due to oversights, because although
we have an authoritarian regime it is not very tough.
In places where we manage to ensure a fair count of
the votes, we get what we are due. In Sebezhsky district
in Pskov Oblast - 20.6% of the vote and second place
after United Russia. In Kolchuginsky district Vladimir
Oblast - more than 20%, second place after the LDPR
(Liberal Democratic Party of Russia), but the head
of our list was elected head of the district... |
1st of May Democratic March demanding dismissal of
the Governor and elections of executive authorities
took place in St.Petersburg
Press Service of St.Petersburg
YABLOKO, May 3, 2011.
The 1st of May Democratic
March demanding dismissal of Governor Valentina Matviyenko
and elections of executive authorities took place
in St.Petersburg. The participants marched along the
main streets of the city and then conducted a rally.
About 500 people came to the march. The participants
held banners “Democratic March” and “Matviyenko to
Dismissal”. A large number of police, several coaches
of riot police (OMON) and a police helicopter followed
the demonstration...
under the slogans "Down with the party of thieves"
and "We want changes" held in Barnaul
Press Release, April 25, 2011.
On April 24 a rally against
the ruling United Russia party under the slogans "We
want changes" and "Down with the party of
thieves" was held in Barnaul, the Altai Territory.
Activists from the regional offices of the YABLOKO
party, the Communist Party, the Party of People’s
Freedom and the Russian People's Democratic Union
participated in the action... |
of Mordovian Central Electoral Commission did not
want to listen to YABLOKO’s criticism
Press Release, April 21, 2011.
Members of the Central
Electoral Commission of Mordovia, as well as representatives
of the Ministry of Justice left the Electoral Commission
meeting during the speech of Vladimir Gridin, the
leader of the Mordovian branch of YABLOKO.
Responding to the acting Chairman
of the Central Electoral Commission of Mordovia Alexander
Kalinin, who devoted part of his speech to the "failures"
of the YABLOKO party during elections, Vladimir Gridin
accused the Electoral Commission in large-scale fraud.
Gridin also recalled the scandal during parliamentary
elections in 2007 when 102% of the voters in one of
the polling stations in Mordovia voted for the ruling
United Russia party. According
to Gridin, election fraud can be interpreted as a
"seizure of power", and this is a crime
against the state which does not have any limitation
period... |
rally against election fraud took place in Kaliningrad
Press Release, April 18, 2011.
On April 17, 2011, a
rally against election fraud took place in Kaliningrad.
Vladimir Korolyov, Bureau member of YABLOKO’s
regional branch and Andrei Kovalevsky acting Deputy
Chair of the regional branch spoke at the rally. About
1,000 participants came to the rally. The resolution
unanimously adopted by the participants calls Russian
Presidnet Dmitry Medvedev to approve public commission
for auditing the results of regional election in the
Kaliningrad region which took place in March 2011.
YABLOKO proposed Andrei Kovalevsky as commission member.
Alexei Firsov elected head of the Kolchuginsky district,
Vladimir region
Press Release, March 29, 2011.
Today the Council of People’s
Deputies of the Kolchuginsky district, Vladimir region
elected leader of local YABLOKO’s branch Alexei
Firsov head of the district.
At local elections on March 13, 2011,
Firsov was elected member of the district council
getting 29.72 per cent of the votes. YABLOKO’s
party list in the district obtained 20.56 per cent
of votes.
Prosecutor General to investigate the actions of the
Tambov region departments of the security, the interior
and the Investigation Committee
Press Release, March 28, 2011.
The Bureau of the YABLOKO party applied
to Public Prosecutor General Yury Chaika demanding
to bring to justice the officers of the Tambov region
departments of the security, the interior and the
Investigation Committee, who began interrogating YABLOKO’s
collectors of signatures (collection of signatures
of the electorate is a requirement for party registration
in an election campaign) as well as those voters who
put their signatures in favour of YABLOKO’s
regional parliamentary campaign in March 2011.
On February 4, 2011, the Tambov Regional
Electoral Commission refused to register YABLOKO’s
list of candidates nominated to run for the Tambov
regional parliament stating that 371 out of 1,718
signatures were allegedly fraudulent.
The law enforcement began investigation
of the circumstances relating to the collection of
signatures. YABLOKO’s Bureau indicated that
the police were conducting the investigation with
grave violation of laws and constitutional rights
of the citizens...
rally against the ruling United Russia party took
place in Izhevsk
Press Release, March 19, 2011.
1,200 people participated in a rally
against the ruling United Russia party in Izhevsk,
Udmurtia. The rally was organised by the YABLOKO party
in the central square of the city...
According to Mitrokhin, all these
types of theft originate from stealing of votes at
elections, where United Russia even does not conceal
its stuffing in of fraudulent ballots or the so-called
carousels [organizing commuting coaches to bring special
people to put fraudulent ballots in favour of this
“However, the fault here lies on us,
rather than on the United Russia party, because, it
is us who allow to do all this to us and seems that
we do not have self-respect as a nation,” Mitrokhin
parties should have the equal right to participate”,
says YABLOKO leader after elections
LI News Bulletin, Issue 224, March 17, 2011
“The YABLOKO party has constantly
been facing arbitrary rule and politically biased
violation of its rights at elections of all levels
for many years already”, YABLOKO leader (LI
full member) Sergei Mitrokhin comments in the wake
of the Russian regional elections which took place
last Sunday. Local election officials banned over
45 percent of the candidates nominated by the YABLOKO
party, compared with 0.8 percent for the ruling United
Russia, which on average won about 50 percent of votes.
“The most wide spread techniques are those targeted
at ousting the party from elections already at the
stage of registration at election campaigns…
YABLOKO insists that all the political parties should
have equal rights to participate in the elections
without any preliminary requirements”, Mitrokhin
further said. According to YABLOKO, the election day
again revealed much fraud, such as compulsion of public
servants to vote for the ruling party, bribing of
voters and mass-scale ballot-stuffing. YABLOKO will
apply to courts arguing the elections results and
the violations...
President joins call for further support of Gadaffi
Ouattara outlines steps towards peaceful resolution
of Ivorian Crisis
LDP Macedonia Congress calls for zero profit tax for
Liberal Democrats gather in unprecedented numbers
at Spring Conference
LI members in Egypt call for NO vote on new Constitution
Asian liberals discuss strategic campaigning in Bangkok
LI Past President Lord Steel speaks on the Middle
East Peace Process
Draft program and deadlines for the 57th Liberal International
Congress in Manila
Hungary’s changes to media law are “not
enough”, say liberal MEP’s
elections demonstrate much fraud
Press Release, March 17, 2011.
At regional elections in Russia (March
13, 2011) taking place in Russia’s regions local
election officials banned over 45 percent (3 rejected
party lists and 43 candidates out of total of YABLOKO’s
8 lists and 66 candidates - the highest figure from
all the parties) of the candidates nominated by the
YABLOKO party, compared with 0.8 percent for the ruling
United Russia. Although, according to public opinion
poll conducted by Novaya Gazeta, YABLOKO should have
led the elections with 25.2 percent of votes against
1.5 percent in favour of the ruling United Russia.
Such figures were confirmed by the results of local
elections in the Vladimir region and the Republic
of Karelia where YABLOKO’s candidates won the
campaign gaining from 29 to 48 percent...
of Yabloko Nominees Banned
The Moscow Times, March 4,
Local election officials have banned
about 45 percent of the candidates nominated by the
liberal Yabloko party for the March regional elections,
compared with 0.8 percent for the ruling United Russia,
Kommersant reported Thursday...
original publication in the MT
provocation against YABLOKO’s Maxim Petlin
Press Release, February 25,
A district court in Yekaterinburg
decided to release the leader of the Sverdlovsk branch
of YABLOKO Maxim Petlin under the bail of deputies
of the regional parliament and the city parliament.
The state prosecutor demanded to apply such preventive
measure as imprisonment of Petlin before the trial...
Maxim Petlin, leader of YABLOKO’s
branch in the Sverdlovsk region was arrested on February
22 on suspicion of gouging 3 million rubles out of
construction company the Forum Group...
Regional elections will take place
in Yelaterinburg in March. YABLOKO’s candidate
Irina Skachkova was withdrawn from the race under
a pretext of “fraudulent signatures” in
favour of the candidate. The court declined her suit
despite of the face the eleven witnesses confirmed
their disputed signatures in court. The present action
against Petlin continues the line of reprisals set
by the authorities against YABLOKO’s activists.
is after YABLOKO
Press Release, February 21,
In Tambov a woman-activist collecting
signatures for registration of YABLOKO in the regional
election campaign was summoned for an interview to
the Federal Security Bureau (FSB). A FAB officer made
her to write a written explanation why her signature
sheets contained signatures recognised invalid by
handwriting experts... |
from YABLOKO restored in the elections in the Khanty-Mansiysk
Autonomous Region and Saratov
Press Release, February 21,
The Khanty-Mansiysk District Court
ruled out that the Territorial Electoral Commission
must register Yuri Shagut, leader of the local branch
of the YABLOKO party, for election to the City Council
in Ugra...
In another region, in the city of
Saratov, on February 20, Saratov District Court restored
Alexander Zhurbin, one of the leaders of the Saratov
branch YABLOKO, in the election to the City Council... |
candidates withdrawn from regional elections
LI News
Bulletin No 219, February 11, 2011
LI full member YABLOKO is conducting
protest actions in reaction to the withdrawal of YABLOKO's
candidates from regional elections in Russia, scheduled
for March 2011... YABLOKO party leader Sergei Mitrokhin
says that recent statements by President Medvedev's
that “the political system has become more just
and there has been less criticism of the electoral
process” does not reflect the real situation...
Baalen calls for liberal unity in Africa
ALDEPAC convenes in Djibouti to discuss security and
LI, FNF and FDP discuss MENA developments
57th LI Congress presented at media event in Manila
Romania’s opposition unites under liberal leadership
DA is becoming a threat to the ruling party, Helen
Zille says
¦SDP reaches fundraising goal to keep Dr Chee
Soon Juan out of prison
conducted an action against withdrawal of the party
from elections by the Central Electoral Commission
February 8, 2011.
An unsanctioned action against withdrawal
of YABLOKO from regional elections took place by the
Central Electoral Commission office. Activists of
the Youth YABLOKO unfolded for a few minutes a banner
"Stop withdrawing us from elections!" And
"Unfair elections mean the way to Egypt!",
after which they were arrested and sent to the local
police department. Now they are all waiting for a
trial... |
prepares protest actions in connection with withdrawal
of the party from elections
Press Release, February 7,
YABLOKO prepares protest actions in
connection with withdrawal of YABLOKO’s candidates
from regional elections in Russia that have to take
place in March 2011.
YABLOKO’s lists were withdrawn
from elections to the Legislative Assembly of the
Tambov region and the Municipal Council of Stavropol.
YABLOKO’s candidates who had to run in single-mandate
electoral districts will not be able to run in seven
However, after YABLOKO’s leader
Sergei Mitrokhin spoke about this during a programme
broadcast by the Echo Moskvi radio station where he
criticized the President, the situation has somewhat
improved. Dmitry Medvedev’s statement that the
political system had become more just and there had
been less criticism of the electoral process did not
reflect the real situation, Mitrokhin said...
has been registered for regional parliamentary elections
in the Kaliningrad region
Press Release, January
30, 2011.
The Electoral Commission of the Kaliningrad
region registered the list of the YABLOKO party for
elections to the Legislative Assembly of the region.
On January 26 YABLOKO’s activists submitted the required
10,000 of signatures in favour of the party as demanded
by law for non-parliamentary parties. On January 29,
the Electoral Commission adopted the decision to register
YABLOKO in the regional election campaign...
submitted to electoral commissions signatures for
registration in election campaign in 13 regions
Press Release, January
28, 2011.
The YABLOKO party submitted to electoral
commissions the required signatures for registration
in election campaign in 13 regions. According to Russian
law, YABLOKO as a non-parliamentary party must collect
signatures from its electorate in support of its candidates
to get registered in election campaigns.
YABLOKO is going to participate in
regional parliamentary elections in the Kaliningrad,
Kursk and Tambov regions, to the city assemblies of
the capitals of the Vladimir and Saratov regions,
the Stavropol Area and the Republic of Komi. In total
the party nominated candidates to run in parliamentary
and municipal elections in 15 regions... |
table “Russia and Europe: a View from Kaliningrad”
took place in Kaliningrad
Press Release, January
22, 2011
On January 21, a round table “Russia
and Europe: a View from Kaliningrad” took place
in Kaliningrad on the initiative of the Kaliningrad
branch of YABLOKO.
“Relations between Russia and
the European Union, first of all the problem of abolishing
the visa regime, is not an abstract, but a vitally
important problem for the residents of the Kaliningrad
region,” said Vladimir Vukolov, deputy chair
of the regional parliament of the Kaliningrad region
and representative of the Elder Generation public
attack against deputy head of the Bashkirian branch
Press Release, January
19, 2011
Deputy head of the Bashkirian branch
of YABLOKO and human rights activist Damir Garifullin
was severely beaten on January 17, 2010. Damir is
in hospital now with a stab wound in the chest and
multiple injuries...
Naumkin also said that the investigators had several
versions, as Damir was active in all the areas where
Bashkirian branch of YABLOKO was working, and different
people from the local government and self-government
bodies and the law enforcement serving them expressed
their dissatisfaction with Damir...
speaker of the Kaliningrad regional parliament to
top YABLOKO’s list at the forthcoming regional
Press Release, December 27,
Vladimir Vukulov, Vice Speaker of
the Kaliningrad Region Duma (regional parliament),
and present deputy of the regional parliament Alexander
Shatskikh joined the YABLOKO party and topped the
party list at the regional parliamentary elections
that will take place in March 2011. The third top
person in the list is Oleg Konshin, member of Kaliningrad
Region Electoral Commission. Vukulov and Shatskikh
have not belong to any political party, but were members
of the Elder Generation organization and were also
deputies of the United Russia faction in the Kaliningrad
Region Duma...
Mitrokhin proposed to begin introduction of a visa-free
regime between Russia and EU from Russia’s exclave
- the Kaliningrad region
Press Release, November 20,
Chair of the YABLOKO party Sergei
Mitrokhin and leader of YABLOKO’s Pensioners
of Russia faction Alexei Borschenko visited the conference
of the Kaliningrad branch of YABLOKO. The conference
discussed the regional list for elections to the regional
parliament (regional Duma), that will take place in
March 2011. In his speech at the conference Mitrokhin
told about the activities of the party targeted at
solving the problems of the residents of the Kaliningrad
region. According to Mitrokhin, one of the key directions
here would be introduction a visa-free regime with
the EU member countries...
is the most popular political party in Tula according
to an Internet poll
Press Release, November 15,
If parliamentary elections were taking
place in the nearest time, 23.54 per cent of visitors
of one of the most popular news web portals of the
regions – Tula News – say they would vote
for YABLOKO...
Press releases and